Support download of artifacts with classifier

Beside the main artifact there can be additional files which are
attached to a project. Such attached files can be recognized and
accessed by their classifier.

Extend the `maven_jar` wrapper to support optionally specifying
the classifier in the `id` field, for example:

    name = 'example',
    id = 'org.example:example-foo:1.0:extra',

Change-Id: Ic0a4fbafffe6625b21324e836cde1a2b3a3e4b1c
diff --git a/maven_jar.bucklet b/maven_jar.bucklet
index bf25d6e..0692fc4 100644
--- a/maven_jar.bucklet
+++ b/maven_jar.bucklet
@@ -75,9 +75,14 @@
   from os import path
   parts = id.split(':')
-  if len(parts) != 3:
-    raise NameError('expected id="groupId:artifactId:version"')
-  group, artifact, version = parts
+  if len(parts) not in [3, 4]:
+    raise NameError('%s:\nexpected id="groupId:artifactId:version[:classifier]"'
+                    % id)
+  if len(parts) == 4:
+    group, artifact, version, classifier = parts
+  else:
+    group, artifact, version = parts
+    classifier = None
   if 'SNAPSHOT' in version and repository != MAVEN_LOCAL:
     file_version = version.replace('-SNAPSHOT', '')
@@ -85,6 +90,9 @@
     file_version = version
+  if classifier is not None:
+    file_version += '-' + classifier
   jar = path.join(name, artifact.lower() + '-' + file_version)
   url = '/'.join([