blob: ea46ca8b584088cb329116405b17db58db04b9b2 [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.index}
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{param title: 'A fast build tool' /}
{param description}
Buck is a build system for Android that encourages the creation of
small, reusable modules consisting of code and resources.
{param content}
Buck is a build system for Android that encourages the creation of
small, reusable modules consisting of code and resources. Because Android
applications are predominantly written in Java, Buck also functions as a
Java build system. <a href="{ROOT}concept/what_makes_buck_so_fast.html">Learn more</a> about
the strategies Buck uses to build Java code so quickly.
Buck can help you do the following:
<li>Speed up your Android builds. Buck builds independent artifacts in
parallel to take advantage of multiple cores. Further, it reduces incremental
build times by keeping track of unchanged modules so that the minimal set
of modules is rebuilt.
<li>Introduce ad-hoc build steps for building artifacts that are not
supported out-of-the-box using the standard Ant build scripts for Android.
<li>Keep the logic for generating build rules in the build system instead of
requiring a separate system to generate build files.
<li>Generate code-coverage metrics for your unit tests.
<li>Generate an IntelliJ project based on your build rules. This makes
Buck ideal for both local development builds in an IDE as well as
headless builds on a continuous integration machine.
<li>Make sense of your build dependencies.
<li>Understand what is going on under the hood when building an APK.
Speed is the primary focus for Buck. At Facebook, we found Buck to be more
than twice as fast as Ant, and we are continuing to make it even faster.
<h2>How Buck Works</h2>
Buck has three primary concepts:
<li>A <strong>build rule</strong> is a procedure for producing an
output file from a set of input files.
<li>A <strong>build target</strong> is a string identifier for a build rule.
It can be thought of as a "URI" within a project using Buck.
<li>A <strong>build file</strong> that defines one or more build rules.
In Make, this would be a <code>Makefile</code>, but in Buck, these
files are named <code>BUCK</code>. A project using Buck is expected to have
many <code>BUCK</code> files.
Every build rule can have zero or more dependencies associated with it,
or <code>deps</code>. These dependencies form a directed graph, which
Buck requires to be acyclic.
When building the output of a build rule, all of the rule's transitive dependencies
are built first. This means that the graph is built in a "bottom-up" fashion.
A build rule knows only who it depends on, not what depends on it, which makes the
build graph easier to reason about. This helps Buck identify independent
subgraphs that can be built in parallel, as well as determine the minimal set of
build rules that need to be rebuilt.
<h2>Is Buck for Me?</h2>
Buck is designed for building multiple deliverables from a single repository
rather than across multiple repositories. It has been our experience that
maintaining dependencies in the same repository makes it easier to ensure
that all developers have the correct version of all of the code, and simplifies
the process of making atomic commits.
If you build multiple applications, or even if you ship one application but
use several sample applications for development, then Buck is definitely for you.
Give the <a href="{ROOT}setup/quick_start.html">Quick Start</a> a try and see how
Buck can help you organize your Android project and build it faster than ever before.