blob: 5f65166089c5b21a90c3fb58cd019ffeaf75f103 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.command;
import com.facebook.buck.model.AnnotationProcessingData;
import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildFileTree;
import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.parser.PartialGraph;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.AbstractDependencyVisitor;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.AndroidResourceRule;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildContext;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRule;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.DependencyGraph;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.JavaLibraryRule;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.JavaPackageFinder;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.PrebuiltJarRule;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.ProjectConfigRule;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.SourceRoot;
import com.facebook.buck.step.ExecutionContext;
import com.facebook.buck.util.BuckConstant;
import com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException;
import com.facebook.buck.util.KeystoreProperties;
import com.facebook.buck.util.Paths;
import com.facebook.buck.util.ProjectFilesystem;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Utility to map the build files in a project built with Buck into a collection of metadata files
* so that the project can be built with IntelliJ. This uses a number of heuristics specific to our
* repository at Facebook that does not make this a generally applicable solution. Hopefully over
* time, the Facebook-specific logic will be removed.
public class Project {
* Path to the script that is used to transform the JSON written by this file.
private static final String PATH_TO_INTELLIJ_PY = System.getProperty("buck.path_to_intellij_py");
* For now, do not write any files. We have failed to provide them in the
* same format as IntelliJ itself would generate them. That means that IntelliJ overwrites our
* generated versions at some point. The next time `buck project` is run, Buck overwrites them
* again, which causes IntelliJ to go and index the world. Empirically, it seems that if we do
* not write them at all, IntelliJ can live without them.
private static boolean GENERATE_PROPERTIES_FILES = false;
private final PartialGraph partialGraph;
private final BuildFileTree buildFileTree;
private final ImmutableMap<String, String> basePathToAliasMap;
private final JavaPackageFinder javaPackageFinder;
private final ExecutionContext executionContext;
private final ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem;
private final Optional<String> pathToDefaultAndroidManifest;
private final Set<PrebuiltJarRule> libraryJars;
public Project(PartialGraph partialGraph,
Map<String, String> basePathToAliasMap,
JavaPackageFinder javaPackageFinder,
ExecutionContext executionContext,
ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem,
Optional<String> pathToDefaultAndroidManifest) {
this.partialGraph = Preconditions.checkNotNull(partialGraph);
this.buildFileTree = new BuildFileTree(partialGraph.getTargets());
this.basePathToAliasMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(basePathToAliasMap);
this.javaPackageFinder = Preconditions.checkNotNull(javaPackageFinder);
this.executionContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executionContext);
this.projectFilesystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(projectFilesystem);
this.pathToDefaultAndroidManifest = Preconditions.checkNotNull(pathToDefaultAndroidManifest);
this.libraryJars = Sets.newHashSet();
public int createIntellijProject(File jsonTempFile, PrintStream stdOut) throws IOException {
List<Module> modules = createModulesForProjectConfigs();
writeJsonConfig(jsonTempFile, modules);
List<String> modifiedFiles = Lists.newArrayList();
// Process the JSON config to generate the .xml and .iml files for IntelliJ.
ExitCodeAndStdOut result = processJsonConfig(jsonTempFile);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return result.exitCode;
} else {
// writes the list of modified files to stdout, so parse stdout and add the
// resulting file paths to the modifiedFiles list.
Iterable<String> paths = Splitter.on('\n').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(
Iterables.addAll(modifiedFiles, paths);
// Write out the files.
List<String> modifiedPropertiesFiles = generateProjectDotPropertiesFiles(modules);
// Write out the .idea/compiler.xml file (the .idea/ directory is guaranteed to exist).
CompilerXml compilerXml = new CompilerXml(modules);
File compilerXmlFile = new File(".idea/compiler.xml");
if (compilerXml.write(compilerXmlFile)) {
// If any files have been modified by `buck project`, then list them for the user.
if (!modifiedFiles.isEmpty()) {
stdOut.printf("MODIFIED FILES:\n%s\n", Joiner.on('\n').join(modifiedFiles));
return 0;
private List<String> generateProjectDotPropertiesFiles(List<Module> modules) throws IOException {
// Create a map of module names to modules.
