blob: efa3129bcc50ffe5de67956b11e12cdebad59d10 [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace cxx_common}
{template .srcs_arg}
{call buck.arg}
{param name : 'srcs' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
The set of C, C++, or assembler source files to be preprocessed, compiled,
and assembled by this rule. We determine which stages to run on each input
source based on it's file extension.
See the <a href="">GCC documentation</a> for more detail
on how file extensions are interpreted.
Each element can be either a string specifying a source file (e.g. <code>'foo/bar.c'</code>) or
a tuple of a string specifying a source file and a list of compilation flags
(e.g. <code>('foo/bar.c', ['-Wall', '-Werror'])</code>).
In the latter case the specified flags will be used in addition to the rule's
other flags when preprocessing and compiling that file (if applicable).
{template .headers_arg}
{call buck.arg}
{param name : 'headers' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
The set of header files that are available for inclusion for the above sources.
These headers are never made available to dependents.
Header files listed here are included in code using their project-relative path on the filesystem
(e.g. header <code>bar.h</code> listed in <code>foo/BUCK</code> is included with <code>#include "foo/bar.h"</code>).
{template .preprocessor_flags_arg}
{call buck.arg}
{param name : 'preprocessor_flags' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Flags to use when preprocessing any of the above sources (which require preprocessing).
{template .compiler_flags_arg}
{call buck.arg}
{param name : 'compiler_flags' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Flags to use when compiling any of the above sources (which require compilation).
{template .linker_flags_arg}
{call buck.arg}
{param name : 'linker_flags' /}
{param default : '[]' /}
{param desc}
Flags to use whenever this rule is involed in a link operation (e.g linked into an executable or shared library).