Merge branch 'stable-3.6'

* stable-3.6:
  Upgrade almalinux image to version 8.6
  Remove 'centos' docker image setup
  Set Gerrit to 3.6.2
  Set Gerrit to 3.5.3
  Set Gerrit to 3.4.6
  Set Gerrit to 3.5.2
  Set Gerrit to 3.4.5

Change-Id: Ib2b2b07118afc0d4d76be7d730ecf7db32668b2f
diff --git a/almalinux/8/Dockerfile b/almalinux/8/Dockerfile
index 3c4ac7f..4c92344 100644
--- a/almalinux/8/Dockerfile
+++ b/almalinux/8/Dockerfile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # (pre-trans Gerrit script needs to have access to the Java command)
 RUN yum -y install initscripts && \
     yum -y install java-11-openjdk && \
-    yum -y install gerrit-3.6.2-1 && \
+    yum -y install gerrit-3.7.0-0rc4 && \
     / init && \
     rm -f /var/gerrit/etc/{ssh,secure}* && rm -Rf /var/gerrit/{static,index,logs,data,index,cache,git,db,tmp}/* && chown -R gerrit:gerrit /var/gerrit && \
     yum -y clean all
diff --git a/ubuntu/20/Dockerfile b/ubuntu/20/Dockerfile
index a0995a0..1effd2b 100644
--- a/ubuntu/20/Dockerfile
+++ b/ubuntu/20/Dockerfile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # Install OpenJDK and Gerrit in two subsequent transactions
 # (pre-trans Gerrit script needs to have access to the Java command)
 RUN apt-get -y install openjdk-11-jdk
-RUN apt-get -y install gerrit=3.6.2-1 && \
+RUN apt-get -y install gerrit=3.7.0-0rc4 && \
     apt-mark hold gerrit && \
     / init && \
     bash -c 'rm -f /var/gerrit/etc/{ssh,secure}* && rm -Rf /var/gerrit/{static,index,logs,data,index,cache,git,db,tmp}/*' && \