blob: 080126703fd7ee5b862928b321ee26924dee5838 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.cli;
import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.parser.NoSuchBuildTargetException;
import com.facebook.infer.annotation.SuppressFieldNotInitialized;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
public class TargetsCommandOptions extends BuildCommandOptions {
// TODO(mbolin): Use org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.PathOptionHandler. Currently, we resolve paths
// manually, which is likely the path to madness.
@Option(name = "--referenced-file",
aliases = {"--referenced_file"},
usage = "The referenced file list, --referenced_file file1 file2 ... fileN --other_option",
handler = StringSetOptionHandler.class)
private Supplier<ImmutableSet<String>> referencedFiles;
@Option(name = "--detect-test-changes",
usage = "Modifies the --referenced-file and --show-target-hash flags to pretend that " +
"tarets depend on their tests (experimental)")
private boolean isDetectTestChanges;
@Option(name = "--type",
usage = "The types of target to filter by, --type type1 type2 ... typeN --other_option",
handler = StringSetOptionHandler.class)
private Supplier<ImmutableSet<String>> types;
@Option(name = "--json", usage = "Print JSON representation of each target")
private boolean json;
@Option(name = "--print0", usage = "Delimit targets using the ASCII NUL character.")
private boolean print0;
@Option(name = "--resolvealias",
usage = "Print the fully-qualified build target for the specified alias[es]")
private boolean isResolveAlias;
@Option(name = "--show-output",
aliases = {"--show_output"},
usage = "Print the absolute path to the output for each rule after the rule name.")
private boolean isShowOutput;
@Option(name = "--show-rulekey",
aliases = {"--show_rulekey"},
usage = "Print the RuleKey of each rule after the rule name.")
private boolean isShowRuleKey;
@Option(name = "--show-target-hash",
usage = "Print a stable hash of each target after the target name.")
private boolean isShowTargetHash;
public TargetsCommandOptions(BuckConfig buckConfig) {
public ImmutableSet<String> getTypes() {
return types.get();
public PathArguments.ReferencedFiles getReferencedFiles(Path projectRoot)
throws IOException {
return PathArguments.getCanonicalFilesUnderProjectRoot(projectRoot, referencedFiles.get());
/** @return {@code true} if {@code --detect-test-changes} was specified. */
public boolean isDetectTestChanges() {
return isDetectTestChanges;
public boolean getPrintJson() {
return json;
public boolean isPrint0() {
return print0;
/** @return {@code true} if {@code --resolvealias} was specified. */
public boolean isResolveAlias() {
return isResolveAlias;
/** @return {@code true} if {@code --show_output} was specified. */
public boolean isShowOutput() {
return isShowOutput;
/** @return {@code true} if {@code --show_rulekey} was specified. */
public boolean isShowRuleKey() {
return isShowRuleKey;
/** @return {@code true} if {@code --show-targethash} was specified. */
public boolean isShowTargetHash() {
return isShowTargetHash;
/** @return the name of the build target identified by the specified alias or {@code null}. */
public String getBuildTargetForAlias(String alias) {
return getBuckConfig().getBuildTargetForAlias(alias);
/** @return the build target identified by the specified full path or {@code null}. */
public BuildTarget getBuildTargetForFullyQualifiedTarget(String target)
throws NoSuchBuildTargetException {
return getBuckConfig().getBuildTargetForFullyQualifiedTarget(target);