blob: ad9fd1fa92f3c4c35d38063beedabf89f50d1649 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
* the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at
* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 23:32:03 vlad_r Exp $
package com.vladium.emma.rt;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.vladium.logging.Logger;
import com.vladium.util.Files;
import com.vladium.util.IConstants;
import com.vladium.util.IProperties;
import com.vladium.util.Property;
import com.vladium.util.SoftValueMap;
import com.vladium.util.Strings;
import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert;
import com.vladium.util.exception.Exceptions;
import com.vladium.util.exit.ExitHookManager;
import com.vladium.emma.AppLoggers;
import com.vladium.emma.IAppConstants;
import com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes;
import com.vladium.emma.EMMAProperties;
import com.vladium.emma.EMMARuntimeException;
import com.vladium.emma.Processor;
import com.vladium.emma.filter.IInclExclFilter;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003
final class AppRunner extends Processor
implements IAppErrorCodes
// public: ................................................................
public static AppRunner create (final ClassLoader delegate)
return new AppRunner (delegate);
public synchronized void run ()
validateState ();
// disable Runtime's own exit hook:
RTSettings.setStandaloneMode (false); // an optimization to disable RT's static init code [this line must precede any reference to RT]
RT.reset (true, false); // reset RT [RT creates 'cdata' and loads app properties]
// load tool properties:
final IProperties toolProperties;
IProperties appProperties = RT.getAppProperties (); // try to use app props consistent with RT's view of them
if (appProperties == null) appProperties = EMMAProperties.getAppProperties (); // don't use combine()
toolProperties = IProperties.Factory.combine (m_propertyOverrides, appProperties);
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (toolProperties != null, "toolProperties is null"); // can be empty, though
final Logger current = Logger.getLogger ();
final Logger log = AppLoggers.create (m_appName, toolProperties, current);
if (log.atTRACE1 ())
log.trace1 ("run", "complete tool properties:");
toolProperties.list (log.getWriter ());
Logger.push (log);
m_log = log;
_run (toolProperties);
if (m_log != null)
Logger.pop (m_log);
m_log = null;
* @param path [null is equivalent to empty array]
* @param canonical
public synchronized void setCoveragePath (String [] path, final boolean canonical)
if ((path == null) || (path.length == 0))
m_coveragePath = IConstants.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY;
m_coveragePath = Files.pathToFiles (path, canonical);
m_canonical = canonical;
public synchronized void setScanCoveragePath (final boolean scan)
m_scanCoveragePath = scan;
* @param path [null is equivalent to no source path]
public synchronized void setSourcePath (final String [] path)
if (path == null)
m_sourcePath = null;
m_sourcePath = Files.pathToFiles (path, true); // always canonicalize source path
* @param specs [null is equivalent to no filtering (everything is included)]
public synchronized final void setInclExclFilter (final String [] specs)
if (specs == null)
m_coverageFilter = null;
m_coverageFilter = IInclExclFilter.Factory.create (specs);
* @param className [may not be null or empty]
* @param args [null is equivalent to an empty array]
public synchronized void setAppClass (final String className, final String [] args)
if ((className == null) || (className.length () == 0))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null/empty input: className");
if (args != null)
final String [] _args = (String []) args.clone ();
for (int a = 0; a < _args.length; ++ a)
if (_args [a] == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: args[" + a + "]");
m_appArgs = _args;
m_appArgs = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
m_appClassName = className;
public synchronized void setDumpSessionData (final boolean dump)
m_dumpSessionData = dump;
* @param fileName [null unsets the previous override setting]
public synchronized final void setSessionOutFile (final String fileName)
if (fileName == null)
m_sdataOutFile = null;
final File _file = new File (fileName);
if (_file.exists () && ! _file.isFile ())
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("not a file: [" + _file.getAbsolutePath () + "]");
m_sdataOutFile = _file;
* @param merge [null unsets the previous override setting]
public synchronized final void setSessionOutMerge (final Boolean merge)
m_sdataOutMerge = merge;
* @param types [may not be null]
public synchronized void setReportTypes (final String [] types)
if (types == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: types");
final String [] reportTypes = Strings.removeDuplicates (types, true);
if (reportTypes.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("empty input: types");
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (reportTypes != null && reportTypes.length > 0);
final IReportGenerator [] reportGenerators = new IReportGenerator [reportTypes.length];
for (int t = 0; t < reportTypes.length; ++ t)
reportGenerators [t] = AbstractReportGenerator.create (reportTypes [t]);
m_reportGenerators = reportGenerators;
// protected: .............................................................
