Spruce up the documentation for Buck.

* Update the home page to note that Buck is both an Android and a Java build tool.
* Document the `buck quickstart` and `buck query` commands.
* Rewrite the Quick Start page to use `buck quickstart`.
* Migrate the old Quick Start page to the "Manual Quick Start" page.
* Create some new macros for inserting hyperlinks in `__common.soy`.
* Wrote up an article titled "What Makes Buck so Fast?"

Test Plan: Inspected locally on http://localhost:9811/.
diff --git a/docs/__common.soy b/docs/__common.soy
index e6d4a58..ea14e53 100644
--- a/docs/__common.soy
+++ b/docs/__common.soy
@@ -123,9 +123,15 @@
   <li><span class="{css toc_header}">Getting Started</span>
     <li><a href="{ROOT}">Overview</a>
-    <li><a href="{ROOT}setup/quickstart.html">Quick Start</a>
+    <li><a href="{ROOT}setup/quick_start.html">Quick Start</a>
     <li><a href="{ROOT}setup/install.html">Downloading and Installing Buck</a>
+  <li><span class="{css toc_header}">About</span>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/what_makes_buck_so_fast.html">What Makes Buck so Fast?</a>
+    <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting</a>
+    <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/faq.html">FAQ</a>
+  </ul>
   <li><span class="{css toc_header}">Concepts</span>
     <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/build_rule.html">Build Rule</a>
@@ -136,8 +142,6 @@
     <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/buckconfig.html">.buckconfig</a>
     <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/build_target_pattern.html">Build Target Pattern</a>
     <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/visibility.html">Visibility</a>
-    <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting</a>
-    <li><a href="{ROOT}concept/faq.html">FAQ</a>
   <li><span class="{css toc_header}">Build Rules</span>
@@ -180,6 +184,8 @@
+        'query',
+        'quickstart',
@@ -413,6 +419,33 @@
 {call .ruleLink}{param name : 'project_config' /}{/call}
+ * @param name
+ */
+{template .cmd_link}
+<a href="{ROOT}command/{$name}.html"><code>buck {$name}</code></a>
+{template .cmd_clean}
+{call .cmd_link}{param name : 'clean' /}{/call}
+{template .cmd_project}
+{call .cmd_link}{param name : 'project' /}{/call}
+{template .cmd_quickstart}
+{call .cmd_link}{param name : 'quickstart' /}{/call}
+{template .concept_buckconfig}
+<a href="{ROOT}concept/buckconfig.html"><code>.buckconfig</code></a>
 {template .visibility_arg}
 {call buck.arg}
diff --git a/docs/command/query.soy b/docs/command/query.soy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18beb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/command/query.soy
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{namespace buck.query}
+{template .soyweb}
+  {call buck.page}
+    {param title: 'buck query' /}
+    {param content}
+{call buck.command}
+{param overview}
+Queries the build dependency graph.
+This can be used to find a path from one dependency to another in the build graph.
+The format of the query is <code><em>source</em> -> <em>sink</em></code> as follows:
+<pre>buck query "&#x2F;/apps/myapp:app -> &#x2F;/res/com/example/activity:res"</pre>
+It can also be used to find the set of transitive dependencies for a build rule by omitting the
+sink in the query expression.
+<pre>buck query "&#x2F;/apps/myapp:app -> "</pre>
+This can be useful in untangling your dependencies, or for general scripting against
+the build graph.
+{param params}
+    {/param}  // content
+  {/call} // buck.page
diff --git a/docs/command/quickstart.soy b/docs/command/quickstart.soy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b4056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/command/quickstart.soy
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{namespace buck.quickstart}
+{template .soyweb}
+  {call buck.page}
+    {param title: 'buck quickstart' /}
+    {param content}
+{call buck.command}
+{param overview}
+Generates a new Android project that can be built with Buck.
+<pre>buck quickstart</pre>
+will prompt you for the necessary inputs, or you can specify them using the flags below.
+See the <a href="{ROOT}setup/quick_start.html">Quick Start</a> instructions for an example
+of <code>buck quickstart</code> in action.
+{param params}
+{call buck.param}
+  {param name: 'dest-dir' /}
+  {param desc}
+The path to the directory where the project should be generated. This can be either
+an absolute or a relative path.
