blob: 072812bb799d37caee249c80e65ba5cc5fcb7a5a [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.presentations}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'Presentations about Buck' /}
{param description: 'Public presentations about Buck.' /}
{param content}
This is a collection of presentations that have been given on Buck.
Note that Buck has evolved over time, so more recent presentations
may have information that supersedes information in older presentations.
{call .presentation}
{param title: 'Building Android at Ludicrous Speed' /}
{param speaker: 'Michael Bolin, David Reiss' /}
{param event: 'DroidCon NYC' /}
{param eventUrl: '' /}
{param date: 'September 20, 2014' /}
{param intro}
Focus the pane below and use the arrow keys to navigate the slide deck,
or <a href="droidcon-nyc-2014/">open the slides in a new window</a>.
{call .iframe}{param url: 'droidcon-nyc-2014/' /}{/call}
The audio from the video is a little rough since we presented from the{sp}
<a href="">
ill-fated downstairs breakout room</a>.
{param youTubeId: 'Y9MfGS3qfoM' /}
{call .presentation}
{param title: 'Speeding Up Android Development with Exopackage' /}
{param speaker: 'David Reiss' /}
{param event: '@Scale' /}
{param eventUrl: '' /}
{param date: 'September 15, 2014' /}
{param youTubeId: 'kr2cGU7lumA' /}
{call .presentation}
{param title: 'Hacker Way: Releasing and Optimizing Mobile Apps for the World' /}
{param speaker: 'Christian Legnitto' /}
{param event: 'F8' /}
{param eventUrl: '' /}
{param date: 'April 30, 2014' /}
{param youTubeId: 'mOyoTUETmSM' /}
{param youTubeStart: 30 * 60 + 14 /} // 30m14s
{call .presentation}
{param title: 'Improve your Java builds with Buck' /}
{param speaker: 'Shawn Pearce' /}
{param event: 'EclipseCon Europe' /}
{param eventUrl: '' /}
{param date: 'October 31, 2013' /}
{param slides: '' /}
{call .presentation}
{param title: 'Building mobile apps with OSS' /}
{param speaker: 'Simon Stewart' /}
{param event: 'Mobile @ Scale' /}
{param eventUrl: '' /}
{param date: 'October 25, 2013' /}
{param youTubeId: 'c2Q22KDjXmI' /}
{param youTubeStart: 13 * 60 + 14 /} // 13m14s
{call .presentation}
{param title: 'How Facebook builds Facebook for Android' /}
{param speaker: 'Michael Bolin' /}
{param event: 'Facebook Mobile DevCon NYC' /}
{param eventUrl: '' /}
{param date: 'April 18, 2013' /}
{param youTubeId: 'CdNw6mRpsDI' /}
* @param title
* @param speaker
* @param event
* @param? eventUrl
* @param? date
* @param? intro
* @param? youTubeId
* @param? youTubeStart
* @param? slides
* @param? embedSlides
{template .presentation}
{if $eventUrl}<a href="{$eventUrl}">{/if}
{$event}{if $date} ({$date}){/if}
{if $eventUrl}</a>{/if}
{if $intro}
{if $youTubeId}
{call .youTubeVideo}
{param id: $youTubeId /}
{param start: $youTubeStart /}
{if $slides}
Slides: <a href="{$slides}">{$slides}</a>
{if $embedSlides}
{call .iframe}
{param url: $slides /}
* @param id
* @param? start
{template .youTubeVideo}
{call .iframe}
{param url}//{$id}{if $start}?start={$start}{/if}{/param}
* @param url
{template .iframe autoescape="strict"}
<iframe width="560"