blob: 1d0b91a6721f164e09e7e7f9822aa3a080c63a31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
/** A future that runs all of the futures given to it. */
public class CompoundFuture<V> extends ForwardingListenableFuture<V> {
* Construct a new compound future around several futures.
* @param <V> the type of the result this future produces.
* @param result the future that will provide the final result. This future
* will be waited on last.
* @param other1 any other future that should also complete before this future
* completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should be
* declared to return Void.
* @return a future to wait on several futures.
public static <V> CompoundFuture<V> wrap(ListenableFuture<V> result,
Future<Void> other1) {
return new CompoundFuture<V>(result, other1);
* Construct a new compound future around several futures.
* @param <V> the type of the result this future produces.
* @param result the future that will provide the final result. This future
* will be waited on last.
* @param other1 any other future that should also complete before this future
* completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should be
* declared to return Void.
* @param other2 any other future that should also complete before this future
* completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should be
* declared to return Void.
* @return a future to wait on several futures.
public static <V> CompoundFuture<V> wrap(ListenableFuture<V> result,
Future<Void> other1, Future<Void> other2) {
return new CompoundFuture<V>(result, other1, other2);
* Construct a new compound future around several futures.
* @param <V> the type of the result this future produces.
* @param result the future that will provide the final result. This future
* will be waited on last.
* @param other1 any other future that should also complete before this future
* completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should be
* declared to return Void.
* @param other2 any other future that should also complete before this future
* completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should be
* declared to return Void.
* @param other3 any other future that should also complete before this future
* completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should be
* declared to return Void.
* @return a future to wait on several futures.
public static <V> CompoundFuture<V> wrap(ListenableFuture<V> result,
Future<Void> other1, Future<Void> other2, Future<Void> other3) {
return new CompoundFuture<V>(result, other1, other2, other3);
* Construct a new compound future around several futures.
* @param <V> the type of the result this future produces.
* @param result the future that will provide the final result. This future
* will be waited on last.
* @param others any other futures that should also complete before this
* future completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should
* be declared to return Void.
* @return a future to wait on several futures.
public static <V> CompoundFuture<V> wrap(ListenableFuture<V> result,
Future<Void>... others) {
Future<Void>[] r = CompoundFuture.<Void> newArray(others.length);
System.arraycopy(others, 0, r, 0, others.length);
return new CompoundFuture<V>(result, r);
* Construct a new compound future around several futures.
* @param <V> the type of the result this future produces.
* @param result the future that will provide the final result. This future
* will be waited on last.
* @param others any other futures that should also complete before this
* future completes. Their results will be discarded, and thus should
* be declared to return Void.
* @return a future to wait on several futures.
public static <V> CompoundFuture<V> wrap(ListenableFuture<V> result,
Collection<Future<Void>> others) {
Future<Void>[] r = CompoundFuture.<Void> newArray(others.size());
return new CompoundFuture<V>(result, others.toArray(r));
private static <T> Future<T>[] newArray(int sz) {
return new Future[sz];
private final ListenableFuture<V> result;
private final Future<Void>[] others;
private CompoundFuture(ListenableFuture<V> result, Future<Void>... others) {
this.result = result;
this.others = others;
protected ListenableFuture<V> delegate() {
return result;
public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
boolean res = super.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);
for (Future<Void> f : others) {
return res;
public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
for (Future<Void> f : others) {
if (!f.isDone()) {
return super.get();
public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException,
ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
if (unit != TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
timeout = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(timeout, unit);
unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
for (Future<Void> f : others) {
if (!f.isDone()) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
f.get(timeout, unit);
timeout -= Math.max(0, System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new TimeoutException();
return super.get(timeout, unit);
public boolean isDone() {
for (Future<Void> f : others) {
if (!f.isDone()) {
return false;
return super.isDone();