blob: 01a5bc75b7c41c09f4a07d175acf00690b1bcd4a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""App Engine data model (schema) definition for Gerrit."""
# Python imports
import base64
import datetime
import hashlib
import logging
import random
import re
import zlib
# AppEngine imports
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import users
# Local imports
from memcache import Key as MemCacheKey
from memcache import CachedDict
import patching
CONTEXT_CHOICES = (3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100)
FETCH_MAX = 1000
('lgtm', 'Looks good to me, approved.'),
('yes', 'Looks good to me, but someone else must approve.'),
('abstain', 'No score.'),
('no', 'I would prefer that you didn\'t submit this.'),
('reject', 'Do not submit.'),
if choice[0] != 'lgtm' and choice[0] != 'reject']
### GQL query cache ###
_query_cache = {}
class BackedUpModel(db.Model):
"""Base class for our models that keeps a property used for backup."""
last_backed_up = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
db.Model.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def gql(cls, clause, *args, **kwds):
"""Return a query object, from the cache if possible.
cls: a BackedUpModel subclass.
clause: a query clause, e.g. 'WHERE draft = TRUE'.
*args, **kwds: positional and keyword arguments to be bound to the query.
A db.GqlQuery instance corresponding to the query with *args and
**kwds bound to the query.
query_string = 'SELECT * FROM %s %s' % (cls.kind(), clause)
query = _query_cache.get(query_string)
if query is None:
_query_cache[query_string] = query = db.GqlQuery(query_string)
query.bind(*args, **kwds)
return query
### Exceptions ###
class InvalidLgtmException(Exception):
"""User is not alloewd to LGTM this change."""
class InvalidVerifierException(Exception):
"""User is not alloewd to verify this change."""
class InvalidSubmitMergeException(Exception):
"""The change cannot me scheduled for merge."""
class DeltaPatchingException(Exception):
"""Applying a patch yield the wrong hash."""
### Settings ###
def _genkey(n=26):
k = ''.join(map(chr, (random.randrange(256) for i in xrange(n))))
return base64.b64encode(k)
class Settings(BackedUpModel):
"""Global settings for the application instance."""
analytics = db.StringProperty()
internal_api_key = db.StringProperty()
xsrf_key = db.StringProperty()
from_email = db.StringProperty()
canonical_url = db.StringProperty(default='')
source_browser_url = db.StringProperty(default='')
merge_log_email = db.StringProperty()
schema_version = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
_Key = MemCacheKey('Settings_Singleton')
_LocalCache = None
def get_settings(cls):
"""Get the Settings singleton.
If possible, get it from memcache. If it's not there, it tries to do a
normal get(). Only if that fails does it call get_or_insert, because of
possible contention errors due to get_or_insert's transaction.
if Settings._LocalCache is None:
def read():
result = cls.get_by_key_name('settings')
if result:
return result
return cls.get_or_insert('settings',
schema_version = CUR_SCHEMA_VERSION)
Settings._LocalCache = Settings._Key.get(read)
return Settings._LocalCache
def put(self):
Settings._LocalCache = None
### Approval rights ###
def _flatten_users_and_groups(users, groups):
"""Returns a set of the users and the groups provided"""
result = set()
for user in users:
if groups:
for group in db.get(groups):
for user in group.members:
return result
class ApprovalRight(BackedUpModel):
"""The tuple of a set of path patterns and a set of users who can approve
changes for those paths."""
files = db.StringListProperty()
approvers_users = db.ListProperty(users.User)
approvers_groups = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
verifiers_users = db.ListProperty(users.User)
verifiers_groups = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
submitters_users = db.ListProperty(users.User)
submitters_groups = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
required = db.BooleanProperty()
def approvers(self):
"""Returns a set of the users who are approvers."""
return _flatten_users_and_groups(self.approvers_users,
def verifiers(self):
"""Returns a set of the users who are verifiers."""
return _flatten_users_and_groups(self.verifiers_users,
def submitters(self):
"""Returns a set of the users who are submitters."""
return _flatten_users_and_groups(self.submitters_users,
def validate_file(cls, file):
"""Returns whether this is a valid file path.
The rules:
- The length must be > 0
- The file path must start with a '/'
- The file path must contain either 0 or 1 '...'
