Fix bazelisk build on Docker build image

The latest bazel/bazelisk upgrades have broken
the Docker image build because of the target build
output directory have changed to bazel-bin/bazelisk_/bazelisk.

Use a wildcard for expanding the output directory
so to reduce the chances of future breakages.

Change-Id: I3e06592a585b73ac28279a51a4080150a2ff3fa7
diff --git a/jenkins-docker/slave-bazel-nocache/Dockerfile b/jenkins-docker/slave-bazel-nocache/Dockerfile
index de5b558..c1a2f24 100644
--- a/jenkins-docker/slave-bazel-nocache/Dockerfile
+++ b/jenkins-docker/slave-bazel-nocache/Dockerfile
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     git checkout v${BAZELISK_VER} && \
     rm -f .bazelversion && \
     bazel build --stamp --workspace_status_command=`pwd`/ --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 //:bazelisk && \
-    cp bazel-bin/linux_amd64_pure_stripped/bazelisk /usr/bin && \
+    cp bazel-bin/*/bazelisk /usr/bin && \
     rm -rf /tmp/bazelisk
 USER root