blob: b3bc987c2c1eb9d9cefd21a71652d9de0e38bdc6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.parser;
import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus;
import com.facebook.buck.graph.AbstractAcyclicDepthFirstPostOrderTraversal;
import com.facebook.buck.graph.MutableDirectedGraph;
import com.facebook.buck.json.BuildFileParseException;
import com.facebook.buck.json.DefaultProjectBuildFileParserFactory;
import com.facebook.buck.json.ProjectBuildFileParser;
import com.facebook.buck.json.ProjectBuildFileParserFactory;
import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildFileTree;
import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRule;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRuleBuilder;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRuleResolver;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRuleType;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.DependencyGraph;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.KnownBuildRuleTypes;
import com.facebook.buck.util.BuckConstant;
import com.facebook.buck.util.Console;
import com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException;
import com.facebook.buck.util.ProjectFilesystem;
import com.facebook.buck.util.Verbosity;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds;
import java.nio.file.WatchEvent;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* High-level build file parsing machinery. Primarily responsible for producing a
* {@link DependencyGraph} based on a set of targets. Also exposes some low-level facilities to
* parse individual build files.
public class Parser {
private final BuildTargetParser buildTargetParser;
* The build files that have been parsed and whose build rules are in {@link #knownBuildTargets}.
private final ListMultimap<File, Map<String, Object>> parsedBuildFiles;
* True if all build files have been parsed and so all rules are in {@link #knownBuildTargets}.
private boolean allBuildFilesParsed;
* Files included by build files. Changing includes invalidates cached build rules.
private List<String> includes;
* We parse a build file in search for one particular rule; however, we also keep track of the
* other rules that were also parsed from it.
private final Map<BuildTarget, BuildRuleBuilder<?>> knownBuildTargets;
private final ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem;
private final KnownBuildRuleTypes buildRuleTypes;
private final ProjectBuildFileParserFactory buildFileParserFactory;
private final Console console;
* A cached BuildFileTree which can be invalidated and lazily constructs new BuildFileTrees.
* TODO(user): refactor this as a generic CachingSupplier<T> when it's needed elsewhere.
private static class BuildFileTreeCache implements Supplier<BuildFileTree> {
private final Supplier<BuildFileTree> supplier;
private @Nullable BuildFileTree buildFileTree;
* @param buildFileTreeSupplier each call to get() must reconstruct the tree from disk.
public BuildFileTreeCache(Supplier<BuildFileTree> buildFileTreeSupplier) {
this.supplier = Preconditions.checkNotNull(buildFileTreeSupplier);
* Discard the cached BuildFileTree.
public void invalidate() {
buildFileTree = null;
* @return the cached BuildFileTree, or a new lazily constructed BuildFileTree.
public BuildFileTree get() {
if (buildFileTree == null) {
buildFileTree = supplier.get();
return buildFileTree;
private final BuildFileTreeCache buildFileTreeCache;
public Parser(final ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem,
KnownBuildRuleTypes buildRuleTypes,
Console console,
String pythonInterpreter) {
/* Calls to get() will reconstruct the build file tree by calling constructBuildFileTree. */
new Supplier<BuildFileTree>() {
public BuildFileTree get() {
return BuildFileTree.constructBuildFileTree(projectFilesystem);
new BuildTargetParser(projectFilesystem),
/* knownBuildTargets */ Maps.<BuildTarget, BuildRuleBuilder<?>>newHashMap(),
new DefaultProjectBuildFileParserFactory(projectFilesystem, pythonInterpreter));
* @param buildFileTreeSupplier each call to get() must reconstruct the build file tree from disk.
Parser(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem,
KnownBuildRuleTypes buildRuleTypes,
Console console,
Supplier<BuildFileTree> buildFileTreeSupplier,
BuildTargetParser buildTargetParser,
Map<BuildTarget, BuildRuleBuilder<?>> knownBuildTargets,
ProjectBuildFileParserFactory buildFileParserFactory) {
this.projectFilesystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(projectFilesystem);
this.buildRuleTypes = Preconditions.checkNotNull(buildRuleTypes);
this.console = Preconditions.checkNotNull(console);
this.buildFileTreeCache = new BuildFileTreeCache(
this.knownBuildTargets = Maps.newHashMap(Preconditions.checkNotNull(knownBuildTargets));
this.buildTargetParser = Preconditions.checkNotNull(buildTargetParser);
this.buildFileParserFactory = Preconditions.checkNotNull(buildFileParserFactory);
this.parsedBuildFiles = ArrayListMultimap.create();
public BuildTargetParser getBuildTargetParser() {
return buildTargetParser;
public File getProjectRoot() {
return projectFilesystem.getProjectRoot();
* @param file the build file to look up in the {@link #parsedBuildFiles} cache.
