blob: 1419d17290727926ee6183507593325a141e41cc [file] [log] [blame]
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'buck build' /}
{param content}
{call buck.command}
{param overview}
Builds one or more specified targets.
As Buck is a build system, this is the most commonly used command in
Buck. To build a rule, pass its target to buck build:
<pre>buck build /&#x2F;java/com/example/app:amazing</pre>
Buck will build the rule and print the location of the generated
file(s) to the console.
{param params}
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'num-threads' /}
{param desc}
The number of threads that buck should use when executing the
build. This defaults to 1.25 times the number of processors in the
system (on systems with hyperthreading, this means that each core is
counted twice). The number of threads to use for building can also
be set by adding a "<code>threads</code>" key to the{sp}
"<code>build</code>" section of the <code>.buckconfig</code> file.
The order of precedence for setting the number of builds threads
(from highest to lowest) is: command line option,{sp}
<code>.buckconfig</code> setting, default value.
The number of active threads may not always be equal to this
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'verbose' /}
{param alias: 'v'/}
{param desc}
How verbose logging to the console should be, with 1 as the minimum
and 10 as the most verbose.
{/param} // content
{/call} //