protected void validateState ()
super.validateState ();
if ((m_appClassName == null) || (m_appClassName.length () == 0))
throw new IllegalStateException ("application class name not set");
if (m_appArgs == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("application arguments not set");
if (m_coveragePath == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("coverage path not set");
// [m_coverageFilter can be null]
// [m_sdataOutFile can be null]
// [m_sdataOutMerge can be null]
if ((m_reportGenerators == null) || (m_reportGenerators.length == 0))
throw new IllegalStateException ("report types not set");
// [m_sourcePath can be null/empty]
// [m_propertyOverrides can be null]
protected void _run (final IProperties toolProperties)
final Logger log = m_log;
final boolean verbose = log.atVERBOSE ();
if (verbose)
log.verbose (IAppConstants.APP_VERBOSE_BUILD_ID);
// [assertion: m_coveragePath != null]
log.verbose ("coverage path:");
log.verbose ("{");
for (int p = 0; p < m_coveragePath.length; ++ p)
final File f = m_coveragePath [p];
final String nonexistent = f.exists () ? "" : "{nonexistent} ";
log.verbose (" " + nonexistent + f.getAbsolutePath ());
log.verbose ("}");
if ((m_sourcePath == null) || (m_sourcePath.length == 0))
log.verbose ("source path not set");
log.verbose ("source path:");
log.verbose ("{");
for (int p = 0; p < m_sourcePath.length; ++ p)
final File f = m_sourcePath [p];
final String nonexistent = f.exists () ? "" : "{nonexistent} ";
log.verbose (" " + nonexistent + f.getAbsolutePath ());
log.verbose ("}");
// get the data out settings [note: this is not conditioned on m_dumpRawData]:
File sdataOutFile = m_sdataOutFile;
Boolean sdataOutMerge = m_sdataOutMerge;
if (sdataOutFile == null)
sdataOutFile = new File (toolProperties.getProperty (EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_SESSION_DATA_OUT_FILE,
if (sdataOutMerge == null)
final String _dataOutMerge = toolProperties.getProperty (EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_SESSION_DATA_OUT_MERGE,
sdataOutMerge = Property.toBoolean (_dataOutMerge) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
if (verbose && m_dumpSessionData)
log.verbose ("session data output file: " + sdataOutFile.getAbsolutePath ());
log.verbose ("session data output merge mode: " + sdataOutMerge);
// get instr class loader delegation filter settings:
final IInclExclFilter forcedDelegationFilter
= IInclExclFilter.Factory.create (toolProperties.getProperty (InstrClassLoader.PROPERTY_FORCED_DELEGATION_FILTER),
final IInclExclFilter throughDelegationFilter
= IInclExclFilter.Factory.create (toolProperties.getProperty (InstrClassLoader.PROPERTY_THROUGH_DELEGATION_FILTER),
// TODO: consider injecting Runtime straight into appLoader namespace...
// TODO: create a thread group for all exit hooks?
