blob: 2a7f2a80cfc4f87d50aea2293faf4a4c04eadbc5 [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace java_test}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'java_test()' /}
{param prettify: true /}
{param content}
{call buck.rule}
{param overview}
A <code>java_test()</code> rule is used to define a set of
<code>.java</code> files that contain tests to run via JUnit.
{param args}
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'name' /}
{param desc}
The name of the rule.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'srcs' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Like <a href="java_library.html"><code>java_library()</code></a>,
all of the <code>.java</code> files specified by the
{sp}<code>srcs</code> argument will be compiled when this rule is
built. In addition, all of the corresponding <code>.class</code>
files that are built by this rule will be passed as arguments to
JUnit when this rule is run as a test. <code>.class</code> files
that are passed to JUnit that do not have any methods annotated with
{sp}<code>@Test</code> are considered failed tests, so make sure that
only test case classes are specified as <code>srcs</code>. This is
frequently done by specifying <code>srcs</code> as
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'resources' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Same as <a href="java_library.html"><code>java_library()</code></a>.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'labels' /}
{param default: '[]' /}
{param desc}
A list of labels to be applied to these tests. These labels are
arbitrary text strings and have no meaning within buck itself. They
can, however, have meaning for you as a test author
(e.g., <code>smoke</code> or <code>fast</code>). A label can be
used to filter or include a specific <code>java_test()</code> rule
when executing <a href="{ROOT}command/test.html"><code>buck
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'source_under_test' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
<code>java_library()</code> rules that the <code>java_test()</code>
is testing. This must be a subset of the <code>deps</code>
argument. The <code>.class</code> files for the rules specified by
{sp}</code>source_under_test</code> will be be instrumented by the
code coverage tool, EMMA, if <a
href="{ROOT}command/test.html"><code>buck test</code></a> is
executed with the {sp}<code>--code-coverage</code> option.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'source' /}
{param default : '\'6\'' /}
{param desc}
Java language level for compiling. Corresponds to the
{sp}<code>-source</code> argument for <code>javac</code>.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'target' /}
{param default : '\'6\'' /}
{param desc}
Bytecode target level for compiling. Corresponds to the
{sp}<code>-target</code> argument for <code>javac</code>.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'deps' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Same as <a href="java_library.html"><code>java_library()</code></a>.
{call buck.visibility_arg /}
{/param} // close args
{/call} // close buck.rule