* @param includes the files to include before executing the build file.
* @return true if the build file has already been parsed and its rules are cached.
private boolean isCached(File file, Iterable<String> includes) {
return isCacheValid(includes) && (allBuildFilesParsed || parsedBuildFiles.containsKey(file));
* @param includes the files to include before executing the build file.
* @return true if all build files have already been parsed and their rules are cached.
private boolean isCacheComplete(Iterable<String> includes) {
return isCacheValid(includes) && allBuildFilesParsed;
* @param includes the files to include before executing the build file.
* @return true if the cached build rules are valid. Invalidates the cache if not.
private boolean isCacheValid(Iterable<String> includes) {
List<String> includesList = Lists.newArrayList(includes);
if (!includesList.equals(this.includes)) {
this.includes = includesList;
return false;
return true;
private void invalidateCache() {
if (console.getVerbosity() == Verbosity.ALL) {
console.getStdErr().println("Parser invalidating cache");
allBuildFilesParsed = false;
* @param buildTargets the build targets to generate a dependency graph for.
* @param defaultIncludes the files to include before executing build files.
* @param eventBus used to log events while parsing.
* @return the dependency graph containing the build targets and their related targets.
public DependencyGraph parseBuildFilesForTargets(
Iterable<BuildTarget> buildTargets,
Iterable<String> defaultIncludes,
BuckEventBus eventBus)
throws BuildFileParseException, NoSuchBuildTargetException {
// Make sure that knownBuildTargets is initially populated with the BuildRuleBuilders for the
// seed BuildTargets for the traversal.;
DependencyGraph graph = null;
try (ProjectBuildFileParser buildFileParser = buildFileParserFactory.createParser(
defaultIncludes)) {
if (!isCacheComplete(defaultIncludes)) {
Set<File> buildTargetFiles = Sets.newHashSet();
for (BuildTarget buildTarget : buildTargets) {
File buildFile = buildTarget.getBuildFile();
boolean isNewElement = buildTargetFiles.add(buildFile);
if (isNewElement) {
parseBuildFile(buildFile, defaultIncludes, buildFileParser);
graph = findAllTransitiveDependencies(buildTargets, defaultIncludes, buildFileParser);
return graph;
} finally {, Optional.fromNullable(graph)));
DependencyGraph onlyUseThisWhenTestingToFindAllTransitiveDependencies(
Iterable<BuildTarget> toExplore,
final Iterable<String> defaultIncludes) {
ProjectBuildFileParser parser = buildFileParserFactory.createParser(defaultIncludes);
return findAllTransitiveDependencies(toExplore, defaultIncludes, parser);
* @param toExplore BuildTargets whose dependencies need to be explored.
private DependencyGraph findAllTransitiveDependencies(
Iterable<BuildTarget> toExplore,
final Iterable<String> defaultIncludes,
final ProjectBuildFileParser buildFileParser) {
final BuildRuleResolver ruleResolver = new BuildRuleResolver();
final MutableDirectedGraph<BuildRule> graph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>();
AbstractAcyclicDepthFirstPostOrderTraversal<BuildTarget> traversal =
new AbstractAcyclicDepthFirstPostOrderTraversal<BuildTarget>() {
protected Iterator<BuildTarget> findChildren(BuildTarget buildTarget) {
ParseContext parseContext = ParseContext.forBaseName(buildTarget.getBaseName());
// Verify that the BuildTarget actually exists in the map of known BuildTargets
// before trying to recurse through its children.
