blob: abbcd6a7e3a6d56723fe1fbbffef71a942e8867f [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.prebuilt_native_library}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'prebuilt_native_library()' /}
{param prettify: true /}
{param description}
A rule that is used to identify a native library that is checked into the
project as a precompiled binary.
{param content}
{call buck.rule}
{param status: 'FROZEN' /}
{param overview}
A <code>prebuilt_native_library()</code> rule is used to bundle native libraries
(i.e., <code>.so</code> files) for Android.
{param args}
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'name' /}
{param desc}
The name of the rule.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'native_libs' /}
{param default : 'None' /}
{param desc}
Path to a directory containing native libraries.
This directory has subdirectories for different architectures,
such as <code>armeabi</code> and <code>armeabi-v7a</code>.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'is_asset' /}
{param default: 'False' /}
{param desc}
Normally native shared objects end up in a directory in the root of the APK
named <code>lib/</code>. If this parameter is set to <code>True</code>, then
these objects are placed in <code>assets/lib/</code>. Placing shared objects in
a non-standard location prevents Android from extracting them to the device's
internal storage.
{call buck.visibility_arg /}
{/param} // args
{param examples}
Most of the time, a <code>prebuilt_native_library</code> is private to the{sp}
{call buck.android_library /} that uses it:
{literal}<pre class="prettyprint lang-py">
name = 'native_libs',
native_libs = 'libs',
name = 'my_lib',
srcs = glob(['*.java']),
deps = [
{/param} // examples
{/call} // buck.rule