blob: 979925ed70ae0cf8011e7330c802407b135ac591 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.AbortException
import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
import groovy.json.*
import java.text.*
String.metaClass.encodeURL = {
class Globals {
static long curlTimeout = 10000
static int waitForResultTimeout = 10000
static Map buildsList = [:]
static def ciTag(String operation) {
" \"tag\" : \"autogenerated:gerrit-ci:$operation\" "
static String addVerifiedTag = ciTag("addVerified")
static Set<String> codeStyleBranches = ["master", "stable-2.14", "stable-2.15"]
static resTicks = [ 'ABORTED':'\u26aa', 'SUCCESS':'\u2705', 'FAILURE':'\u274c' ]
class Gerrit {
String url
Script script
boolean verbose = true
def httpPost(path, jsonPayload) {
def error = ""
def gerritPostUrl = url + path
def curl = ['curl',
'-n', '-s', '-S',
'-X', 'POST', '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json',
'--data-binary', jsonPayload,
gerritPostUrl ]
if(verbose) { println "CURL/EXEC> $curl" }
def proc = curl.execute()
def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
def curlExit = proc.exitValue()
if(curlExit != 0) {
error = "$curl **FAILED** with exit code = $curlExit"
println error
throw new IOException(error)
if(!sout.toString().trim().isEmpty() && verbose) {
println "CURL/OUTPUT> $sout"
if(!serr.toString().trim().isEmpty() && verbose) {
println "CURL/ERROR> $serr"
return 0
def labelVerify(change, sha1, verified, builds) {
if(verified == 0) {
def changeNum = change._number
def msgList = builds.collect { type,build ->
[ 'type': type, 'res': build.getResult().toString(), 'url': build.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText" ]
} sort { a,b -> a['res'].compareTo(b['res']) }
def msgBody = msgList.collect {
"${Globals.resTicks[it.res]} ${it.type} : ${it.res}\n (${it.url})"
} .join('\n')
def addVerifiedExit = label(changeNum, sha1, 'Verified', verified, msgBody)
if(addVerifiedExit == 0) {
println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
println "Gerrit Review: Verified=" + verified + " to change " + changeNum + "/" + sha1
println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
return addVerifiedExit
def labelCodestyle(change, sha1, cs, files, build) {
if(cs == 0) {
def changeNum = change._number
def formattingMsg = cs < 0 ? ('The following files need formatting:\n ' + files.join('\n ')) : 'All files are correctly formatted'
def res = build.getResult().toString()
def url = build.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText"
def msgBody = "${Globals.resTicks[res]} $formattingMsg\n (${url})"
def addCodeStyleExit = label(changeNum, sha1, 'Code-Style', cs, msgBody)
if(addCodeStyleExit == 0) {
println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
println "Gerrit Review: Code-Style=" + cs + " to change " + changeNum + "/" + sha1
println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
return addCodeStyleExit
private def label(changeNum, sha1, label, score, msgBody = "") {
def notify = score < 0 ? ', "notify" : "OWNER"' : ''
def jsonPayload = '{"labels":{"' + label + '":' + score + '},' +
' "message": "' + msgBody + '"' +
notify + ", ${Globals.addVerifiedTag} }"
return httpPost("a/changes/" + changeNum + "/revisions/" + sha1 + "/review",
def getChangedFiles(changeNum, sha1) {
URL filesUrl = new URL(String.format("%schanges/%s/revisions/%s/files/",
url, changeNum, sha1))
def files = filesUrl.getText().substring(5)
def filesJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(files)
filesJson.keySet().findAll { it != "/COMMIT_MSG" }
def getChangeUrl(changeNum, patchNum) {
return new URL(url + "#/c/" + changeNum + "/" + patchNum)
def getChangeQueryUrl(changeId) {
return new URL("${url}changes/$changeId/?pp=0&O=3")
private def println(message) {
gerrit = new Gerrit(script:this, url:"")
def findCodestyleFilesInLog(build) {
def codestyleFiles = []
def needsFormatting = false
def codestyleLogReader = build.getLogReader()
codestyleLogReader.eachLine {
needsFormatting = needsFormatting || (it ==~ /.*Need Formatting.*/)
if(needsFormatting && it ==~ /\[.*\]/) {
codestyleFiles += it.substring(1,it.length()-1)
return codestyleFiles
def waitForResult(b) {
def res = null
def startWait = System.currentTimeMillis()
while(res == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startWait) < Globals.waitForResultTimeout) {
res = b.getResult()
if(res == null) {
Thread.sleep(100) {
return res == null ? Result.FAILURE : res
def getVerified(acc, res) {
if(res == null || res == Result.ABORTED) {
return 0
switch(acc) {
case 0: return 0
case 1:
if(res == null) {
return 0;
switch(res) {
case Result.SUCCESS: return +1;
case Result.FAILURE: return -1;
default: return 0;
case -1: return -1
def buildsForMode(refspec,sha1,changeUrl,mode,tools,targetBranch,retryTimes,codestyle) {
def builds = []
if(codestyle) {