if (!knownBuildTargets.containsKey(buildTarget)) {
throw new HumanReadableException(
NoSuchBuildTargetException.createForMissingBuildRule(buildTarget, parseContext));
BuildRuleBuilder<?> buildRuleBuilder = knownBuildTargets.get(buildTarget);
Set<BuildTarget> deps = Sets.newHashSet();
for (BuildTarget buildTargetForDep : buildRuleBuilder.getDeps()) {
try {
if (!knownBuildTargets.containsKey(buildTargetForDep)) {
} catch (NoSuchBuildTargetException | BuildFileParseException e ) {
throw new HumanReadableException(e);
return deps.iterator();
protected void onNodeExplored(BuildTarget buildTarget) {
BuildRuleBuilder<?> builderForTarget = knownBuildTargets.get(buildTarget);
BuildRule buildRule = ruleResolver.buildAndAddToIndex(builderForTarget);
// Update the graph.
if (buildRule.getDeps().isEmpty()) {
// If a build rule with no deps is specified as the build target to build, then make
// sure it is in the graph.
} else {
for (BuildRule dep : buildRule.getDeps()) {
graph.addEdge(buildRule, dep);
protected void onTraversalComplete(
Iterable<BuildTarget> nodesInExplorationOrder) {
try {
} catch (AbstractAcyclicDepthFirstPostOrderTraversal.CycleException e) {
throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage());
return new DependencyGraph(graph);
* Note that if this Parser is populated via
* {@link #filterAllTargetsInProject}, then this method should not be called.
private void parseBuildFileContainingTarget(
BuildTarget buildTarget,
Iterable<String> defaultIncludes,
ProjectBuildFileParser buildFileParser)
throws BuildFileParseException, NoSuchBuildTargetException {
if (isCacheComplete(defaultIncludes)) {
// In this case, all of the build rules should have been loaded into the knownBuildTargets
// Map before this method was invoked. Therefore, there should not be any more build files to
// parse. This must be the result of traversing a non-existent dep in a build rule, so an
// error is reported to the user. Unfortunately, the source of the build file where the
// non-existent rule was declared is not known at this point, which is why it is not included
// in the error message.
throw new HumanReadableException("No such build target: %s.", buildTarget);
File buildFile = buildTarget.getBuildFile();
if (isCached(buildFile, defaultIncludes)) {
throw new HumanReadableException(
"The build file that should contain %s has already been parsed (%s), " +
"but %s was not found. Please make sure that %s is defined in %s.",
parseBuildFile(buildFile, defaultIncludes, buildFileParser);
public List<Map<String, Object>> parseBuildFile(
File buildFile,
Iterable<String> defaultIncludes)
throws BuildFileParseException, NoSuchBuildTargetException {
ProjectBuildFileParser projectBuildFileParser =
return parseBuildFile(buildFile, defaultIncludes, projectBuildFileParser);
* @param buildFile the build file to execute to generate build rules if they are not cached.
* @param defaultIncludes the files to include before executing the build file.
* @return a list of raw build rules generated by executing the build file.
public List<Map<String,Object>> parseBuildFile(
File buildFile,
Iterable<String> defaultIncludes,
ProjectBuildFileParser buildFileParser)
throws BuildFileParseException, NoSuchBuildTargetException {
if (!isCached(buildFile, defaultIncludes)) {
if (console.getVerbosity().shouldPrintCommand()) {
console.getStdErr().printf("Parsing %s file: %s\n",
return parsedBuildFiles.get(buildFile);
* @param rules the raw rule objects to parse.
* @param source the build file the rules were read from, or null if all build files were read.
void parseRawRulesInternal(Iterable<Map<String, Object>> rules,
@Nullable File source) throws NoSuchBuildTargetException {
for (Map<String, Object> map : rules) {
BuildRuleType buildRuleType = parseBuildRuleTypeFromRawRule(map);
BuildTarget target = parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(map, source);
BuildRuleFactory<?> factory = buildRuleTypes.getFactory(buildRuleType);
if (factory == null) {
throw new HumanReadableException("Unrecognized rule %s while parsing %s.",
BuildRuleBuilder<?> buildRuleBuilder = factory.newInstance(new BuildRuleFactoryParams(
Object existingRule = knownBuildTargets.put(target, buildRuleBuilder);
if (existingRule != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate definition for " + target.getFullyQualifiedName());
parsedBuildFiles.put(target.getBuildFile(), map);
* @param filter the test to apply to all targets that have been read from build files, or null.