// get a handle to exit hook manager singleton:
ExitHookManager runnerExitHookManager = null;
runnerExitHookManager = ExitHookManager.getSingleton (); // can throw
catch (Exception e)
// TODO: log/handle/warn
e.printStackTrace (System.out);
AppRunnerExitHook runnerExitHook = null;
RuntimeException failure = null;
SourcePathCache srcpathCache = null;
if (m_sourcePath != null) srcpathCache = new SourcePathCache (m_sourcePath, true); // ignore non-existent source dirs
// create session data containers:
ICoverageData cdata = RT.getCoverageData ();
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (cdata != null, "cdata is null");
IMetaData mdata = DataFactory.newMetaData (CoverageOptionsFactory.create (toolProperties));
runnerExitHook = new AppRunnerExitHook (log, m_dumpSessionData, sdataOutFile, sdataOutMerge.booleanValue (), mdata, cdata, m_reportGenerators, srcpathCache, toolProperties);
if (runnerExitHookManager != null)
runnerExitHookManager.addExitHook (runnerExitHook);
// --------------[ start of exit hook-protected section ]--------------
Map classIOCache = null;
// scan the classpath to populate the initial metadata:
if (m_scanCoveragePath)
classIOCache = new HashMap (INIT_CACHE_CAPACITY, 0.75F);
final ClassPathProcessorST processor = new ClassPathProcessorST (m_coveragePath, m_canonical, mdata, m_coverageFilter, classIOCache);
// with a bit of work [ClassPathProcessorST needs to lock on the
// metadata, etc] this could be run concurrently with the app
// itself to improve perceived performance, however, I am not
// going to invest time in this;
// populate 'cache' [optional] and 'mdata': ();
if (log.atTRACE1 ())
log.trace1 ("run", "class cache size after cp scan: " + classIOCache.size ());
log.trace1 ("run", "metadata size after cp scan: " + mdata.size ());
// app runner does not need these handles anymore [only the exit hook runner maintains them]:
srcpathCache = null;
cdata = null;
final ClassLoader appLoader;
final IClassLoadHook loadHook = new InstrClassLoadHook (m_coverageFilter, mdata);
appLoader = new InstrClassLoader (m_delegate, m_coveragePath, forcedDelegationFilter, throughDelegationFilter, loadHook, classIOCache);
catch (SecurityException se)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (SECURITY_RESTRICTION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME}, se);
catch (MalformedURLException mue)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (mue);
// app runner does not need these handles anymore:
mdata = null;
classIOCache = null;
final ClassLoader contextLoader;
boolean contextLoaderSet = false;
final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread ();
// TODO: rethink if this is the right place to do this
contextLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader ();
currentThread.setContextClassLoader (appLoader);
contextLoaderSet = true;
catch (SecurityException se)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (SECURITY_RESTRICTION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME}, se);
ThreadGroup appThreadGroup = null;
// load [and possibly initialize] the app class:
final Class appClass;
// load [and force early initialization if INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME is 'true']:
appClass = Class.forName (m_appClassName, INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME, appLoader);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
// TODO: dump the classloader tree into the error message as well
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, new String [] {m_appClassName}, cnfe);
catch (ExceptionInInitializerError eiie) // this should not happen for INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME=false
final Throwable cause = eiie.getException ();
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_CLASS_LOAD_FAILURE, new String [] {m_appClassName, cause.toString ()}, cause);
catch (Throwable t)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, new String [] {m_appClassName}, t);
// ensure that the app is bootstrapped using appLoader:
final ClassLoader actualLoader = appClass.getClassLoader ();
if (actualLoader != appLoader)
final String loaderName = actualLoader != null ? actualLoader.getClass ().getName () : "<PRIMORDIAL>";
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_CLASS_BAD_DELEGATION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME, m_appClassName, loaderName});
