blob: 8998c2ce3e6b8d22c839d11a4a744271c25f36db [file] [log] [blame]
from django.contrib.redirects.models import Redirect
from django import http
from django.conf import settings
class RedirectFallbackMiddleware(object):
def process_response(self, request, response):
if response.status_code != 404:
return response # No need to check for a redirect for non-404 responses.
path = request.get_full_path()
r = Redirect.objects.get(site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID, old_path=path)
except Redirect.DoesNotExist:
r = None
if r is None and settings.APPEND_SLASH:
# Try removing the trailing slash.
r = Redirect.objects.get(site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID,
except Redirect.DoesNotExist:
if r is not None:
if r.new_path == '':
return http.HttpResponseGone()
return http.HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(r.new_path)
# No redirect was found. Return the response.
return response