blob: ce99dddca5dd5ea2673668fdc66c9a0e52392e26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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* under the License.
import com.facebook.buck.util.ZipSplitter;
* Bundles together some information about whether and how we should split up dex files.
class DexSplitMode {
private final boolean shouldSplitDex;
private final DexStore dexStore;
private final ZipSplitter.DexSplitStrategy dexSplitStrategy;
public DexSplitMode(
boolean shouldSplitDex,
ZipSplitter.DexSplitStrategy dexSplitStrategy,
DexStore dexStore) {
this.shouldSplitDex = shouldSplitDex;
this.dexSplitStrategy = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dexSplitStrategy);
this.dexStore = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dexStore);
public DexStore getDexStore() {
return dexStore;
public boolean isShouldSplitDex() {
return shouldSplitDex;
ZipSplitter.DexSplitStrategy getDexSplitStrategy() {
return dexSplitStrategy;