blob: 88ffe8fe7493b5cb7226d3a2f66b3b047e0f93ef [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
* the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at
* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 23:32:03 vlad_r Exp $
package com.vladium.emma;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import com.vladium.util.ClassLoaderResolver;
import com.vladium.util.Strings;
import com.vladium.util.args.IOptsParser;
import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert;
import com.vladium.emma.rt.AppRunner;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003
final class runCommand extends Command
// public: ................................................................
public synchronized void run ()
ClassLoader loader;
loader = ClassLoaderResolver.getClassLoader ();
catch (Throwable t)
loader = getClass ().getClassLoader ();
// process 'args':
final IOptsParser parser = getOptParser (loader);
final IOptsParser.IOpts parsedopts = parser.parse (m_args);
// check if usage is requested before checking args parse errors etc:
final int usageRequestLevel = parsedopts.usageRequestLevel ();
if (usageRequestLevel > 0)
usageexit (parser, usageRequestLevel, null);
final IOptsParser.IOpt [] opts = parsedopts.getOpts ();
if (opts == null) // this means there were args parsing errors
parsedopts.error (m_out, STDOUT_WIDTH);
usageexit (parser, IOptsParser.SHORT_USAGE, null);
// process parsed args:
for (int o = 0; o < opts.length; ++ o)
final IOptsParser.IOpt opt = opts [o];
final String on = opt.getCanonicalName ();
if (! processOpt (opt))
if ("cp".equals (on))
m_classpath = getListOptValue (opt, PATH_DELIMITERS, true);
else if ("jar".equals (on))
m_jarMode = true;
else if ("f".equals (on))
m_scanCoveragePath = getOptionalBooleanOptValue (opt);
else if ("sp".equals (on))
m_srcpath = getListOptValue (opt, PATH_DELIMITERS, true);
else if ("raw".equals (on))
m_dumpRawData = getOptionalBooleanOptValue (opt);
else if ("out".equals (on))
m_outFileName = opt.getFirstValue ();
else if ("merge".equals (on))
m_outDataMerge = getOptionalBooleanOptValue (opt) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
else if ("r".equals (on))
m_reportTypes = Strings.merge (opt.getValues (), COMMA_DELIMITERS, true);
else if ("ix".equals (on))
m_ixpath = getListOptValue (opt, COMMA_DELIMITERS, true);
// user '-props' file property overrides:
if (! processFilePropertyOverrides ()) return;
// process prefixed opts:
processCmdPropertyOverrides (parsedopts);
catch (IOException ioe)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.ARGS_IO_FAILURE, ioe);
// process free args:
final String [] freeArgs = parsedopts.getFreeArgs ();
if (m_jarMode)
if ((freeArgs == null) || (freeArgs.length == 0))
usageexit (parser, IOptsParser.SHORT_USAGE, "missing jar file name");
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (freeArgs != null && freeArgs.length > 0, "invalid freeArgs");
final File jarfile = new File (freeArgs [0]);
final String jarMainClass;
jarMainClass = openJarFile (jarfile); // the rest of free args are *not* ignored
catch (IOException ioe)
// TODO: is the right error code?
throw new EMMARuntimeException (IAppErrorCodes.ARGS_IO_FAILURE, ioe);
if (jarMainClass == null)
exit (true, "failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from [" + jarfile.getAbsolutePath () + "]", null, RC_UNEXPECTED);
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (jarMainClass != null, "invalid jarMainClass");
m_appArgs = new String [freeArgs.length];
System.arraycopy (freeArgs, 1, m_appArgs, 1, freeArgs.length - 1);
m_appArgs [0] = jarMainClass;
m_classpath = new String [] { jarfile.getPath () };
if ((freeArgs == null) || (freeArgs.length == 0))
usageexit (parser, IOptsParser.SHORT_USAGE, "missing application class name");
m_appArgs = freeArgs;
// [m_appArgs: { mainclass, arg1, arg2, ... }]
// handle cmd line-level defaults and option interaction
if (m_classpath == null)
// TODO" this is not guaranteed to work (in WebStart etc), so double check if I should remove this
final String systemClasspath = System.getProperty ("java.class.path", "");
if (systemClasspath.length () == 0)
// TODO: assume "." just like Sun JVMs in this case?
usageexit (parser, IOptsParser.SHORT_USAGE, "could not infer coverage classpath from 'java.class.path'; use an explicit -cp option");
m_classpath = new String [] {systemClasspath};
if (m_classpath == null)
usageexit (parser, IOptsParser.SHORT_USAGE, "either '-cp' or '-jar' option is required");
// TODO: who owns setting this 'txt' default? most likely AppRunner
if (m_reportTypes == null)
m_reportTypes = new String [] {"txt"};
// run the app:
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (m_appArgs != null && m_appArgs.length > 0, "invalid m_appArgs");
final String [] appargs = new String [m_appArgs.length - 1];
System.arraycopy (m_appArgs, 1, appargs, 0, appargs.length);
final AppRunner processor = AppRunner.create (loader);
processor.setAppName (IAppConstants.APP_NAME); // for log prefixing
processor.setAppClass (m_appArgs [0], appargs);
processor.setCoveragePath (m_classpath, true); // TODO: an option to set 'canonical'?
processor.setScanCoveragePath (m_scanCoveragePath);
processor.setSourcePath (m_srcpath);
processor.setInclExclFilter (m_ixpath);
processor.setDumpSessionData (m_dumpRawData);
processor.setSessionOutFile (m_outFileName);
processor.setSessionOutMerge (m_outDataMerge);
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (m_reportTypes != null, "m_reportTypes no set");
processor.setReportTypes (m_reportTypes);
processor.setPropertyOverrides (m_propertyOverrides); ();
catch (EMMARuntimeException yre)
// TODO: see below
exit (true, yre.getMessage (), yre, RC_UNEXPECTED); // does not return
catch (Throwable t)
// TODO: embed: OS/JVM fingerprint, build #, etc
// TODO: save stack trace in a file and prompt user to send it to ...
exit (true, "unexpected failure: ", t, RC_UNEXPECTED); // does not return
exit (false, null, null, RC_OK);
// protected: .............................................................
protected runCommand (final String usageToolName, final String [] args)
super (usageToolName, args);
protected void initialize ()
// TODO: clean up instance state
super.initialize ();
protected String usageArgsMsg ()
return "[options] class [args...] | -jar [options] jarfile [args...]";
// package: ...............................................................
// private: ...............................................................
private static String openJarFile (final File file)
throws IOException
JarFile jarfile = null;
jarfile = new JarFile (file, false);
final Manifest manifest = jarfile.getManifest ();
if (manifest == null) return null;
final Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes ();
if (attributes == null) return null;
final String jarMainClass = attributes.getValue (Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
return jarMainClass;
if (jarfile != null) try { jarfile.close (); } catch (IOException ignore) {}
private String [] m_classpath, m_srcpath;
private boolean m_jarMode;
private boolean m_scanCoveragePath; // defaults to false
private String [] m_ixpath;
private String [] m_appArgs;
private boolean m_dumpRawData; // defaults to false
private String m_outFileName;
private Boolean m_outDataMerge;
private String [] m_reportTypes;
private static final boolean DEFAULT_TO_SYSTEM_CLASSPATH = false;
} // end of class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------