blob: 3cc3a0ffea9d17c1cf185ab7244f2e98a6b0e232 [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace ndk_library}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'ndk_library()' /}
{param prettify: true /}
{param description}
A rule that is used to define a set of C/C++ files, an and an file that are used by the Android NDK's ndk-build tool to
generate one or more shared objects.
{param content}
{call buck.rule}
{param status: 'FROZEN' /}
{param overview}
An <code>ndk_library()</code> is used to define a set of C/C++ files,
an <code></code> and an <code></code> file that
are used by the NDK's <code>ndk-build</code> tool to generate one or more shared
{param args}
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'name' /}
{param desc}
The name of the rule.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'deps' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
List of build targets to build before this rule.
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'flags' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Array of strings passed verbatim to <code>ndk-build</code>. Normally
this is not needed, but in some cases you may want to put something
here. For example, this can be used to build the libraries in debug
mode (<code>NDK_DEBUG=1</code>) or set the number of jobs spawned by
{sp}<code>ndk-build</code> (by default, the same as the number of
{call buck.arg}
{param name: 'is_asset' /}
{param default: 'False' /}
{param desc}
Normally native shared objects end up in a directory in the root of the APK
named <code>lib/</code>. If this parameter is set to <code>True</code>, then
these objects are placed in <code>assets/lib/</code>. Placing shared objects in
a non-standard location prevents Android from extracting them to the device's
internal storage.
{call buck.visibility_arg /}
{/param} // close args
{param furtherexp}
An <code>android_binary()</code> that includes this library will
aggregate all of the native shared objects into a directory in the
root of the APK named <code>lib/</code> or <code>assets/lib/</code>.
Unlike the default invocation of <code>ndk-build</code>,
{sp}<code>buck</code> will put all intermediate files and build output
into a subdirectory under <code>buck-out/gen</code>.
Also, because <code>ndk-build</code> and <code></code> do not
expose the necessary dependency information, <code>buck</code> assumes
that all files with the following extensions are part of the build:
{sp}<code>c, cpp, cc, cxx, h, hpp, mk</code>.
{/call} // close buck.rule