- If it contains one '...', it must either be last or directly
after the first '/'
These last two limitations could be removed someday but are
good enough for now.
if len(file) == 0:
return False
if file[0] != '/':
return False
(before, during, after) = file.partition("...")
if during == "" and after == "":
return True
if before != "/":
return False
if after.find("...") != -1:
return False
return True
### Projects ###
class Project(BackedUpModel):
"""An open source project.
Projects have owners who can set approvers and stuff.
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
comment = db.StringProperty(required=False)
owners_users = db.ListProperty(users.User)
owners_groups = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
code_reviews = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
def get_all_projects(cls):
"""Return all projects"""
all = cls.all()
return list(all)
def get_project_for_name(cls, name):
return cls.gql('WHERE name=:name', name=name).get()
def remove(self):
"""delete this project"""
def set_code_reviews(self, approval_right_keys):
for key in self.code_reviews:
val = ApprovalRight.get(key)
if val:
self.code_reviews = approval_right_keys
def get_code_reviews(self):
return [ApprovalRight.get(key) for key in self.code_reviews]
def leads(self):
"""Returns a set of the users who are leads."""
return _flatten_users_and_groups(self.owners_users,
def is_user_lead(self, user):
if user in self.owners_users:
return True
for group in AccountGroup.get(self.owners_groups):
if group and user in group.members:
return True
return False
def _get_owned_projects(email):
u = users.User(email)
projects = set(gql(Project,
'WHERE owners_users = :1',
groups = gql(AccountGroup, 'WHERE members = :1', u).fetch(1000)
if groups:
'WHERE owners_groups IN :1',
[g.key() for g in groups]).fetch(1000))
return [p.key() for p in projects]
OwnedProjects = CachedDict(prefix = 'OwnedProject:',
compute_one = _get_owned_projects)
class Branch(BackedUpModel):
"""A branch in a specific Project."""
project = db.ReferenceProperty(Project, required=True)
name = db.StringProperty(required=True) # == key
status = db.StringProperty(choices=('NEEDS_MERGE',
merge_submitted = db.DateTimeProperty()
to_merge = db.ListProperty(db.Key) # PatchSets
merging = db.ListProperty(db.Key) # PatchSets
waiting = db.ListProperty(db.Key) # PatchSets
def get_or_insert_branch(cls, project, name):
key = 'p.%s %s' % (project.key().id(), name)
return cls.get_or_insert(key, project=project, name=name)
def get_branch_for_name(cls, project, name):
key = 'p.%s %s' % (project.key().id(), name)
return cls.get_by_key_name(key)
def short_name(self):
def merge_patchset(self, patchset):
"""Add a patchset to the end of the branch's merge queue
This method runs in an independent transaction.
ps_key = patchset.key()
def trans(key):
b = db.get(key)
if not ps_key in b.to_merge:
if b.status is None:
b.status = 'NEEDS_MERGE'
b.merge_submitted =
db.run_in_transaction(trans, self.key())
def begin_merge(self):
"""Lock this branch and start merging patchsets.
This method runs in an independent transaction.
def trans(key):
b = db.get(key)
if b.status == 'NEEDS_MERGE':
b.status = 'MERGING'
b.waiting = []
b.to_merge = []
return b.merging
return []
keys = db.run_in_transaction(trans, self.key())
objs = db.get(keys)
good = []
torm = []
for k, ps in zip(keys, objs):
if ps and not ps.change.closed:
if torm:
def clear_branch(key):
b = db.get(key)
for ps_key in torm:
if ps_key in b.merging:
if not good and b.status in ('MERGING', 'BUILDING'):
if b.to_merge:
b.status = 'NEEDS_MERGE'
b.status = None
db.run_in_transaction(clear_branch, self.key())
return good
def finish_merge(self, success, fail, defer):
"""Update our patchset lists with the results of a merge.
This method runs in an independent transaction.
def trans(key):
b = db.get(key)
rm = []
for ps in rm:
ps_key = ps.key()
if ps_key in b.to_merge:
if ps_key in b.merging:
if ps_key in b.waiting:
for ps in defer:
ps_key = ps.key()
if ps_key in b.to_merge:
if ps_key in b.merging:
if ps_key not in b.waiting:
db.run_in_transaction(trans, self.key())
def merged(self, merged):
"""Updates the branch to include pending PatchSets.