Map<String, Module> nameToModule = buildNameToModuleMap(modules);
List<String> modifiedFiles = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Module module : modules) {
if (!module.isAndroidModule()) {
File propertiesFile = writeProjectDotPropertiesFile(module, nameToModule);
if (propertiesFile != null) {
return modifiedFiles;
} else {
return ImmutableList.of();
Map<String, Module> buildNameToModuleMap(List<Module> modules) {
Map<String, Module> nameToModule = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Module module : modules) {
nameToModule.put(, module);
return nameToModule;
* @param module must be an android module
* @param nameToModuleIndex
* @returns the File that was written, or {@code null} if no file was written.
* @throws IOException
File writeProjectDotPropertiesFile(Module module, Map<String, Module> nameToModuleIndex)
throws IOException {
String pathToImlFile = module.pathToImlFile;
SortedSet<String> references = Sets.newTreeSet();
for (DependentModule dependency : module.dependencies) {
if (!dependency.isModule()) {
Module dep = nameToModuleIndex.get(dependency.getModuleName());
if (dep == null) {
throw new HumanReadableException("You must define a project_config() in %s " +
"containing %s. The project_config() in %s transitively depends on it.",,
if (!dep.isAndroidModule()) {
String relativePath = Paths.computeRelativePath(
// Drop the trailing slash from the path, since that's what the Android tools appear to do
// when generating
if (relativePath.endsWith("/")) {
relativePath = relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.length() - 1);
// This is probably a self-reference. Ignore it.
if (relativePath.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("# This file is automatically generated by Buck.\n");
builder.append("# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!\n");
// These are default values that IntelliJ or some other tool may overwrite.
builder.append("target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16\n");
boolean isAndroidLibrary = module.isAndroidLibrary();
if (isAndroidLibrary) {
// Android does not seem to include this line for non-Android libraries.
builder.append("android.library=" + isAndroidLibrary + "\n");
int index = 1;
for (String path : references) {
builder.append(String.format("android.library.reference.%d=%s\n", index, path));
final Charset charset = Charsets.US_ASCII;
File outputFile = new File(createPathToProjectDotPropertiesFileFor(module));
String properties = builder.toString();
if (outputFile.exists() && Files.toString(outputFile, charset).equals(properties)) {
return null;
} else {
Files.write(properties, outputFile, charset);
return outputFile;
static String createPathToProjectDotPropertiesFileFor(Module module) {
return module.getModuleDirectoryPathWithSlash() + "";
PartialGraph getPartialGraph() {
return partialGraph;
* This is used exclusively for testing and will only be populated after the modules are created.
ImmutableSet<PrebuiltJarRule> getLibraryJars() {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(libraryJars);
List<Module> createModulesForProjectConfigs() throws IOException {
DependencyGraph dependencyGraph = partialGraph.getDependencyGraph();
List<Module> modules = Lists.newArrayList();
// Convert the project_config() targets into modules and find the union of all jars passed to
// no_dx.
ImmutableSet.Builder<String> noDxJarsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (BuildTarget target : partialGraph.getTargets()) {
BuildRule buildRule = dependencyGraph.findBuildRuleByTarget(target);
ProjectConfigRule projectConfigRule = (ProjectConfigRule)buildRule;
BuildRule srcRule = projectConfigRule.getSrcRule();
if (srcRule instanceof AndroidBinaryRule) {
AndroidBinaryRule androidBinary = (AndroidBinaryRule)srcRule;
AndroidTransitiveDependencies binaryTransitiveDependencies =
Module module = createModuleForProjectConfig(projectConfigRule);
ImmutableSet<String> noDxJars =;
// Update module dependencies to apply scope="PROVIDED", where appropriate.
