blob: f790447d2394ffe7063ef03629561a053816c413 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.debug;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* Tracer for debugging slow points in code. Based on Google Closure's goog.debug.Tracer.
final class ThreadTrace {
static ThreadLocal<ThreadTrace> threadTracer = new ThreadLocal<ThreadTrace>() {
protected ThreadTrace initialValue() {
return new ThreadTrace();
private static final int MAX_TRACE_SIZE = 1000;
private static AtomicLong idGenerator = new AtomicLong();
private long defaultThreshold;
/** Events in order. */
private List<TraceEvent> events = Lists.newArrayList();
/** Outstanding events that haven't ended yet. */
private Map<Long, TraceEvent> outstandingEvents = Maps.newHashMap();
private long startTime;
private EventBus getEventBus() {
if (eventBus == null) {
setEventBus(new EventBus());
return eventBus;
private EventBus eventBus = null;
private void setEventBus(EventBus eventBus) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
* Initializes and resets the current trace
* @param defaultThreshold The default threshold below which the tracer output will be suppressed.
* Can be overridden on a per-Tracer basis.
static void initCurrentTrace(long defaultThreshold) {
* Initializes and resets the current trace
* @param defaultThreshold The default threshold below which the tracer output will be suppressed.
* Can be overridden on a per-Tracer basis.
* @param eventBus The EventBus which TraceEvents are published to.
static void initCurrentTrace(long defaultThreshold, EventBus eventBus) {
* Clears the current trace.
static void clearCurrentTrace() {
static void clearAndPrintCurrentTrace(PrintStream stream) {
String trace = threadTracer.get().getFormattedTrace();
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(trace)) {
stream.println("Thread trace:\n" + Tracer.getFormattedThreadTrace());
* Resets the trace.
* @param defaultThreshold The default threshold below which the tracer output will be suppressed.
* Can be overridden on a per-Tracer basis.
private void reset(long defaultThreshold) {
this.defaultThreshold = defaultThreshold;;
this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Starts a tracer
* @param comment a comment used to identify the tracer. Does not need to be unique.
* @param type type used to identify the tracer. If a Trace is given a type (the first argument
* to the constructor) and multiple Traces are done on that type then a "TOTAL line will be
* produced showing the total number of traces and the sum of the time
* ("TOTAL Database 2 (37 ms)" in our example). These traces should be mutually
* exclusive or else the sum won't make sense (the time will be double counted if the second
* starts before the first ends).
* @return The identifier for the tracer that should be passed to the the stopTracer method.
long startTracer(String comment, String type) {
TraceEvent event = TraceEvents.started(idGenerator.incrementAndGet(), comment, type, -1);
outstandingEvents.put(event.getId(), event); // Avoid traceStarted/stopTracer race.
return event.getId();
public void traceStarted(TraceStart event) {
outstandingEvents.put(event.getId(), event);
int outstandingEventCount = outstandingEvents.size();
if (events.size() + outstandingEventCount > MAX_TRACE_SIZE) {
System.err.println("Giant thread trace. Clearing to avoid memory leak.");
// This is the more likely case. This usually means that we
// either forgot to clear the trace or else we are performing a
// very large number of events
if (events.size() > MAX_TRACE_SIZE / 2) {;
// This is less likely and probably indicates that a lot of traces
// aren't being closed. We want to avoid unnecessarily clearing
// this though in case the events do eventually finish.
if (outstandingEventCount > MAX_TRACE_SIZE / 2) {
* Stops a tracer
* @param id The id of the tracer that is ending.
* @param silenceThresholdParam Threshold below which the tracer is silenced.
* @return The elapsed time for the tracer or -1 if the tracer identifier was not recognized.
long stopTracer(long id, Long silenceThresholdParam) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long silenceThreshold;
if (silenceThresholdParam == null) {
silenceThreshold = defaultThreshold;
} else {
silenceThreshold = silenceThresholdParam;
TraceEvent startEvent = outstandingEvents.get(id);
if (startEvent == null) {
return -1;
long elapsed = now - startEvent.getEventTime();
if (elapsed < silenceThreshold) {
int count = events.size();
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
TraceEvent nextEvent =;
if (nextEvent == startEvent) {
} else {
getEventBus().post(TraceEvents.stopped(idGenerator.incrementAndGet(), startEvent.getComment(),
startEvent.getType(), startEvent.getEventTime()));
return elapsed;
public void traceStopped(TraceStop event) {
* Adds a comment to the trace. Makes it possible to see when a specific event
* happened in relation to the traces.
* @param comment A comment that is inserted into the trace.
* @param type Type used to identify the tracer. If a comment is given a type and multiple
* comments are done on that type then a "TOTAL line will be produced showing the
* total number of comments of that type.
void addComment(String comment, String type) {
getEventBus().post(TraceEvents.comment(idGenerator.incrementAndGet(), comment, type, -1));
public void traceComment(TraceComment event) {
* Returns a formatted string for the current trace
* @return a formatted string that shows the timings of the current trace
String getFormattedTrace() {
return this.toString();
* Returns a formatted string that describes the thread trace.
* @return {string} A formatted string.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
long etime = -1;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
LinkedList<String> indent = Lists.newLinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
TraceEvent e = events.get(i);
if (e instanceof TraceStop) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append(e.toTraceString(startTime, etime, join(indent)));
sb.append(" ");
etime = e.getEventTime();
if (e instanceof TraceStart) {
indent.add("| ");
if (!outstandingEvents.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(" Unstopped timers:\n");
for (TraceEvent startEvent : outstandingEvents.values()) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append(" (");
sb.append(now - startEvent.getEventTime());
sb.append(" ms, started at ");
return sb.toString();
private String join(List<String> indents) {
return Joiner.on("").join(indents);