blob: 9cab38c411ccf0bf8af5e7572ad6ae117312f47f [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace genrule}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'genrule()' /}
{param prettify: true /}
{param content}
{call buck.rule}
{param overview}
A <code>genrule()</code> is used to generate a file from a shell
command. It must produce a single output file.
{param args}
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'name' /}
{param desc}
The name of the genrule.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'srcs' /}
{param desc}
A list of files to be used in the shell command.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'cmd' /}
{param desc}
The shell command to run to generate the output file. It will be
subject to the following environment variable substitutions:
<dd>A space-delimited string expansion of the <code>srcs</code>
{sp}argument where each element of <code>srcs</code> will be
translated into an absolute path.</dd>
<dd>The output file for the <code>genrule()</code>. The file
specified by this variable must always be written by this
command. If not, the execution of this rule will be considered a
failure, halting the build process.</dd>
Also, references to binary build rules (such as
{sp}<code>java_binary()</code> or <code>python_binary()</code>) may be
inserted, as well. For example, if
{sp}<code>//java/src/com/example:main</code> referred to a
{sp}<code>java_binary()</code> rule, then <code>cmd</code> could be
{sp}'<code>${lb}//java/src/com/example:main{rb} arg1 arg2
arg3</code>', provided that <code>:main</code> were listed in the
{sp}<code>deps</code> of the <code>genrule()</code>.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'out' /}
{param desc}
The name of the output file. Must be unique within the build file
in which the <code>genrule()</code> is declared.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'deps' /}
{param desc}
A list of rules that must be built before this rule. These may be
accessed within the command by treating the target as a
brace-wrapped variable (<code>${lb}//like:this{rb}</code>).
{call buck.visibility_arg /}
{/param} // args
{param examples}
This genrule() uses a Python script to derive a new
{sp}<code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> from an
{sp}<code>AndroidManifest.xml</code> in the source tree.
{literal}<pre class="prettyprint lang-py">
name = 'generate_manifest',
srcs = [
cmd = 'python $SRC_0 $SRC_1 > $OUT',
out = 'AndroidManifest.xml',
<h2>See Also</h2>
<a href="{ROOT}function/genfile.html"><code>genfile()</code></a>
{/param} // examples
{/call} // buck.rule