blob: ea5e633d3a75a3a06b62cc510900ed037f892e29 [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.audit}
* Used to format the description of an audit command.
* Very similar to `buck.param`, but without the forced '--' prefix and
* the optional alias parameter
* @param name Name of the command.
* @param desc Prose description of the command.
{template .command}
<li class={css arg}>
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'buck audit' /}
{param prettify: true /}
{param description}
Provide build information about build targets and outputs.
{param content}
{call buck.command}
{param overview}
Provide build information about build targets and outputs.
<pre>buck audit input /&#x2F;java/com/example/app:amazing</pre>
<ul class="{css arglist}">
{call buck.audit.command}
{param name: 'input <targets>' /}
{param desc}
Lists the input source and resource files used to build the
given targets.
{call buck.audit.command}
{param name: 'classpath <targets>' /}
{param desc}
Lists the classpath used to build the given targets. This does
not work for all build rule types.
{call buck.audit.command}
{param name: 'dependencies <targets>' /}
{param desc}
Lists the dependencies used to build the given targets. Results are listed
in alphabetical order. By default, only direct dependencies are listed.
To show transitive dependencies, use the <code>--transitive</code> flag.
{param params}
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'json' /}
{param desc}
Outputs the results as JSON. The format of the JSON depends on the command
used. For example, <code>buck audit dependencies</code> returns an array of
results, while <code>buck audit input</code> will return an object
{param examples}
<pre class="prettyprint lang-py">
# For all of the following examples, assume this BUCK file exists in
# the `examples` directory.
name = 'one',
srcs = [ '1.txt' ],
deps = [
name = 'two',
srcs = [ '2.txt' ],
deps = [
name = 'three',
srcs = [ '3.txt' ],
deps = [
name = 'four',
srcs = [ '4.txt' ],
deps = [
name = 'five',
srcs = [ '5.txt' ],
Lists all of the source files used to build the <code>one</code> library
<pre>buck audit input /&#x2F;examples:one</pre>
Outputs a JSON representation of all of the source files used to build the{sp}
<code>two</code> library. In this JSON object, each key is a build target and
each value is an array of the source paths used to build that rule.
<pre>buck audit input --json /&#x2F;examples:two</pre>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
"//examples:two": ["examples/2.txt"],
"//examples:four": ["examples/4.txt"],
"//examples:five": ["examples/5.txt"],
Lists all of the rules that the <code>one</code> library directly depends on
<pre>buck audit dependencies /&#x2F;examples:one</pre>
Lists all of the rules that the <code>one</code> library transitively depends on
<pre>buck audit dependencies --transitive /&#x2F;examples:one</pre>
Outputs a JSON representation of all of the rules that the <code>two</code>{sp}
library transitively depends on.
<pre>buck audit dependencies --transitive --json /&#x2F;examples:two</pre>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
{/param} // content
{/call} //