Refactor Gerrit labels to a separate object

The methods generating labels contained some duplication. This change
uses an abstract class and objects for each label type to reduce the
amount of duplication and improve readability.

Change-Id: I43656573088d9aa379b5f5e7ef5bed2eb534691f
diff --git a/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy b/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy
index 5f91818..23ad24f 100644
--- a/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy
+++ b/jenkins/gerrit-verifier-change.groovy
@@ -34,12 +34,119 @@
   static resTicks = [ 'ABORTED':'\u26aa', 'SUCCESS':'\u2705', 'FAILURE':'\u274c' ]
+abstract class AbstractLabel {
+  final String label
+  Script script
+  String changeNum
+  String sha1
+  int score
+  Map builds
+  String msgBody = ""
+  AbstractLabel(label, script, changeNum, sha1, score, builds) {
+    this.label = label
+    this.script = script
+    this.changeNum = changeNum
+    this.sha1 = sha1
+    this.score = score
+    this.builds = builds
+  }
+  def printLabelSummary() {
+    println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+    println "Gerrit Review: ${label}=" + score + " to change " + changeNum + "/" + sha1
+    println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+  }
+  def createLabelPayload() {
+    if(score == 0) {
+      return
+    }
+    msgBody = createMsgBody()
+    msgBody.getClass()
+    def notify = score < 0 ? ', "notify" : "OWNER"' : ''
+    def jsonPayload = '{"labels":{"' + label + '":' + score + '},' +
+                      ' "message": "' + msgBody + '"' +
+                      notify + ", ${Globals.addVerifiedTag} }"
+    return jsonPayload
+  }
+  private def println(message) {
+    script.println(message)
+  }
+  abstract def createMsgBody()
+class VerifyLabel extends AbstractLabel {
+  VerifyLabel(script, changeNum, sha1, score, builds) {
+    super("Verified", script, changeNum, sha1, score, builds)
+  }
+  def createMsgBody() {
+    def msgList = builds.collect { type,build ->
+      [ 'type': type, 'res': build.getResult().toString(), 'url': build.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText" ]
+    } sort { a,b -> a['res'].compareTo(b['res']) }
+    return msgList.collect {
+      "${Globals.resTicks[it.res]} ${it.type} : ${it.res}\n    (${it.url})"
+    } .join('\n')
+  }
+class CodeStyleLabel extends AbstractLabel {
+  def build
+  def files
+  CodeStyleLabel(script, changeNum, sha1, score, builds) {
+    super("Code-Style", script, changeNum, sha1, score, builds)
+    build = builds["Code-Style"]
+    files = findCodestyleFilesInLog()
+  }
+  def createMsgBody() {
+    def formattingMsg = score < 0 ? ('The following files need formatting:\n    ' +
+      files.join('\n    ')) : 'All files are correctly formatted'
+    def res = build.getResult().toString()
+    def url = build.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText"
+    return "${Globals.resTicks[res]} $formattingMsg\n    (${url})"
+  }
+  private def findCodestyleFilesInLog() {
+    def codestyleFiles = []
+    def needsFormatting = false
+    def codestyleLogReader = build.getLogReader()
+    codestyleLogReader.eachLine {
+      needsFormatting = needsFormatting || (it ==~ /.*Need Formatting.*/)
+      if(needsFormatting && it ==~ /\[.*\]/) {
+        codestyleFiles += it.substring(1,it.length()-1)
+      }
+    }
+    return codestyleFiles
+  }
 class Gerrit {
   String url
   Script script
   boolean verbose = true
-  def httpPost(path, jsonPayload) {
+  def addLabel(label, change, sha1){
+    def changeNum = change._number
+    def exitCode = httpPost("a/changes/" + changeNum + "/revisions/" + sha1 + "/review",
+      label.createLabelPayload())
+    if (exitCode == 0){
+      label.printLabelSummary()
+    }
+  }
+  private def httpPost(path, jsonPayload) {
     def error = ""
     def gerritPostUrl = url + path