This method runs in an independent transaction.
def trans(key):
b = db.get(key)
for ps in merged:
ps_key = ps.key()
if ps_key in b.to_merge:
if ps_key in b.merging:
if ps_key in b.waiting:
if b.status in ('MERGING', 'BUILDING'):
if b.to_merge:
b.status = 'NEEDS_MERGE'
b.status = None
db.run_in_transaction(trans, self.key())
### Revisions ###
class RevisionId(BackedUpModel):
"""A specific revision of a project."""
project = db.ReferenceProperty(Project, required=True)
id = db.StringProperty(required=True) # == key
author_name = db.StringProperty()
author_email = db.EmailProperty()
author_when = db.DateTimeProperty()
author_tz = db.IntegerProperty()
committer_name = db.StringProperty()
committer_email = db.EmailProperty()
committer_when = db.DateTimeProperty()
committer_tz = db.IntegerProperty()
ancestors = db.StringListProperty() # other
message = db.TextProperty()
patchset_key = db.StringProperty()
def _get_patchset(self):
return self._patchset_obj
except AttributeError:
k_str = self.patchset_key
if k_str:
self._patchset_obj = db.get(db.Key(k_str))
self._patchset_obj = None
return self._patchset_obj
def _set_patchset(self, p):
if p is None:
self.patchset_key = None
self._patchset_obj = None
self.patchset_key = str(p.key())
self._patchset_obj = p
patchset = property(_get_patchset, _set_patchset)
def get_or_insert_revision(cls, project, id, **kw):
key = 'p.%s %s' % (project.key().id(), id)
return cls.get_or_insert(key, project=project, id=id, **kw)
def get_revision(cls, project, id):
key = 'p.%s %s' % (project.key().id(), id)
return cls.get_by_key_name(key)
def get_for_patchset(cls, patchset):
"""Get all revisions linked to a patchset.
return gql(cls, 'WHERE patchset_key = :1', str(patchset.key()))
def add_ancestor(self, other_id):
"""Adds the other revision as an ancestor for this one.
If the other rev is already in the list, does nothing.
if not other_id in self.ancestors:
def remove_ancestor(self, other_id):
"""Removes an ancestor previously stored.
If the other rev is not already in the list, does nothing.
if other_id in self.ancestors:
def get_ancestors(self):
"""Fully fetches all ancestors from the data store.
p_id = self.project.key().id()
names = ['p.%s %s' % (p_id, i) for i in self.ancestors]
return [r for r in RevisionId.get_by_key_name(names) if r]
def get_children(self):
"""Obtain the revisions that depend upon this one.
return gql(RevisionId,
'WHERE project = :1 AND ancestors = :2',
def link_patchset(self, new_patchset):
"""Uniquely connect one patchset to this revision.
Returns True if the passed patchset is the single patchset;
False if another patchset has already been linked onto it.
def trans(self_key):
c = db.get(self_key)
if c.patchset is None:
c.patchset = new_patchset
return True
return False
return db.run_in_transaction(trans, self.key())
class BuildAttempt(BackedUpModel):
"""A specific build attempt."""
branch = db.ReferenceProperty(Branch, required=True)
revision_id = db.StringProperty(required=True)
new_changes = db.ListProperty(db.Key) # PatchSet
started = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
finished = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
success = db.BooleanProperty()
### Changes, PatchSets, Patches, DeltaContents, Comments, Messages ###
class Change(BackedUpModel):
"""The major top-level entity.
It has one or more PatchSets as its descendants.
subject = db.StringProperty(required=True)
description = db.TextProperty()
owner = db.UserProperty(required=True)
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
modified = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
reviewers = db.ListProperty(db.Email)
claimed = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
cc = db.ListProperty(db.Email)
closed = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
n_comments = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
n_patchsets = db.IntegerProperty(default=0)
dest_project = db.ReferenceProperty(Project, required=True)
dest_branch = db.ReferenceProperty(Branch, required=True)
merge_submitted = db.DateTimeProperty()
merged = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
emailed_clean_merge = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
emailed_missing_dependency = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
emailed_path_conflict = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
merge_patchset_key = db.StringProperty()
def _get_merge_patchset(self):
return self._merge_patchset_obj
except AttributeError:
k_str = self.merge_patchset_key
if k_str:
self._merge_patchset_obj = db.get(db.Key(k_str))
self._merge_patchset_obj = None
return self._merge_patchset_obj
def _set_merge_patchset(self, p):
if p is None:
self.merge_patchset_key = None
self._merge_patchset_obj = None
self.merge_patchset_key = str(p.key())
self._merge_patchset_obj = p
merge_patchset = property(_get_merge_patchset, _set_merge_patchset)
_is_starred = None
def is_starred(self):
"""Whether the current user has this change starred."""