// run the app's main():
final Method appMain;
// this causes initialization on some non-Sun-compatible JVMs [ignore]:
appMain = appClass.getMethod ("main", MAIN_TYPE); // Sun JVMs do not seem to require the method to be declared
catch (Throwable t)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, new String [] {m_appClassName}, t);
Invoker invoker = new Invoker (appMain, null, new Object [] {m_appArgs});
appThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup (IAppConstants.APP_NAME + " thread group [" + m_appClassName + "]");
appThreadGroup.setDaemon (true);
Thread appThread = new Thread (appThreadGroup, invoker, IAppConstants.APP_NAME + " main() thread");
appThread.setContextClassLoader (appLoader);
// --- [app start] ----
appThread.start ();
try {appThread.join (); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {}
appThread = null;
joinNonDeamonThreads (appThreadGroup);
// --- [app end] ----
if (log.atTRACE1 ())
if (appLoader instanceof InstrClassLoader) ((InstrClassLoader) appLoader).debugDump (log.getWriter ());
final Throwable mainFailure = invoker.getFailure ();
invoker = null;
if (mainFailure != null)
if (mainFailure instanceof InvocationTargetException)
final Throwable cause = ((InvocationTargetException) mainFailure).getTargetException ();
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_METHOD_FAILURE, new String [] {m_appClassName, cause.toString ()}, cause);
else if (mainFailure instanceof ExceptionInInitializerError)
// this catch block is never entered if INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME is 'true'
final Throwable cause = ((ExceptionInInitializerError) mainFailure).getException ();
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_METHOD_FAILURE, new String [] {m_appClassName, cause.toString ()}, cause);
else if ((mainFailure instanceof IllegalAccessException) ||
(mainFailure instanceof IllegalArgumentException) ||
(mainFailure instanceof NullPointerException))
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, new String [] {m_appClassName}, mainFailure);
throw new EMMARuntimeException (MAIN_METHOD_FAILURE, new String [] {m_appClassName, mainFailure.toString ()}, mainFailure);
catch (SecurityException se)
throw new EMMARuntimeException (SECURITY_RESTRICTION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME}, se);
if (SET_CURRENT_CONTEXT_LOADER && contextLoaderSet)
Thread.currentThread ().setContextClassLoader (contextLoader);
catch (Throwable ignore) {}
if ((appThreadGroup != null) && ! appThreadGroup.isDestroyed ())
appThreadGroup.destroy ();
appThreadGroup = null;
catch (Throwable ignore) {}
catch (RuntimeException re)
failure = re; // should be EMMARuntimeException only if there are no errors above
RT.reset (false, false);
if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (runnerExitHook != null, "reportExitHook = null"); (); // that this may be a noop (if the shutdown sequence got there first)
// [assertion: the report exit hook is done]
if (runnerExitHookManager != null)
runnerExitHookManager.removeExitHook (runnerExitHook); // Ok if this fails
runnerExitHookManager = null;
// ---------------[ end of exit hook-protected section ]---------------
final Throwable exitHookDataDumpFailure = runnerExitHook.getDataDumpFailure ();
final List /* Throwable */ exitHookReportFailures = runnerExitHook.getReportFailures ();
runnerExitHook = null;
if (failure != null) // 'failure' takes precedence over any possible exit hook's problems
throw wrapFailure (failure);
else if ((exitHookDataDumpFailure != null) || (exitHookReportFailures != null))
if (exitHookDataDumpFailure != null)
log.log (Logger.SEVERE, "exception while persisting raw session data:", exitHookDataDumpFailure);
Throwable firstReportFailure = null;
if (exitHookReportFailures != null)
for (Iterator i = exitHookReportFailures.iterator (); i.hasNext (); )
final Throwable reportFailure = (Throwable) ();
if (firstReportFailure == null) firstReportFailure = reportFailure;
log.log (Logger.SEVERE, "exception while creating a report:", reportFailure);
if (exitHookDataDumpFailure != null)
throw wrapFailure (exitHookDataDumpFailure);
else if (firstReportFailure != null) // redundant check
throw wrapFailure (firstReportFailure);
// package: ...............................................................
