blob: 2d43405f14233d3ba447dbc5d33509db057fe195 [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.targets}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'buck targets' /}
{param content}
{call buck.command}
{param overview}
Lists the build targets available in the current project.
The following will print all build targets in the project (sorted
alphabetically) to standard out:
<pre>buck targets</pre>
This command can be handy in programmatic tasks, such as running all of the
Java tests under <code>&#x2F;/java/com/myproject</code>:
buck targets --type java_test | \
grep '&#x2F;/java/com/myproject' | \
xargs buck test
A list of rules can also be passed into <code>buck targets</code> and Buck will
only print out target information for those rules. For example:
buck targets --show_output &#x2F;/java/com/myproject:binary
> &#x2F;/java/com/myproject:binary buck-gen/java/com/myproject/binary.apk
{param params}
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'type' /}
{param desc}
The types of target to filter by. For example:
buck targets --type java_test java_binary
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'referenced_file' /}
{param desc}
Filters targets by the list of rules that include
{sp}<code>referenced_file</code> in their transitive closure.
For example, if a developer wanted to run all tests that could be affected by
particular file, they would run:
buck targets --type java_test \
--referenced_file java/com/example/ |
xargs buck test
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'json' /}
{param desc}
Print JSON representation of each target
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'resolvealias' /}
{param desc}
Print the fully-qualified build target for the specified alias[es]. This
command also accepts build targets. See <a
href="{ROOT}concept/buckconfig.html"><code>.buckconfig</code></a> for more
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'show_output' /}
{param desc}
Prints the relative path to the output for each rule after the rule name.
{/param} // content
{/call} //