if self._is_starred is not None:
return self._is_starred
account = Account.current_user_account
self._is_starred = account is not None and self.key().id() in account.stars
return self._is_starred
def update_comment_count(self, n):
"""Increment the n_comments property by n.
self.n_comments += n
def num_comments(self):
"""The number of non-draft comments for this change.
This is almost an alias for self.n_comments, except that if
n_comments is None, it is computed through a query, and stored,
using n_comments as a cache.
return self.n_comments
_num_drafts = None
def num_drafts(self):
"""The number of draft comments on this change for the current user.
The value is expensive to compute, so it is cached.
if self._num_drafts is None:
account = Account.current_user_account
if account is None:
self._num_drafts = 0
query = gql(Comment,
'WHERE ANCESTOR IS :1 AND author = :2 AND draft = TRUE',
self, account.user)
self._num_drafts = query.count()
return self._num_drafts
def new_patchset(self, **kw):
"""Construct a new patchset for this change.
def trans(change_key):
change = db.get(change_key)
change.n_patchsets += 1
id = change.n_patchsets
patchset = PatchSet(change=change, parent=change, id=id, **kw)
return patchset
return db.run_in_transaction(trans, self.key())
def set_review_status(self, user):
"""Gets or inserts the ReviewStatus object for the suppiled user."""
return ReviewStatus.get_or_insert_status(self, user)
def get_review_status(self, user=None):
"""Return the lgtm status for the given user if supplied. All for this
change otherwise."""
if user:
# The owner must be checked separately because she automatically
# approves / verifies her own change and there is no ReviewStatus
# for that one.
if user == self.owner:
return []
return ReviewStatus.get_status_for_user(self, user)
return ReviewStatus.all_for_change(self)
def get_reviewer_status(cls, reviews):
"""Return a tuple of who has commented on the changes.
The owner of the change is automatically added to the list
reviews a list of ReviewStatus objects are returned from
A map of the LGTM_CHOICES keys to users, plus the mapping
verified_by --> the uesrs who verified it
result = {}
for (k,v) in LGTM_CHOICES:
result[k] = [r.user for r in reviews if r.lgtm == k]
result["verified_by"] = [r.user for r in reviews if r.verified]
return result
def is_submitted(self):
"""Return true if the change has been submitted for merge.
return self.merge_submitted is not None
def submit_merge(self, patchset):
"""Schedule a specific patchset of the change to be merged.
branch = self.dest_branch
if not branch:
raise InvalidSubmitMergeException, 'No branch defined'
if self.merged:
raise InvalidSubmitMergeException, 'Already merged'
if self.is_submitted:
raise InvalidSubmitMergeException, \
"Already merging patch set %s" %
self.merge_submitted =
self.merge_patchset = patchset
self.emailed_clean_merge = False
self.emailed_missing_dependency = False
self.emailed_path_conflict = False
def unsubmit_merge(self):
"""Unschedule a merge of this change.
if self.merged:
raise InvalidSubmitMergeException, 'Already merged'
self.merge_submitted = None
self.merge_patchset = None
def set_reviewers(self, reviewers):
self.reviewers = reviewers
self.claimed = len(reviewers) != 0
_user_can_edit = None
def user_can_edit(self):
"""Can the current account edit this change?
if self._user_can_edit is None:
a = Account.current_user_account
if not a:
e = False
elif a.is_admin:
e = True
elif self.owner == a.user:
e = True
elif self.dest_project.is_user_lead(a.user):
e = True
e = False
self._user_can_edit = e
return self._user_can_edit
def remove_reviewer(self, user):
"""Removes a user from the list of reviewers, and removes the ReviewStatus
def trans():
email =
reviewers = [e for e in self.reviewers if e != email]
rs = ReviewStatus.get_status_for_user(self, user)
if rs:
class PatchSetFilenames(BackedUpModel):
"""A list of the file names in a PatchSet.