     def curl = ['curl',
@@ -69,63 +176,6 @@
     return 0
-  def addVerifiedLabel(change, sha1, verified, builds) {
-    if(verified == 0) {
-      return;
-    }
-    def changeNum = change._number
-    def msgList = builds.collect { type,build ->
-      [ 'type': type, 'res': build.getResult().toString(), 'url': build.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText" ]
-    } sort { a,b -> a['res'].compareTo(b['res']) }
-    def msgBody = msgList.collect {
-      "${Globals.resTicks[it.res]} ${it.type} : ${it.res}\n    (${it.url})"
-    } .join('\n')
-    def addVerifiedExit = addLabel(changeNum, sha1, 'Verified', verified, msgBody)
-    if(addVerifiedExit == 0) {
-      println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-      println "Gerrit Review: Verified=" + verified + " to change " + changeNum + "/" + sha1
-      println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    }
-    return addVerifiedExit
-  }
-  def addCodeStyleLabel(change, sha1, cs, files, build) {
-    if(cs == 0) {
-      return
-    }
-    def changeNum = change._number
-    def formattingMsg = cs < 0 ? ('The following files need formatting:\n    ' + files.join('\n    ')) : 'All files are correctly formatted'
-    def res = build.getResult().toString()
-    def url = build.getBuildUrl() + "consoleText"
-    def msgBody = "${Globals.resTicks[res]} $formattingMsg\n    (${url})"
-    def addCodeStyleExit = addLabel(changeNum, sha1, 'Code-Style', cs, msgBody)
-    if(addCodeStyleExit == 0) {
-      println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-      println "Gerrit Review: Code-Style=" + cs + " to change " + changeNum + "/" + sha1
-      println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-    }
-    return addCodeStyleExit
-  }
-  private def addLabel(changeNum, sha1, label, score, msgBody = "") {
-    def notify = score < 0 ? ', "notify" : "OWNER"' : ''
-    def jsonPayload = '{"labels":{"' + label + '":' + score + '},' +
-                      ' "message": "' + msgBody + '"' +
-                      notify + ", ${Globals.addVerifiedTag} }"
-    return httpPost("a/changes/" + changeNum + "/revisions/" + sha1 + "/review",
-                      jsonPayload)
-  }
   def getChangedFiles(changeNum, sha1) {
     URL filesUrl = new URL(String.format("%schanges/%s/revisions/%s/files/",
         url, changeNum, sha1))
@@ -149,20 +199,6 @@
 gerrit = new Gerrit(script:this, url:"")
-def findCodestyleFilesInLog(build) {
-  def codestyleFiles = []
-  def needsFormatting = false
-  def codestyleLogReader = build.getLogReader()
-  codestyleLogReader.eachLine {
-    needsFormatting = needsFormatting || (it ==~ /.*Need Formatting.*/)
-    if(needsFormatting && it ==~ /\[.*\]/) {
-      codestyleFiles += it.substring(1,it.length()-1)
-    }
-  }
-  return codestyleFiles
 def waitForResult(b) {
   def res = null
   def startWait = System.currentTimeMillis()
@@ -301,7 +337,9 @@
   if(codestyleResult) {
     def resCodeStyle = getLabelValue(1, codestyleResult[1])
     def codestyleBuild = Globals.buildsList["codestyle"]
-    gerrit.addCodeStyleLabel(change, sha1, resCodeStyle, findCodestyleFilesInLog(codestyleBuild), codestyleBuild)
+    def codestyleLabel = new CodeStyleLabel(this, changeNum, sha1, resCodeStyle,
+      ["Code-Style": codestyleBuild])
+    gerrit.addLabel(codestyleLabel, change, sha1)
   flaky = findFlakyBuilds(buildsWithResults.findAll { it[0] != "codestyle" })
@@ -324,7 +362,9 @@
   def resAll = codestyleResult ? getLabelValue(resVerify, codestyleResult[1]) : resVerify
-  gerrit.addVerifiedLabel(change, sha1, resVerify, Globals.buildsList.findAll { key,build -> key != "codestyle" })
+  def verifyLabel = new VerifyLabel(this, changeNum, sha1, resVerify,
+    Globals.buildsList.findAll { key,build -> key != "codestyle" })
+  gerrit.addLabel(verifyLabel, change, sha1)
   switch(resAll) {
     case 0: build.state.result = ABORTED