builds += {
Globals.buildsList.put("codestyle", build("Gerrit-codestyle",
REFSPEC: refspec, BRANCH: sha1, CHANGE_URL: changeUrl, MODE: mode,
TARGET_BRANCH: targetBranch))
println "Builds status:"
Globals.buildsList.each {
n, v -> println " $n : ${v.getResult()}\n (${v.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText"})"
for (tool in tools) {
def buildName = "Gerrit-verifier-$tool"
def key = "$tool/$mode"
builds += {
retry (retryTimes) {
build(buildName, REFSPEC: refspec, BRANCH: sha1,
CHANGE_URL: changeUrl, MODE: mode, TARGET_BRANCH: targetBranch))
println "Builds status:"
Globals.buildsList.each {
n, v -> println " $n : ${v.getResult()}\n (${v.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText"})"
return builds
def sh(cwd, command) {
def sout = new StringBuilder(), serr = new StringBuilder()
println "SH: $command"
def shell = command.execute([],cwd)
shell.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println "OUT: $sout"
println "ERR: $serr"
def buildChange(change) {
def sha1 = change.current_revision
def changeNum = change._number
def revision = change.revisions.get(sha1)
def ref = revision.ref
def patchNum = revision._number
def branch = change.branch
def changeUrl = gerrit.getChangeUrl(changeNum, patchNum)
def refspec = "+" + ref + ":" + ref.replaceAll('ref/', 'ref/remotes/origin/')
def tools = []
def modes = ["reviewdb"]
def workspace = build.environment.get("WORKSPACE")
println "workspace: $workspace"
def cwd = new File("$workspace")
println "cwd: $cwd"
println "ref: $ref"
sh(cwd, "git fetch origin $ref")
sh(cwd, "git checkout FETCH_HEAD")
sh(cwd, "git fetch origin $branch")
sh(cwd, 'git config "Jenkins Build"')
sh(cwd, 'git config ""')
sh(cwd, 'git merge --no-commit --no-edit --no-ff FETCH_HEAD')
if(new"$cwd/BUCK").exists()) {
tools += ["buck"]
} else if(new"$cwd/BUILD").exists()) {
tools += ["bazel"]
println "Building Change " + changeUrl
build.setDescription("""<a href='$changeUrl' target='_blank'>Change #$changeNum</a>""")
if(branch == "master" || branch == "stable-2.15") {
modes += "notedb"
if(branch == "master" || branch == "stable-2.15" || branch == "stable-2.14") {
def changedFiles = gerrit.getChangedFiles(changeNum, sha1)
def polygerritFiles = changedFiles.findAll { it.startsWith("polygerrit-ui") }
if(polygerritFiles.size() > 0) {
if(changedFiles.size() == polygerritFiles.size()) {
println "Only PolyGerrit UI changes detected, skipping other test modes..."
modes = ["polygerrit"]
} else {
println "PolyGerrit UI changes detected, adding 'polygerrit' validation..."
modes += "polygerrit"
def builds = []
println "Running validation jobs using $tools builds for $modes ..."
modes.collect {
}.each { builds += it }
def buildsWithResults = parallelBuilds(builds)
def codestyleResult = buildsWithResults.find{ it[0] == "codestyle" }
if(codestyleResult) {
def resCodeStyle = getVerified(1, codestyleResult[1])
def codestyleBuild = Globals.buildsList["codestyle"]
gerrit.labelCodestyle(change, sha1, resCodeStyle, findCodestyleFilesInLog(codestyleBuild), codestyleBuild)
flaky = flakyBuilds(buildsWithResults.findAll { it[0] != "codestyle" })
if(flaky.size > 0) {
println "** FLAKY Builds detected: ${flaky}"
def retryBuilds = []
def toolsAndModes = flaky.collect { it.split("/") }
toolsAndModes.each {
def tool = it[0]
def mode = it[1]
retryBuilds += buildsForMode(refspec,sha1,changeUrl,mode,[tool],branch,3,false)
buildsWithResults = parallelBuilds(retryBuilds)
def resVerify = buildsWithResults.findAll{ it != codestyleResult }.inject(1) { acc, buildResult -> getVerified(acc, buildResult[1]) }
def resAll = codestyleResult ? getVerified(resVerify, codestyleResult[1]) : resVerify
gerrit.labelVerify(change, sha1, resVerify, Globals.buildsList.findAll { key,build -> key != "codestyle" })
switch(resAll) {
case 0: build.state.result = ABORTED
case 1: build.state.result = SUCCESS
case -1: build.state.result = FAILURE
def parallelBuilds(builds) {
ignore(FAILURE) {
parallel (builds)
def results = Globals.buildsList.values().collect { waitForResult(it) }
def buildsWithResults = []
Globals.buildsList.keySet().eachWithIndex {
key,index -> buildsWithResults.add(new Tuple(key, results[index]))
return buildsWithResults
def flakyBuilds(buildsWithResults) {
def flaky = buildsWithResults.findAll { it[1] == null || it[1] != SUCCESS }
if(flaky.size == buildsWithResults.size) {
return []
return flaky.collect { it[0] }
def requestedChangeId = params.get("CHANGE_ID")
queryUrl = gerrit.getChangeQueryUrl(requestedChangeId)
def change = queryUrl.getText().substring(5)
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def changeJson = jsonSlurper.parseText(change)
sha1 = changeJson.current_revision
if(sha1 == null) {
println "[WARNING] Skipping change " + changeJson.change_id + " because it does not have any current revision or patch-set"
} else {