// private: ...............................................................
private static final class Invoker implements Runnable
Invoker (final Method method, final Object target, final Object [] args)
if (method == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: method");
if (args == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: args");
m_method = method;
m_target = target;
m_args = args;
public void run ()
m_method.invoke (m_target, m_args);
catch (Throwable t)
m_failure = t;
Throwable getFailure ()
return m_failure;
private final Method m_method;
private final Object m_target;
private final Object [] m_args;
private Throwable m_failure;
} // end of nested class
private static final class AppRunnerExitHook implements Runnable
public synchronized void run ()
if (! m_done)
// grab data snapshots:
final IMetaData mdataSnashot = m_mdata.shallowCopy ();
m_mdata = null;
final ICoverageData cdataSnapshot = m_cdata.shallowCopy ();
m_cdata = null;
if (mdataSnashot.isEmpty ())
m_log.warning ("no metadata collected at runtime [no reports generated]");
if (cdataSnapshot.isEmpty ())
m_log.warning ("no coverage data collected at runtime [all reports will be empty]");
final ISessionData sdata = new SessionData (mdataSnashot, cdataSnapshot);
// if requested, dump raw data before running report generators:
// [note that the raw dumps and reports will be consistent wrt
// the session data they represent]
if (m_dumpRawData && (m_sdataOutFile != null))
final boolean info = m_log.atINFO ();
final long start = info ? System.currentTimeMillis () : 0;
DataFactory.persist (sdata, m_sdataOutFile, m_sdataOutMerge);
if (info)
final long end = System.currentTimeMillis (); ("raw session data " + (m_sdataOutMerge ? "merged into" : "written to") + " [" + m_sdataOutFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] {in " + (end - start) + " ms}");
catch (Throwable t)
m_dataDumpFailure = t;
for (int g = 0; g < m_generators.length; ++ g)
final IReportGenerator generator = m_generators [g];
if (generator != null)
generator.process (mdataSnashot, cdataSnapshot, m_cache, m_properties);
catch (Throwable t)
if (m_reportFailures == null) m_reportFailures = new ArrayList ();
m_reportFailures.add (t);
try { generator.cleanup (); } catch (Throwable ignore) {}
m_generators [g] = null;
m_generators = null;
m_mdata = null;
m_cdata = null;
m_properties = null;
m_cache = null;
m_done = true;
// note: because ExitHookManager is a lazily created static singleton the
// correct thing to do is to pass an explicit Logger into each exit hook runner
// instead of relying on thread inheritance:
AppRunnerExitHook (final Logger log,
final boolean dumpRawData, final File sdataOutFile, final boolean sdataOutMerge,
final IMetaData mdata, final ICoverageData cdata,
final IReportGenerator [] generators,
final SourcePathCache cache, final IProperties properties)
if (log == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: log");
if ((generators == null) || (generators.length == 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null/empty input: generators");
if (mdata == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: mdata");
if (cdata == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: cdata");
if (properties == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: properties");
m_log = log;
m_dumpRawData = dumpRawData;
m_sdataOutFile = sdataOutFile;
m_sdataOutMerge = sdataOutMerge;
m_generators = (IReportGenerator []) generators.clone ();
m_mdata = mdata;
m_cdata = cdata;
m_cache = cache;
m_properties = properties;
synchronized Throwable getDataDumpFailure ()
return m_dataDumpFailure;
synchronized List /* Throwable */ getReportFailures ()
return m_reportFailures;
private final Logger m_log;
private final boolean m_dumpRawData;
private final File m_sdataOutFile;
private final boolean m_sdataOutMerge;
private IReportGenerator [] m_generators;
private IMetaData m_mdata;
private ICoverageData m_cdata;
private SourcePathCache m_cache;
private IProperties m_properties;
private boolean m_done;
private Throwable m_dataDumpFailure;
private List /* Throwable */ m_reportFailures;
} // end of nested class
private AppRunner (final ClassLoader delegate)
m_delegate = delegate;
m_coveragePath = IConstants.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY;
