Also configure

Support both and Google Cloud Source Repositories
as they now both accept tokens from the gerritcodereview scope.
diff --git a/git-cookie-authdaemon b/git-cookie-authdaemon
index 66d7048..9e37004 100755
--- a/git-cookie-authdaemon
+++ b/git-cookie-authdaemon
@@ -52,13 +52,33 @@
 def update_cookie(retry):
   token = acquire_token(retry)
   expires = token['expiresAt']
+  access_token = token['accessToken']
   tmp_jar = COOKIE_JAR + '.lock'
   cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar(tmp_jar)
     version = 0,
     name = 'o',
-    value = token['accessToken'],
+    value = access_token,
+    port = None,
+    port_specified = False,
+    domain = '',
+    domain_specified = True,
+    domain_initial_dot = False,
+    path = '/',
+    path_specified = True,
+    secure = True,
+    expires = expires,
+    discard = False,
+    comment = None,
+    comment_url = None,
+    rest = None))
+  cj.set_cookie(cookielib.Cookie(
+    version = 0,
+    name = 'o',
+    value = access_token,
     port = None,
     port_specified = False,
     domain = '',
@@ -72,6 +92,7 @@
     comment = None,
     comment_url = None,
     rest = None))
   os.rename(tmp_jar, COOKIE_JAR)
   return expires