markNoDxJarsAsProvided(modules, noDxJars, dependencyGraph);
return modules;
private Module createModuleForProjectConfig(ProjectConfigRule projectConfig) throws IOException {
BuildRule projectRule = projectConfig.getProjectRule();
Preconditions.checkState(projectRule instanceof JavaLibraryRule
|| projectRule instanceof AndroidLibraryRule
|| projectRule instanceof AndroidResourceRule
|| projectRule instanceof AndroidBinaryRule
|| projectRule instanceof NdkLibraryRule,
"project_config() does not know how to process a src_target of type %s.",
LinkedHashSet<DependentModule> dependencies = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
final BuildTarget target = projectConfig.getBuildTarget();
Module module = new Module(projectRule, target); = getIntellijNameForRule(projectRule);
module.isIntelliJPlugin = projectConfig.getIsIntelliJPlugin();
String relativePath = projectConfig.getBuildTarget().getBasePathWithSlash();
module.pathToImlFile = String.format("%s%s.iml", relativePath,;
// List the module source as the first dependency.
DependentModule sourceFolderModule = DependentModule.newSourceFolder();
// Do the tests before the sources so they appear earlier in the classpath. When tests are run,
// their classpath entries may be deliberately shadowing production classpath entries.
// tests folder
boolean hasSourceFoldersForTestRule = addSourceFolders(module,
true /* isTestSource */);
// test dependencies
BuildRule testRule = projectConfig.getTestRule();
if (testRule != null) {
walkRuleAndAdd(testRule, true /* isForTests */, dependencies);
// src folder
boolean hasSourceFoldersForSrcRule = addSourceFolders(module,
false /* isTestSource */);
// At least one of src or tests should contribute a source folder unless this is an
// non-library Android project with no source roots specified.
if (!hasSourceFoldersForTestRule && !hasSourceFoldersForSrcRule) {
// IntelliJ expects all Android projects to have a gen/ folder, even if there is no src/
// directory specified.
boolean isAndroidRule = projectRule.isAndroidRule();
if (isAndroidRule) {
boolean hasSourceFolders = !module.sourceFolders.isEmpty();
if (!hasSourceFolders) {
// src dependencies
walkRuleAndAdd(projectRule, false /* isForTests */, dependencies);
String basePathWithSlash = projectConfig.getBuildTarget().getBasePathWithSlash();
// Specify another path for intellij to generate gen/ for each android module,
// so that it will not disturb our glob() rules.
// To specify the location of gen, Intellij requires the relative path from
// the base path of current build target.
module.moduleGenPath = generateRelativeGenPath(basePathWithSlash);
// android details
if (isAndroidRule) {
if (projectRule instanceof NdkLibraryRule) {
NdkLibraryRule ndkLibraryRule = (NdkLibraryRule)projectRule;
module.isAndroidLibraryProject = true;
module.keystorePath = null;
module.nativeLibs = Paths.computeRelativePath(relativePath, ndkLibraryRule.getLibraryPath());
} else if (projectRule instanceof AndroidResourceRule) {
AndroidResourceRule androidResourceRule = (AndroidResourceRule)projectRule;
module.resFolder = createRelativePath(androidResourceRule.getRes(), target);
module.isAndroidLibraryProject = true;
module.keystorePath = null;
} else if (projectRule instanceof AndroidBinaryRule) {
AndroidBinaryRule androidBinaryRule = (AndroidBinaryRule)projectRule;
module.resFolder = null;
module.isAndroidLibraryProject = false;
KeystoreProperties keystoreProperties = KeystoreProperties.createFromPropertiesFile(
// getKeystore() returns a path relative to the project root, but an IntelliJ module
// expects the path to the keystore to be relative to the module root, so we strip off the
// module path.
