blob: f53d3b3a43b86720bd35d37cc056a809799ce366 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.cli;
import com.facebook.buck.rules.Label;
import com.facebook.buck.step.TargetDevice;
import com.facebook.buck.test.CoverageReportFormat;
import com.facebook.buck.test.selectors.TestSelectorList;
import com.facebook.infer.annotation.SuppressFieldNotInitialized;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public class TestCommandOptions extends BuildCommandOptions {
public static final String USE_RESULTS_CACHE = "use_results_cache";
@Option(name = "--all",
usage =
"Whether all of the tests should be run. " +
"If no targets are given, --all is implied")
private boolean all = false;
@Option(name = "--code-coverage", usage = "Whether code coverage information will be generated.")
private boolean isCodeCoverageEnabled = false;
@Option(name = "--code-coverage-format", usage = "Format to be used for coverage")
private CoverageReportFormat coverageReportFormat = CoverageReportFormat.HTML;
@Option(name = "--debug",
usage = "Whether the test will start suspended with a JDWP debug port of 5005")
private boolean isDebugEnabled = false;
@Option(name = "--xml", usage = "Where to write test output as XML.")
private String pathToXmlTestOutput = null;
@Option(name = "--no-results-cache", usage = "Whether to use cached test results.")
private boolean isResultsCacheDisabled = false;
@Option(name = "--build-filtered", usage = "Whether to build filtered out tests.")
private Boolean isBuildFiltered = null;
name = "--ignore-when-dependencies-fail",
aliases = {"-i"},
usage =
"Ignore test failures for libraries if they depend on other libraries " +
"that aren't passing their tests. " +
"For example, if java_library A depends on B, " +
"and they are tested respectively by T1 and T2 and both of those tests fail, " +
"only print the error for T2.")
private boolean isIgnoreFailingDependencies = false;
name = "--dry-run",
usage = "Print tests that match the given command line options, but don't run them.")
private boolean isDryRun;
name = "--one-time-output",
usage =
"Put test-results in a unique, one-time output directory. " +
"This allows multiple tests to be run in parallel without interfering with each other, " +
"but at the expense of being unable to use cached results. " +
"WARNING: this is experimental, and only works for Java tests!")
private boolean isUsingOneTimeOutput;
name = "--shuffle",
usage =
"Randomize the order in which test classes are executed." +
"WARNING: only works for Java tests!")
private boolean isShufflingTests;
private TargetDeviceOptions targetDeviceOptions;
private TestSelectorOptions testSelectorOptions;
private TestLabelOptions testLabelOptions;
public TestCommandOptions(BuckConfig buckConfig) {
public boolean isRunAllTests() {
return all || getArguments().isEmpty();
public String getPathToXmlTestOutput() {
return pathToXmlTestOutput;
public Optional<DefaultJavaPackageFinder> getJavaPackageFinder() {
return Optional.fromNullable(getBuckConfig().createDefaultJavaPackageFinder());
public boolean isCodeCoverageEnabled() {
return isCodeCoverageEnabled;
public CoverageReportFormat getCoverageReportFormat() {
return coverageReportFormat;
private void setUseResultsCacheFromConfig(BuckConfig buckConfig) {
// The command line option is a negative one, hence the slightly confusing logic.
boolean isUseResultsCache = buckConfig.getBooleanValue("test", USE_RESULTS_CACHE, true);
isResultsCacheDisabled = !isUseResultsCache;
public boolean isResultsCacheEnabled() {
// The option is negative (--no-X) but we prefer to reason about positives, in the code.
return !isResultsCacheDisabled;
public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
return isDebugEnabled;
public boolean isUsingOneTimeOutputDirectories() {
return isUsingOneTimeOutput;
public boolean isIgnoreFailingDependencies() {
return isIgnoreFailingDependencies;
public Optional<TargetDevice> getTargetDeviceOptional() {
return targetDeviceOptions.getTargetDeviceOptional();
public TestSelectorList getTestSelectorList() {
return testSelectorOptions.getTestSelectorList();
public boolean shouldExplainTestSelectorList() {
return testSelectorOptions.shouldExplain();
public boolean isDryRun() {
return isDryRun;
public boolean isMatchedByLabelOptions(Set<Label> labels) {
return testLabelOptions.isMatchedByLabelOptions(getBuckConfig(), labels);
public boolean isShufflingTests() {
return isShufflingTests;
public boolean shouldExcludeWin() {
return testLabelOptions.shouldExcludeWin();
public boolean isBuildFiltered() {
return isBuildFiltered != null ?
isBuildFiltered :
getBuckConfig().getBooleanValue("test", "build_filtered_tests", false);