blob: a59cc32e6e634070c55e54830404525533470368 [file] [log] [blame]
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'buck build' /}
{param prettify: true /}
{param description}
A command that builds one or more specified targets.
{param content}
{call buck.command}
{param overview}
Builds one or more specified targets.
As Buck is a build system, this is the most commonly used command in
Buck. To build a rule, pass its target to buck build:
<pre>buck build /&#x2F;java/com/example/app:amazing</pre>
{param params}
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'build-dependencies' /}
{param alias: 'b'/}
{param desc}
How to handle including dependencies when building. Valid values are:
<li><code>TRANSITIVE</code>: Rules will compile against all of their
transitive dependencies when building.
<li><code>WARN_ON_TRANSITIVE</code>: Rules will first try to compile against
only their first order dependencies, and should that fail will build again
including their transitive dependencies and show a warning.
<li><code>FIRST_ORDER_ONLY</code>: Rules will only compile against their
first order dependencies (e.g. dependencies listed in the
{sp}<code>deps</code> field of their rule).
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'build-report' /}
{param desc}
Specifies a file where a JSON summary of the build output should be written.
Note that <code>--build-report</code> can be used without <code>--keep-going</code>,
though if <code>--keep-going</code> is not specified, the report will only be written
if all of the targets are built successfully. Here is a sample build report:
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">{literal}
"results": {
"//fake:rule1": {
"success": true,
"type": "BUILT_LOCALLY",
"output": "buck-out/gen/fake/rule1.txt"
"//fake:rule2": {
"success": false
"//fake:rule3": {
"success": true,
In this example, both <code>//fake:rule1</code> and <code>//fake:rule3</code> were
built successfully, but only <code>//fake:rule1</code> had an output file
associated with the rule.
Note that this contains the same information that <code>--keep-going</code> prints
to the console, but is easier to parse programmatically. This report may contain
more fields in the future.
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'keep-going' /}
{param desc}
When specified, Buck will attempt to build all targets specified on the command line,
even if some of the targets fail. (Buck's default behavior is to exit immediately when
any of the specified targets fail.)
When <code>--keep-going</code> is specified, a report of the build will be printed to
stderr, detailing the build status of each target. Each line of the report represents
the status of one build target, which has up to four columns:
<li><code>OK</code> or <code>FAIL</code>, as per the success of the build rule.
<li>The build target of the rule.
<li>If successful, the type of the success as defined by the{sp}
<a href="">
</a> enum.
<li>If successful, the path to the output file of the rule, if it exists.
For example, if Buck were run with the following arguments:
<pre>buck build
--keep-going {nil}//fake:rule1 {nil}//fake:rule2 {nil}//fake:rule3</code>
Then the report printed to stderr might look like:
OK {nil}//fake:rule1 BUILT_LOCALLY buck-out/gen/fake/rule1.txt{\n}
FAIL {nil}//fake:rule2{\n}
OK {nil}//fake:rule3 FETCHED_FROM_CACHE{\n}
In this example, both <code>//fake:rule1</code> and <code>//fake:rule3</code> were
built successfully, but only <code>//fake:rule1</code> had an output file
associated with the rule. Admittedly, the state of column 1 could be derived from
the presence of column 3, but the encoding of column 1 makes it easier to filter
out successful rules from failed ones.
Note that when <code>--keep-going</code> is specified, the exit code will be
0 only if all targets were built successfully.
This option is analogous to <code>-k/--keep-going</code> in Make.
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'num-threads' /}
{param desc}
The number of threads that buck should use when executing the
build. This defaults to 1.25 times the number of processors in the
system (on systems with hyperthreading, this means that each core is
counted twice). The number of threads to use for building can also
be set by adding a "<code>threads</code>" key to the{sp}
"<code>build</code>" section of the <code>.buckconfig</code> file.
The order of precedence for setting the number of builds threads
(from highest to lowest) is: command line option,{sp}
<code>.buckconfig</code> setting, default value.
The number of active threads may not always be equal to this
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'verbose' /}
{param alias: 'v'/}
{param desc}
How verbose logging to the console should be, with 1 as the minimum
and 10 as the most verbose.
{/param} // content
{/call} //