String keystorePathRelativeToProjectRoot = keystoreProperties.getKeystore();
String keystorePath = keystorePathRelativeToProjectRoot.substring(relativePath.length());
module.keystorePath = keystorePath;
} else {
module.isAndroidLibraryProject = true;
module.keystorePath = null;
module.hasAndroidFacet = true;
module.proguardConfigPath = null;
// If there is a default AndroidManifest.xml specified in .buckconfig, use it if
// AndroidManifest.xml is not present in the root of the [Android] IntelliJ module.
if (pathToDefaultAndroidManifest.isPresent()) {
String androidManifest = basePathWithSlash + "AndroidManifest.xml";
if (!projectFilesystem.exists(androidManifest)) {
String manifestPath = this.pathToDefaultAndroidManifest.get();
String rootPrefix = "//";
"Currently, we expect this option to start with '%s', " +
"indicating that it is relative to the root of the repository.",
manifestPath = manifestPath.substring(rootPrefix.length());
String relativePathToManifest = Paths.computeRelativePath(basePathWithSlash, manifestPath);
// IntelliJ requires that the path start with a slash to indicate that it is relative to
// the module.
module.androidManifest = "/" + relativePathToManifest;
// List this last so that classes from modules can shadow classes in the JDK.
} else {
module.hasAndroidFacet = false;
if (module.isIntelliJPlugin()) {
} else {
module.dependencies = Lists.newArrayList(dependencies);
// Annotation processing generates sources for IntelliJ to consume, but does so outside
// the module directory to avoid messing up globbing.
if (projectRule instanceof JavaLibraryRule) {
JavaLibraryRule javaLibraryRule = (JavaLibraryRule)projectRule;
AnnotationProcessingData processingData = javaLibraryRule.getAnnotationProcessingData();
String annotationGenSrc = processingData.getGeneratedSourceFolderName();
if (annotationGenSrc != null) {
module.annotationGenPath =
"/" + Paths.computeRelativePath(basePathWithSlash, annotationGenSrc);
module.annotationGenIsForTest = !hasSourceFoldersForSrcRule;
return module;
* Paths.computeRelativePath(basePathWithSlash, "") generates the relative path
* from base path of current build target to the root of the project.
* Paths.computeRelativePath("", basePathWithSlash) generates the relative path
* from the root of the project to base path of current build target.
* For example, for the build target in $PROJECT_DIR$/android_res/com/facebook/gifts/,
* Intellij will generate $PROJECT_DIR$/buck-out/android/android_res/com/facebook/gifts/gen
* @return the relative path of gen from the base path of current module.
static String generateRelativeGenPath(String basePathOfModuleWithSlash) {
+ Paths.computeRelativePath(basePathOfModuleWithSlash, "")
+ BuckConstant.ANDROID_GEN_DIR
+ "/"
+ Paths.computeRelativePath("", basePathOfModuleWithSlash)
+ "gen";
private boolean addSourceFolders(Module module,
@Nullable BuildRule buildRule,
@Nullable ImmutableList<SourceRoot> sourceRoots,
boolean isTestSource) {
if (buildRule == null || sourceRoots == null) {
return false;
if (buildRule instanceof AndroidBinaryRule && sourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (sourceRoots.isEmpty()) {
// When there is a src_target, but no src_roots were specified, then the current directory is
// treated as the SourceRoot. This is the common case when a project contains one folder of
// Java source code with a build file for each Java package. For example, if the project's
// only source folder were named "java/" and a build file in java/com/example/base/ contained
// the an extremely simple set of build rules:
// java_library(
// name = 'base',
// srcs = glob(['*.java']),
// }
// project_config(
// src_target = ':base',
// )
// then the corresponding .iml file (in the same directory) should contain:
// <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
// <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" isTestSource="false" packagePrefix="com.example.base" />
// <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/gen" isTestSource="false" />
// <!-- It will have an <excludeFolder> for every "subpackage" of com.example.base. -->
// <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/util" />
// </content>
// Note to prevent the <excludeFolder> elements from being included, the project_config()
// rule should be:
// project_config(
// src_target = ':base',
// src_root_includes_subdirectories = True,
// )
// Because developers who organize their code this way will have many build files, the default
// values of project_config() assume this approach to help minimize the tedium in writing all
// of those project_config() rules.