This is a descendant of a PatchSet.
compressed_filenames = db.BlobProperty()
def _mc(cls, patchset):
return MemCacheKey("PatchSet %s filenames" % patchset.key())
def store_compressed(cls, patchset, bin):
cls(key_name = 'filenames',
compressed_filenames = db.Blob(bin),
parent = patchset).put()
def get_list(cls, patchset):
def read():
c = cls.get_by_key_name('filenames', parent = patchset)
if c:
return cls._split(c.compressed_filenames)
names = patchset._all_filenames()
bin = zlib.compress("\0".join(names).encode('utf_8'), 9)
cls(key_name = 'filenames',
compressed_filenames = db.Blob(bin),
parent = patchset).put()
return names
return cls._mc(patchset).get(read)
def _split(cls, bin):
tmp = zlib.decompress(bin).split("\0")
return [s.decode('utf_8') for s in tmp]
class PatchSet(BackedUpModel):
"""A set of patchset uploaded together.
This is a descendant of an Change and has Patches as descendants.
id = db.IntegerProperty(required=True)
change = db.ReferenceProperty(Change, required=True) # == parent
message = db.StringProperty()
owner = db.UserProperty(required=True)
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
modified = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
revision = db.ReferenceProperty(RevisionId, required=True)
complete = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
_filenames = None
def filenames(self):
if self._filenames is None:
self._filenames = PatchSetFilenames.get_list(self)
return self._filenames
def _all_filenames(self):
last = ''
names = []
while True:
list = gql(Patch,
'WHERE patchset = :1 AND filename > :2'
' ORDER BY filename',
self, last).fetch(500)
if not list:
for p in list:
last = list[-1].filename
return names
def revision_hash(self):
class Message(BackedUpModel):
"""A copy of a message sent out in email.
This is a descendant of an Change.
change = db.ReferenceProperty(Change, required=True) # == parent
subject = db.StringProperty()
sender = db.EmailProperty()
recipients = db.ListProperty(db.Email)
date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
text = db.TextProperty()
class CachedDeltaContent(object):
"""A fully inflated DeltaContent stored in memcache.
def __init__(self, dc):
self.data_lines = dc.data_lines
self.patch_lines = dc.patch_lines
self.is_patch = dc.is_patch
self.is_data = dc.is_data
def data_text(self):
if self.data_lines is None:
return None
return ''.join(self.data_lines)
def patch_text(self):
if self.patch_lines is None:
return None
return ''.join(self.patch_lines)
def get(cls, key):
def load():
dc = db.get(key)
if dc:
return cls(dc)
return None
return MemCacheKey('DeltaContent:%s' %,
compress = True).get(load)
def _apply_patch(old_lines, patch_name, dif_lines):
new_lines = []
chunks = patching.ParsePatchToChunks(dif_lines, patch_name)
for tag, old, new in patching.PatchChunks(old_lines, chunks):
return ''.join(new_lines)
def _blob_hash(data):
m = hashlib.sha1()
m.update("blob %d\0" % len(data))
return m.hexdigest()
class DeltaContent(BackedUpModel):
"""Any content, such as for the old or new image of a Patch,
or the patch data itself.
These are stored as top-level entities.
Git blob SHA-1 of inflate(text)
Randomly generated name if this is a patch
text_z = db.BlobProperty(required=True)
depth = db.IntegerProperty(default=0, required=True)
base = db.SelfReferenceProperty()
_data_lines = None
_data_text = None
_patch_text = None
_patch_lines = None
def create_patch(cls, id, text_z):
key_name = 'patch:%s' % id
return cls.get_or_insert(key_name,
text_z = db.Blob(text_z),
depth = 0,
base = None)
def create_content(cls, id, text_z, base = None):
"""Create (or lookup and return an existing) content instance.
Git blob SHA-1 hash of the fully inflated content.
If base is None this is the deflated content whose hash
is id.
If base is supplied this is a patch which when applied to
base yields the content whose hash is id.
