Run all documentation tests after PolyGerrit build

Gerrit on stable-2.16 does not have any Documentation/... tests
and therefore should be accepted also with exit code 4.
Other branches may have Documentation/... tests and therefore should
be considered valid with exit code 0.

Accept both 4 and 0 as a successful execution codes and fail the build
if Documentation/... tests exited with a different vaue.

Change-Id: I83f4aa3794965f090edef8b41c12e6da39497bdc
diff --git a/jenkins/ b/jenkins/
index 85382ef..50e672e 100755
--- a/jenkins/
+++ b/jenkins/
@@ -40,8 +40,16 @@
     bash ./polygerrit-ui/app/ || touch ~/polygerrit-failed
-  echo 'Running license verification...'
-  bazelisk test $BAZEL_OPTS //Documentation:check_licenses
+  echo 'Running Documentation tests...'
+  set +e
+  bazelisk test $BAZEL_OPTS Documentation/...
+  TEST_RES=$?
+  set -e
+  if [ ! $TEST_RES -eq 4 ] && [ ! $TEST_RES -eq 0 ]
+  then
+    echo 'Documentation tests failed'
+    exit 1
+  fi
   if [ -z "$SAUCE_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY" ]