String url = "file://$MODULE_DIR$";
String packagePrefix = javaPackageFinder.findJavaPackageForPath(module.pathToImlFile);
SourceFolder sourceFolder = new SourceFolder(url, isTestSource, packagePrefix);
} else {
for (SourceRoot sourceRoot : sourceRoots) {
SourceFolder sourceFolder = new SourceFolder(
String.format("file://$MODULE_DIR$/%s", sourceRoot.getName()), isTestSource);
// Include <excludeFolder> elements, as appropriate.
for (String relativePath : this.buildFileTree.getChildPaths(buildRule.getBuildTarget())) {
String excludeFolderUrl = "file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + relativePath;
SourceFolder excludeFolder = new SourceFolder(excludeFolderUrl, /* isTestSource */ false);
// If in the root of the project, specify buck-out as ignored files.
if ("".equals(buildRule.getBuildTarget().getBasePathWithSlash())) {
module.excludeFolders.add(new SourceFolder(
"file://$MODULE_DIR$/" + BuckConstant.BUCK_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
/* isTestSource */ false));
return true;
* Modifies the {@code scope} of a library dependency to {@code "PROVIDED"}, where appropriate.
* <p>
* If an {@code android_binary()} rule uses the {@code no_dx} argument, then the jars in the
* libraries that should not be dex'ed must be included with {@code scope="PROVIDED"} in
* IntelliJ.
* <p>
* The problem is that if a library is included by two android_binary rules that each need it in a
* different way (i.e., for one it should be {@code scope="COMPILE"} and another it should be
* {@code scope="PROVIDED"}), then it must be tagged as {@code scope="PROVIDED"} in all
* dependent modules and then added as {@code scope="COMPILE"} in the .iml file that corresponds
* to the android_binary that <em>does not</em> list the library in its {@code no_dx} list.
static void markNoDxJarsAsProvided(
List<Module> modules,
Set<String> noDxJars,
DependencyGraph dependencyGraph) {
Map<String, String> intelliJLibraryNameToJarPath = Maps.newHashMap();
for (String jarPath : noDxJars) {
String libraryName = getIntellijNameForBinaryJar(jarPath);
intelliJLibraryNameToJarPath.put(libraryName, jarPath);
for (Module module : modules) {
// For an android_binary() rule, create a set of paths to JAR files (or directories) that
// must be dex'ed. If a JAR file that is in the no_dx list for some android_binary rule, but
// is in this set for this android_binary rule, then it should be scope="COMPILE" rather than
// scope="PROVIDED".
Set<String> classpathEntriesToDex;
if (module.srcRule instanceof AndroidBinaryRule) {
AndroidBinaryRule androidBinaryRule = (AndroidBinaryRule)module.srcRule;
AndroidTransitiveDependencies transitiveDependencies = androidBinaryRule
/* context */ Optional.<BuildContext>absent());
classpathEntriesToDex = Sets.newHashSet(Sets.intersection(noDxJars,
} else {
classpathEntriesToDex = ImmutableSet.of();
// Inspect all of the library dependencies. If the corresponding JAR file is in the set of
// noDxJars, then either change its scope to "COMPILE" or "PROVIDED", as appropriate.
for (DependentModule dependentModule : module.dependencies) {
if (!dependentModule.isLibrary()) {
// This is the IntelliJ name for the library that corresponds to the PrebuiltJarRule.