private static void joinNonDeamonThreads (final ThreadGroup group)
if (group == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: group");
final List threads = new ArrayList ();
while (true)
threads.clear ();
// note: group.activeCount() is only an estimate as more threads
// could get created while we are doing this [if 'aliveThreads'
// array is too short, the extra threads are silently ignored]:
Thread [] aliveThreads;
final int aliveCount;
// enumerate [recursively] all threads in 'group':
synchronized (group)
aliveThreads = new Thread [group.activeCount () << 1];
aliveCount = group.enumerate (aliveThreads, true);
for (int t = 0; t < aliveCount; t++)
if (! aliveThreads [t].isDaemon ())
threads.add (aliveThreads [t]);
aliveThreads = null;
if (threads.isEmpty ())
break; // note: this logic does not work if daemon threads are spawning non-daemon ones
for (Iterator i = threads.iterator (); i.hasNext (); )
((Thread) ()).join ();
catch (InterruptedException ignore) {}
private static RuntimeException wrapFailure (final Throwable t)
if (Exceptions.unexpectedFailure (t, EXPECTED_FAILURES))
return new EMMARuntimeException (UNEXPECTED_FAILURE,
new Object [] {t.toString (), IAppConstants.APP_BUG_REPORT_LINK},
else if (t instanceof RuntimeException)
return (RuntimeException) t;
return new EMMARuntimeException (t);
// caller-settable state [scoped to this runner instance]:
private final ClassLoader m_delegate;
private String m_appClassName; // required to be non-null for run()
private String [] m_appArgs; // required to be non-null for run()
private File [] m_coveragePath; // required to be non-null/non-empty for run()
private boolean m_canonical;
private boolean m_scanCoveragePath;
private IInclExclFilter m_coverageFilter; // can be null for run()
private boolean m_dumpSessionData;
private File m_sdataOutFile; // user override; can be null for run()
private Boolean m_sdataOutMerge; // user override; can be null for run()
private IReportGenerator [] m_reportGenerators; // required to be non-null for run()
private File [] m_sourcePath; // can be null/empty for run()
// it is attractive to detect errors at load time, but this may allow
// threads created by <clinit> code to escape; on the other hand, classes
// that do not override main() will not get initialized this way and will
// not register with our runtime [which seems a minor problem at this point]:
private static final boolean INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME = false;
// setting the context loader on AppRunner's thread should not
// be necessary since the app is run in a dedicated thread group;
// however, if INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME=true the app's <clinit> code
// should run with an adjusted context loader:
private static final boolean SET_CURRENT_CONTEXT_LOADER = INIT_AT_LOAD_TIME;
// a soft cache is ideal for managing class definitions that are read during
// the initial classpath scan; however, the default LRU policy parameters for
// clearing SoftReferences in Sun's J2SDK 1.3+ render them next to useless
// in the client HotSpot JVM (in which this tool will probably run most often);
// using a hard cache guarantees 100% cache hit rate but can also raise the
// memory requirements significantly beyond the needs of the original app.
// [see bug refs 4471453, 4806720, 4888056, 4239645]
// resolution for now: use a soft cache anyway and doc that to make it useful
// for non-trivial apps the user should use -Xms or -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB
// JVM options or use a server HotSpot JVM
private static final boolean USE_SOFT_CACHE = true;
private static final int INIT_CACHE_CAPACITY = 2003; // prime
private static final int SOFT_CACHE_READ_CHK_FREQUENCY = 100;
private static final int SOFT_CACHE_WRITE_CHK_FREQUENCY = 100;
private static final String [] FORCED_DELEGATION_FILTER_SPECS; // set in <clinit>
private static final Class [] MAIN_TYPE = new Class [] {String [].class};
private static final Class [] EXPECTED_FAILURES; // set in <clinit>
protected static final String COMMA_DELIMITERS = "," + Strings.WHITE_SPACE;
protected static final String PATH_DELIMITERS = ",".concat (File.pathSeparator);
FORCED_DELEGATION_FILTER_SPECS = new String [] {"+" + IAppConstants.APP_PACKAGE + ".*"};
} // end of class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------