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{namespace buck.quick_start}
{template .soyweb}
{call buck.header}
{param title: 'Quick Start' /}
{param description}
How to setup your project to use Buck.
<div class="{css overview}">
{call buck.platformWarning /}
This is a quick start guide for getting up and running with Buck.
To make it easy to get started, Buck provides a command, {call buck.cmd_quickstart /},
which creates a simple Android project that is configured to be built with Buck
out of the box.
If you are uncomfortable using a command to generate a project for you,
then you may want to go through the <a href="manual_quick_start.html">manual quick start guide</a>,
which provides step-by-step instructions for creating your first project.
The contents and purpose of each file needed to bootstrap the project are explained in the guide.
<h2>Step 1: Install Buck</h2>
As these are the "Quick Start" instructions, we assume that you already have tools
such as Ant and the Android SDK installed on your machine. If you are not sure,
then you may want to follow the more detailed instructions for installing Buck in{sp}
<a href="install.html">Downloading and Installing Buck</a>.
Run the following commands to checkout Buck from GitHub, build it, and add it to your <code>$PATH</code>:
{call buck.installationInstructions}{param withAlias : true /}{/call}
While there, you may also want to set up <a href="{ROOT}command/buckd.html"><code>buckd</code></a>:
<pre>sudo ln -s ${lb}PWD{rb}/bin/buckd /usr/bin/buckd</pre>
<em>Currently, there is no way to download a precompiled binary for Buck.</em>
<h2>Step 2: Run "buck quickstart"</h2>
Now that you have Buck installed on your machine,
let's use it to build a sample Android application.
We should start our project in an empty directory,
so create a new directory, navigate to it, and run:
touch .buckconfig && buck quickstart
You will get prompted for the directory where you would like to create the project,
as well as the location of your Android SDK. Assuming you would like to create the
project in the current directory and your Android SDK is installed
at <code>~/android-sdk-macosx</code>, then you would respond to the prompts as follows:
Enter the directory where you would like to create the project: .<br>
Enter your Android SDK's location: ~/android-sdk-macosx
Alternatively, you could specify these arguments via flags to avoid the prompts:
buck quickstart --dest-dir . --android-sdk ~/android-sdk-macosx
If the command succeeds, then you should see the following output:
{literal}<pre style="font-size:80%">
Thanks for installing Buck!
In this quickstart project, the file apps/myapp/BUCK defines the build rules.
At this point, you should move into the project directory and try running:
buck build //apps/myapp:app
buck build app
See .buckconfig for a full list of aliases.
If you have an Android device connected to your computer, you can also try:
buck install app
This information is located in the file if you need to access it
<h2>Step 3: Build and Install Your App</h2>
As explained in the instructions that were printed to the console, you can
run the following to build your application:
<pre>buck build app</pre>
Or if you have an Android emulator running or a device connected via a
USB cable (you can verify this by running <code>adb devices</code>),
then you can install and start up the app by running:
<pre>buck install app</pre>
The name <code>app</code> is an alias for the <a href="{ROOT}concept/build_target.html">build
target</a> that identifies the <a href="{ROOT}concept/build_rule.html">build
rule</a> that is responsible for building your app. You can change this mapping in the{sp}
<a href="{ROOT}concept/buckconfig.html"><code>.buckconfig</code></a> file that was created in
the root of your project directory.
<h2>Step 4: Modifying the App</h2>
Now that you know how to run Buck to build an APK, you are probably interested in modifying
the boilerplate code to build the app of your dreams. Java code goes under the <code>java/</code> directory,
and it is recommended that the directory structure match the package structure, as is the convention in Java.
By comparison, Android resources should go under the <code>res/</code> directory. Just as you can have
multiple Java packages in the <code>java/</code> directory, you are encouraged to declare
multiple {call buck.android_resource /} rules under the <code>res/</code> directory. This makes it easier
to create a mapping between directories of Android resources and the Java code that requires them.
Now you should have everything that you need to get started! You will likely want to come back to
start exploring more of Buck's documentation as your app becomes more complex and you want to leverage
more of the sophisticated features of Buck.
<em>Currently, the IntelliJ project generated by running {call buck.cmd_project /} does not import
cleanly into IntelliJ. We are working to get <a href="">
answers to our questions</a> to help debug this.</em>
</div> // close overview
{call buck.footer /}