String libraryName = dependentModule.getLibraryName();
String jarPath = intelliJLibraryNameToJarPath.get(libraryName);
if (jarPath != null) {
if (classpathEntriesToDex.contains(jarPath)) {
dependentModule.scope = null;
} else {
dependentModule.scope = "PROVIDED";
// Make sure that every classpath entry that is also in noDxJars is added with scope="COMPILE"
// if it has not already been added to the module.
for (String entry : classpathEntriesToDex) {
String libraryName = getIntellijNameForBinaryJar(entry);
DependentModule dependency = DependentModule.newLibrary(null, libraryName);
* Walks the dependencies of a build rule and adds the appropriate DependentModules to the
* specified dependencies collection. All library dependencies will be added before any module
* dependencies. See {@link ProjectTest#testThatJarsAreListedBeforeModules()} for details on why
* this behavior is important.
private void walkRuleAndAdd(
final BuildRule rule,
final boolean isForTests,
final LinkedHashSet<DependentModule> dependencies) {
new AbstractDependencyVisitor(rule, true /* excludeRoot */) {
private final LinkedHashSet<DependentModule> librariesToAdd = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
private final LinkedHashSet<DependentModule> modulesToAdd = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
public boolean visit(BuildRule dep) {
boolean shouldVisitDeps = dep.isLibrary()
|| (dep instanceof AndroidResourceRule)
|| dep == rule;
DependentModule dependentModule;
if (dep instanceof PrebuiltJarRule) {
libraryJars.add((PrebuiltJarRule) dep);
String libraryName = getIntellijNameForRule(dep);
dependentModule = DependentModule.newLibrary(dep.getBuildTarget(), libraryName);
} else if (dep instanceof NdkLibraryRule) {
String moduleName = getIntellijNameForRule(dep);
dependentModule = DependentModule.newModule(dep.getBuildTarget(), moduleName);
} else if (dep.getFullyQualifiedName().startsWith("//buck-android/")) {
return shouldVisitDeps;
} else if (dep instanceof JavaLibraryRule) {
String moduleName = getIntellijNameForRule(dep);
dependentModule = DependentModule.newModule(dep.getBuildTarget(), moduleName);
} else if (dep instanceof AndroidResourceRule) {
String moduleName = getIntellijNameForRule(dep);
dependentModule = DependentModule.newModule(dep.getBuildTarget(), moduleName);
} else if (dep instanceof GenAidlRule) {
// This will likely be handled appropriately by the IDE's Android plugin.
return shouldVisitDeps;
} else {
return shouldVisitDeps;
if (isForTests) {
dependentModule.scope = "TEST";
} else {
// If the dependentModule has already been added in the "TEST" scope, then it should be
// removed and then re-added using the current (compile) scope.
String currentScope = dependentModule.scope;
dependentModule.scope = "TEST";
if (dependencies.contains(dependentModule)) {
dependentModule.scope = currentScope;
// Slate the module for addition to the dependencies collection. Modules are added to
// dependencies collection once the traversal is complete in the onComplete() method.
if (dependentModule.isLibrary()) {
} else {
return shouldVisitDeps;
protected void onComplete() {
* Maps a BuildRule to the name of the equivalent IntelliJ library or module.
private String getIntellijNameForRule(BuildRule rule) {
return Project.getIntellijNameForRule(rule, basePathToAliasMap);
* @param rule whose corresponding IntelliJ module name will be returned
* @param basePathToAliasMap may be null if rule is a {@link PrebuiltJarRule}
private static String getIntellijNameForRule(BuildRule rule,
@Nullable Map<String, String> basePathToAliasMap) {
// Get basis for the library/module name.
String name;
if (rule instanceof PrebuiltJarRule) {
PrebuiltJarRule prebuiltJarRule = (PrebuiltJarRule)rule;
String binaryJar = prebuiltJarRule.getBinaryJar();
return getIntellijNameForBinaryJar(binaryJar);
} else {
String basePath = rule.getBuildTarget().getBasePath();
if (basePathToAliasMap.containsKey(basePath)) {
name = basePathToAliasMap.get(basePath);
} else {
name = rule.getBuildTarget().getBasePath();
name = name.replace('/', '_');
// Must add a prefix to ensure that name is non-empty.
name = "module_" + name;
// Normalize name.