The base content if text_z is a patch.
key_name = 'content:%s' % id
r = cls.get_by_key_name(key_name)
if r:
return r
if base is None:
return cls.get_or_insert(key_name,
text_z = db.Blob(text_z),
depth = 0,
base = None)
my_text = _apply_patch(base.data_lines,
cmp_id = _blob_hash(my_text)
if id != cmp_id:
raise DeltaPatchingException()
if base.depth < MAX_DELTA_DEPTH:
return cls.get_or_insert(key_name,
text_z = db.Blob(text_z),
depth = base.depth + 1,
base = base)
return cls.get_or_insert(key_name,
text_z = db.Blob(zlib.compress(my_text)),
depth = 0,
base = None)
def is_patch(self):
return self._base or self.key().name().startswith('patch:')
def is_data(self):
return self.key().name().startswith('content:')
def data_text(self):
if self._data_text is None:
if self._base:
base = CachedDeltaContent.get(self._base)
raw = _apply_patch(base.data_lines,
raw = zlib.decompress(self.text_z)
self._data_text = raw
return self._data_text
def data_lines(self):
if self._data_lines is None:
self._data_lines = self.data_text.splitlines(True)
return self._data_lines
def patch_text(self):
if not self.is_patch:
return None
if self._patch_text is None:
self._patch_text = zlib.decompress(self.text_z)
return self._patch_text
def patch_lines(self):
if not self.is_patch:
return None
if self._patch_lines is None:
self._patch_lines = self.patch_text.splitlines(True)
return self._patch_lines
class PatchOtherVersion(object):
"""A reference to a prior version of a patch
def __init__(self, patchset_id, patchset_name, patch_id):
self.patchset_id = patchset_id
self.patchset_name = patchset_name
self.patch_id = patch_id
class Patch(BackedUpModel):
"""A single patch, i.e. a set of changes to a single file.
This is a descendant of a PatchSet.
patchset = db.ReferenceProperty(PatchSet, required=True) # == parent
filename = db.StringProperty(required=True)
status = db.StringProperty(required=True) # 'A', 'M', 'D'
multi_way_diff = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
n_comments = db.IntegerProperty()
old_data = db.ReferenceProperty(DeltaContent, collection_name='olddata_set')
new_data = db.ReferenceProperty(DeltaContent, collection_name='newdata_set')
diff_data = db.ReferenceProperty(DeltaContent, collection_name='diffdata_set')
# Note: Each entry is a triple:
# "${patchset.key().id} ${} ${}"
other_versions = db.StringListProperty()
def get_or_insert_patch(cls, patchset, filename, **kw):
"""Get or insert the patch for a specific file path.
This method runs in an independent transaction.
m = hashlib.sha1()
key = 'z%s' % m.hexdigest()
return cls.get_or_insert(key,
parent = patchset,
patchset = patchset,
filename = filename,
def get_patch_by_filename(cls, parent, filename):
m = hashlib.sha1()
key = 'z%s' % m.hexdigest()
return cls.get_by_key_name(key, parent=parent);
def get_patch(cls, parent, id_str):
if id_str.startswith('z'):
return cls.get_by_key_name(id_str, parent=parent);
return cls.get_by_id(int(id_str), parent=parent);
def id(self):
return str(self.key().id_or_name())
def num_comments(self):
"""The number of non-draft comments for this patch.
return self.n_comments
def update_comment_count(self, n):
"""Increment the n_comments property by n.
self.n_comments += n
_num_drafts = None
def num_drafts(self):
"""The number of draft comments on this patch for the current user.
The value is expensive to compute, so it is cached.
if self._num_drafts is None:
user = Account.current_user_account
if user is None:
self._num_drafts = 0
query = gql(Comment,
'WHERE patch = :1 AND draft = TRUE AND author = :2',
self, user.user)
self._num_drafts = query.count()
return self._num_drafts
def other_patch_versions(self):
return [PatchOtherVersion(*t)
for t
in [line.split(' ', 3)
for line
in self.other_versions]]
def _data(self, name):
prop = '_%s_CachedDeltaContent' % name
c = getattr(self, prop)
except AttributeError:
# XXX Using internal knowledge about db package:
# Key for ReferenceProperty 'foo' is '_foo'.
data_key = getattr(self, '_%s_data' % name, None)
if data_key:
c = CachedDeltaContent.get(data_key)
if data_key in ('diff', 'new') \
and self._diff_data == self._new_data:
self._diff_CachedDeltaContent = c
self._new_CachedDeltaContent = c
setattr(self, prop, c)
c = None
setattr(self, prop, c)
return c
def patch_equals(self, other_delta):
"""Does this patch use the given DeltaContent as its patch body?