* @return the build targets that pass the test, or null if the filter was null.
List<BuildTarget> filterTargets(@Nullable RawRulePredicate filter)
throws NoSuchBuildTargetException {
if (filter == null) {
return null;
List<BuildTarget> matchingTargets = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Map<String, Object> map : parsedBuildFiles.values()) {
BuildRuleType buildRuleType = parseBuildRuleTypeFromRawRule(map);
BuildTarget target = parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(map, null);
if (filter.isMatch(map, buildRuleType, target)) {
return matchingTargets;
* @param map the map of values that define the rule.
* @return the type of rule defined by the map.
private BuildRuleType parseBuildRuleTypeFromRawRule(Map<String, Object> map) {
String type = (String)map.get("type");
return buildRuleTypes.getBuildRuleType(type);
* @param map the map of values that define the rule.
* @param source the build file the map was read from, or null if all build files were read.
* @return the build target defined by the rule.
private BuildTarget parseBuildTargetFromRawRule(Map<String, Object> map, @Nullable File source) {
String basePath = (String)map.get("buck.base_path");
File sourceOfBuildTarget;
if (source == null) {
String relativePathToBuildFile = !basePath.isEmpty()
? basePath + "/" + BuckConstant.BUILD_RULES_FILE_NAME
sourceOfBuildTarget = new File(projectFilesystem.getProjectRoot(), relativePathToBuildFile);
} else {
sourceOfBuildTarget = source;
String name = (String)map.get("name");
return new BuildTarget(sourceOfBuildTarget, "//" + basePath, name);
* Populates the collection of known build targets that this Parser will use to construct a
* dependency graph using all build files inside the given project root and returns an optionally
* filtered set of build targets.
* @param filesystem The project filesystem.
* @param includes A list of files that should be included by each build file.
* @param filter if specified, applied to each rule in rules. All matching rules will be included
* in the List returned by this method. If filter is null, then this method returns null.
* @return The build targets in the project filtered by the given filter.
public List<BuildTarget> filterAllTargetsInProject(ProjectFilesystem filesystem,
Iterable<String> includes,
@Nullable RawRulePredicate filter)
throws BuildFileParseException, NoSuchBuildTargetException {
if (!projectFilesystem.getProjectRoot().equals(filesystem.getProjectRoot())) {
throw new HumanReadableException(String.format("Unsupported root path change from %s to %s",
projectFilesystem.getProjectRoot(), filesystem.getProjectRoot()));
if (!isCacheComplete(includes)) {
ProjectBuildFileParser.getAllRulesInProject(buildFileParserFactory, includes),
null /* source */);
allBuildFilesParsed = true;
return filterTargets(filter);
* @param event the event to format.
* @return the formatted event context string.
private String createContextString(WatchEvent<?> event) {
if (projectFilesystem.isPathChangeEvent(event)) {
Path path = (Path) event.context();
return path.toAbsolutePath().toString();
return event.context().toString();
* Called when file change events are posted to the file change EventBus to invalidate cached
* build rules if required.
public synchronized void onFileSystemChange(WatchEvent<?> event) {
if (console.getVerbosity() == Verbosity.ALL) {
console.getStdErr().printf("Parser watched event %s %s\n", event.kind(),
boolean reconstructBuildFileTree = false;
if (projectFilesystem.isPathChangeEvent(event)) {
String path = event.context().toString();
if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY) {
if (path.endsWith(".java")) {
// TODO(user): Track the files imported by build files
// Currently we just assume changed ".java" can't affect build rules.
// Adding or deleting ".java" files requires build files to be reevaluated due to globing.
} else {
if (path.endsWith(BuckConstant.BUILD_RULES_FILE_NAME)) {
// A BUCK file was added or deleted, so reconstruct the build file tree.
reconstructBuildFileTree = true;
} else {
// A non-path-change event happened: we have no idea what's going on,
// so reconstruct the build file tree to be safe.
reconstructBuildFileTree = true;
if (reconstructBuildFileTree) {
// TODO(user): invalidate affected build files, rather than nuking all rules completely.