return normalizeIntelliJName(name);
private static String getIntellijNameForBinaryJar(String binaryJar) {
String name = binaryJar.substring(binaryJar.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,
return normalizeIntelliJName(name);
private static String normalizeIntelliJName(String name) {
return name.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_');
* @param pathRelativeToProjectRoot if {@code null}, then this method returns {@code null}
* @param target
private static String createRelativePath(@Nullable String pathRelativeToProjectRoot,
BuildTarget target) {
if (pathRelativeToProjectRoot == null) {
return null;
String directoryPath = target.getBasePath();
return pathRelativeToProjectRoot.substring(directoryPath.length());
private void writeJsonConfig(File jsonTempFile, List<Module> modules) throws IOException {
List<SerializablePrebuiltJarRule> libraries = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(
for (PrebuiltJarRule libraryJar : libraryJars) {
libraries.add(new SerializablePrebuiltJarRule(libraryJar));
Map<String, Object> config = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(
"modules", modules,
"libraries", libraries);
// Write out the JSON config to be consumed by the Python.
Writer writer = new FileWriter(jsonTempFile);
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(jsonFactory);
if (executionContext.getVerbosity().shouldPrintOutput()) {
ObjectWriter objectWriter = objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter();
objectWriter.writeValue(writer, config);
} else {
objectMapper.writeValue(writer, config);
private ExitCodeAndStdOut processJsonConfig(File jsonTempFile) throws IOException {
final ImmutableList<String> args = ImmutableList.of(
"python", PATH_TO_INTELLIJ_PY, jsonTempFile.getAbsolutePath());
ShellStep command = new ShellStep() {
public String getShortName(ExecutionContext context) {
return "python";
protected ImmutableList<String> getShellCommandInternal(
ExecutionContext context) {
return args;
protected boolean shouldRecordStdout() {
return true;
int exitCode = command.execute(executionContext);
return new ExitCodeAndStdOut(exitCode, command.getStdOut());
private static class ExitCodeAndStdOut {
private final int exitCode;
private final String stdOut;
ExitCodeAndStdOut(int exitCode, String stdOut) {
this.exitCode = exitCode;
this.stdOut = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stdOut);
static class SourceFolder {
private final String url;
private final boolean isTestSource;
private final String packagePrefix;
static final SourceFolder SRC = new SourceFolder("file://$MODULE_DIR$/src", false);
static final SourceFolder TESTS = new SourceFolder("file://$MODULE_DIR$/tests", true);
static final SourceFolder GEN = new SourceFolder("file://$MODULE_DIR$/gen", false);
SourceFolder(String url, boolean isTestSource) {
this(url, isTestSource, null /* packagePrefix */);
SourceFolder(String url, boolean isTestSource, @Nullable String packagePrefix) {
this.url = url;
this.isTestSource = isTestSource;
this.packagePrefix = packagePrefix;
String getUrl() {
return url;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof SourceFolder)) {
return false;
SourceFolder that = (SourceFolder)obj;
return Objects.equal(this.url, that.url)
&& Objects.equal(this.isTestSource, that.isTestSource)
&& Objects.equal(this.packagePrefix, that.packagePrefix);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(url, isTestSource, packagePrefix);
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(SourceFolder.class)
.add("url", url)
.add("isTestSource", isTestSource)
.add("packagePrefix", packagePrefix)
static class SerializablePrebuiltJarRule {
@JsonProperty private final String name;
@JsonProperty private final String binaryJar;
@JsonProperty private final String sourceJar;
@JsonProperty private final String javadocUrl;
private SerializablePrebuiltJarRule(PrebuiltJarRule rule) { = getIntellijNameForRule(rule, null /* basePathToAliasMap */);
this.binaryJar = rule.getBinaryJar();
this.sourceJar = rule.getSourceJar();
this.javadocUrl = rule.getJavadocUrl();
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(SerializablePrebuiltJarRule.class)
.add("name", name)
.add("binaryJar", binaryJar)
.add("sourceJar", sourceJar)
.add("javadocUrl", javadocUrl)