return self._diff_data == other_delta.key()
def patch_text(self):
"""Get the patch converting old_text to new_text.
return self._data('diff').patch_text
def patch_lines(self):
"""The patch_text split into lines, retaining line endings.
return self._data('diff').patch_lines
def old_text(self):
"""Original version of the file text.
d = self._data('old')
if d:
return d.data_text
return ''
def old_lines(self):
"""The old_text split into lines, retaining line endings.
d = self._data('old')
if d:
return d.data_lines
return []
def new_text(self):
"""Get self.new_content
d = self._data('new')
if d:
return d.data_text
return ''
def new_lines(self):
"""The new_text split into lines, retaining line endings.
d = self._data('new')
if d:
return d.data_lines
return []
class Comment(BackedUpModel):
"""A Comment for a specific line of a specific file.
This is a descendant of a Patch.
patch = db.ReferenceProperty(Patch) # == parent
message_id = db.StringProperty() # == key_name
author = db.UserProperty()
date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
lineno = db.IntegerProperty()
text = db.TextProperty()
left = db.BooleanProperty()
draft = db.BooleanProperty(required=True, default=True)
def complete(self, patch):
"""Set the shorttext and buckets attributes."""
# TODO(guido): Turn these into caching proprties instead.
# TODO(guido): Properly parse the text into quoted and unquoted buckets.
self.shorttext = self.text.lstrip()[:50].rstrip()
self.buckets = [Bucket(text=self.text)]
class Bucket(BackedUpModel):
"""A 'Bucket' of text.
A comment may consist of multiple text buckets, some of which may be
collapsed by default (when they represent quoted text).
NOTE: This entity is never written to the database. See Comment.complete().
# TODO(guido): Flesh this out.
text = db.TextProperty()
class ReviewStatus(BackedUpModel):
"""The information for whether a user has LGTMed or verified a change."""
change = db.ReferenceProperty(Change, required=True) # == parent
user = db.UserProperty(required=True)
lgtm = db.StringProperty()
verified = db.BooleanProperty()
def get_or_insert_status(cls, change, user):
key = '<%s>' %
return ReviewStatus.get_or_insert(key,
def insert_status(cls, change, user):
key = '<%s>' %
return ReviewStatus(key_name=key, change=change, user=user, parent=change)
def get_status_for_user(cls, change, user):
key = '<%s>' %
return cls.get_by_key_name(key, parent=change)
def all_for_change(cls, change):
return gql(ReviewStatus,
### Contributor License Agreements ###
class IndividualCLA:
NONE = 0
### Accounts ###
class Account(BackedUpModel):
"""Maps a user or email address to a user-selected real_name, and more.
Nicknames do not have to be unique.
The default real_name is generated from the email address by
stripping the first '@' sign and everything after it. The email
should not be empty nor should it start with '@' (AssertionError
error is raised if either of these happens).
Holds a list of ids of starred changes. The expectation
that you won't have more than a dozen or so starred changes (a few
hundred in extreme cases) and the memory used up by a list of
integers of that size is very modest, so this is an efficient
solution. (If someone found a use case for having thousands of
starred changes we'd have to think of a different approach.)
Returns whether a user is authorized to do lgtm or verify.
