blob: 1be2d7c1cff6d0925cccab7bcd6eb3daed8c181d [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.http_cache_api}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'HTTP Cache API' /}
{param description}
How Buck communicates with an HTTP caching server.
{param content}
<h2>Request types</h2>
Buck makes two types of requests to the cache:
<h3><code>GET /artifact/key/[key]</code></h3>
Fetch an artifact from the cache. If the artifact is cached, the response will have status 200,
content-type <code>application/octet-stream</code>, and the artifact data as the response body.
If the artifact is not cached, the response will have status 404.
<h3><code>POST /artifact/</code></h3>
Store one or more artifacts in the cache. The request must have content-type
{sp}<code>multipart/form-data</code>, include a <code>Buck-Artifact-Count</code> header
that specifies the number of artifacts being sent, and contain data sections with
{sp}<code>name="key[n]"</code> and <code>name="data[n]"</code>, where <code>[n]</code> is an
integer between 0 and <code>Buck-Artifact-Count</code>. The response will have status 202.