Test only Git protocol v2 and Elastic outside RBE

The build on RBE already runs pretty much all tests
in Gerrit, there is no value in running them again
also outside.

Fix a typo in the case selection of the tests to run
that was resulting in re-running the RBE tests also
on the standard GCloud runners, making the build
twice as slow as it would have been instead.

Change-Id: I748d7aa27801110df83e6cd7e170c05cf108ba34
1 file changed
tree: 2bc0551c4491526e6f9fcbce8bd7a573ab975eee
  1. jenkins/
  2. jenkins-docker/
  3. vars/
  4. worker/
  5. .gitignore
  6. Jenkinsfile
  7. README.md
  8. yamllint-config.yaml

Gerrit CI scripts

Providing jobs

This project uses Jenkins Jobs Builder [1] to generate jobs from yaml descriptor files.

To add new jobs reuse existing templates, defaults etc. as much as possible. E.g. adding a job to build an additional branch of a project may be as easy as adding the name of the branch to an existing project.

To ensure well readable yaml-files, use yamllint [2] to lint the yaml-files. Yamllint can be downloaded using Python Pip:

pip3 install yamllint

To run the linter, execute this command from the project's root directory:

yamllint -c yamllint-config.yaml jenkins/**/*.yaml

Yamllint will not fix detected issues itself.

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/jenkins-job-builder/index.html [2] https://pypi.org/project/yamllint/