For now, these authorization check methods do not test which repository
the change is in. This will change.
user = db.UserProperty(required=True)
email = db.EmailProperty(required=True) # key == <email>
preferred_email = db.EmailProperty()
created = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
modified = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
is_admin = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
welcomed = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
real_name_entered = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
real_name = db.StringProperty()
mailing_address = db.TextProperty()
mailing_address_country = db.StringProperty()
phone_number = db.StringProperty()
fax_number = db.StringProperty()
cla_verified = db.BooleanProperty(default=False)
cla_verified_by = db.UserProperty()
cla_verified_timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty() # the first time it's set
individual_cla_version = db.IntegerProperty(default=IndividualCLA.NONE)
individual_cla_timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty()
cla_comments = db.TextProperty()
default_context = db.IntegerProperty(default=DEFAULT_CONTEXT,
stars = db.ListProperty(int) # Change ids of all starred changes
unclaimed_changes_projects = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
# Current user's Account. Updated by middleware.AddUserToRequestMiddleware.
current_user_account = None
def get_email(self):
"Gets the email that this person wants us to use -- separate from login."
if self.preferred_email:
return self.preferred_email
def get_email_formatted(self):
return '"%s" <%s>' % (self.real_name, self.get_email())
def get_account_for_user(cls, user):
"""Get the Account for a user, creating a default one if needed."""
email =
assert email
key = '<%s>' % email
# Since usually the account already exists, first try getting it
# without the transaction implied by get_or_insert().
account = cls.get_by_key_name(key)
if account is not None:
return account
real_name = user.nickname()
if '@' in real_name:
real_name = real_name.split('@', 1)[0]
assert real_name
return cls.get_or_insert(key, user=user, email=email, real_name=real_name)
def get_account_for_email(cls, email):
"""Get the Account for an email address, or return None."""
assert email
key = '<%s>' % email
return cls.get_by_key_name(key)
def get_accounts_for_emails(cls, emails):
"""Get the Accounts for all email address.
return cls.get_by_key_name(map(lambda x: '<%s>' % x, emails))
def get_real_name_for_email(cls, email):
"""Get the real_name for an email address, possibly a default."""
account = cls.get_account_for_email(email)
if account is not None and account.real_name:
return account.real_name
real_name = email
if '@' in real_name:
real_name = real_name.split('@', 1)[0]
assert real_name
return real_name
def get_accounts_for_real_name(cls, real_name):
"""Get the list of Accounts that have this real_name."""
assert real_name
assert '@' not in real_name
return list(gql(cls, 'WHERE real_name = :1', real_name))
def get_email_for_real_name(cls, real_name):
"""Turn a real_name into an email address.
If the real_name is not unique or does not exist, this returns None.
accounts = cls.get_accounts_for_real_name(real_name)
if len(accounts) != 1:
return None
return accounts[0].email
_draft_key = None
def drafts(self):
"""A list of change ids that have drafts by this user.
This is cached in memcache.
if self._draft_key is None:
self._draft_key = MemCacheKey(
key = 'user_drafts:%s' %,
incore = True,
timeout = 3600)
def query_store():
# We're looking for the Change key id.
# The ancestry of comments goes:
# Change -> PatchSet -> Patch -> Comment.
change_ids = set(comment.key().parent().parent().parent().id()
for comment
in gql(Comment,
'WHERE author = :1'
' AND draft = TRUE',
return list(change_ids)
return self._draft_key.get(query_store)
def update_drafts(self, change, have_drafts=None):
"""Update the user's draft status for this change.
change: an Change instance.
have_drafts: optional bool forcing the draft status. By default,
change.num_drafts is inspected (which may query the datastore).
The Account is written to the datastore if necessary.
my_drafts = self.drafts
id = change.key().id()
if have_drafts is None:
have_drafts = bool(change.num_drafts) # this may do a query
if have_drafts:
if id not in my_drafts:
if id in my_drafts:
### Group ###
AUTO_GROUPS = ['admin']
class AccountGroup(BackedUpModel):
"""A set of users. Permissions are assigned to groups.
There are some groups that can't be deleted -- like admin and all
name = db.StringProperty(required=True)
comment = db.TextProperty(required=False)
members = db.ListProperty(users.User)
def get_all_groups(cls):
"""Return all groups"""
all = cls.all()
return list(all)
def is_auto_group(self):
"""These groups can't be deleted."""
return in AUTO_GROUPS
def create_groups(cls):
for group_name in AUTO_GROUPS:
def trans():
g = cls(name = group_name,
comment = 'Auto created %s group' % group_name)
if not cls.get_group_for_name(group_name):
def get_group_for_name(cls, name):
return cls.gql('WHERE name=:name', name=name).get()
def remove(self):
"""delete this group"""
def trans(group):
# this will do the ON DELETE CASCADE once the users are in there
db.run_in_transaction(trans, self)