+  {/param}
+{call buck.param}
+  {param name: 'android-sdk' /}
+  {param desc}
+The path to the directory where the Android SDK is installed locally. This can be either
+an absolute or a relative path.
+  {/param}
+    {/param}  // content
+  {/call} // buck.page
diff --git a/docs/concept/buckconfig.soy b/docs/concept/buckconfig.soy
index 80179f5..48cdc9f 100644
--- a/docs/concept/buckconfig.soy
+++ b/docs/concept/buckconfig.soy
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-As demonstrated in the <a href="{ROOT}setup/quickstart.html">Quick Start</a>{sp}
+As demonstrated in the <a href="{ROOT}setup/quick_start.html">Quick Start</a>{sp}
 instructions, aliases for build targets can be defined in
diff --git a/docs/concept/what_makes_buck_so_fast.soy b/docs/concept/what_makes_buck_so_fast.soy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a6ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/concept/what_makes_buck_so_fast.soy
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{namespace buck.what_makes_buck_so_fast}
+{template .soyweb}
+  {call buck.page}
+    {param title: 'What Makes Buck so Fast?' /}
+    {param content}
+Buck exploits a number of strategies to reduce build times.
+<h2>A build rule knows all of the inputs that can affect its output</h2>
+Buck is designed so that anything that can affect the output of a build rule must be specified
+as an input to the build rule: hidden state is not allowed. (This is also important for ensuring that
+results are consistent and reproducible for all developers.) Therefore, we can be sure that once a
+rule's <code>deps</code> are satisfied, the rule itself can be built. This gives us confidence that
+the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph">DAG</a> that results from build
+rules and their <code>deps</code> is true: all dependencies are captured in the graph.
+Having a DAG makes it straightforward for rules to be built in parallel, which can dramatically reduce
+build times. The execution model for Buck is very simple: starting with the leaf nodes
+of the graph, add them to a queue of rules to be built. When a thread is available, a rule is removed
+from the queue, and built. Assuming it is built successfully, it notifies all of the rules that depend
+on it that it is done. When a rule gets such a notification, it checks whether all its dependencies have
+been satisfied, and if so, it gets added to the queue. Computation proceeds in this manner until all of
+the nodes in the graph have gone through the queue.
+Therefore, breaking modules into finer dependencies creates opportunities for increased
+parallelism, improving throughput.
+<h2>Buck can store the outputs it generates in a cache</h2>
+A build rule knows all of the inputs that can affect its output, and therefore it can combine that
+information into a hash that represents the total input. This hash is used as
+a <em>cache key</em> where the associated value in the cache is the output produced by the rule.
+(See {call buck.concept_buckconfig /} for information on how to set up a cache.)
+The following information contributes to the cache key for a build rule:
+  <li>The values of the arguments used to define the build rule in the build file.
+  <li>The contents of any file arguments for the build rule.
+  <li>The version of Buck being used to build the rule. (This means that upgrading Buck to a new
+      version invalidates all of the cache keys generated by the old version.)
+  <li>The cache key for each of the rule's <code>deps</code>.
+When Buck begins to build a build rule, the first thing it does is compute the <em>cache key</em> for
+the rule. If there is a hit in any of the caches specified in <code>.buckconfig</code>, then it will
+fetch the rule's output from the cache instead of building the rule locally. For outputs that are
+expensive to compute, this is a substantial savings. It also makes it fast to rebuild when switching
+between branches in a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_version_control_system">DVCS</a> such as Git or Mercurial.
+Because Buck uses the cache key to determine whether to rebuild a rule, you should never have to run {call buck.cmd_clean /}.
+If anything that could affect the output of the rule changes, then the cache key should change, as well.
+Because the change in input will cause a cache miss, Buck will rebuild the rule, overwriting its old outputs.
+Since out-of-date outputs are guaranteed to be overwritten, there is no reason to clean the build.
+If you are using some sort of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration">continuous
+integration (CI)</a> system, you will likely want your CI builds to populate a cache that can be read by your local builds.
+That way, when a developer syncs to a revision that has already been built on your CI system, running <code>buck
+build</code> should not build anything locally, as all outputs should be able to be pulled from the cache.
+This works because the cache key computed by Buck when run on the CI system should match the key computed by Buck
+on your local machine.
+<h2>A Java rule computes its ABI when it is built</h2>
+Oftentimes, a developer will modify Java code in a way that does not affect its interface. For example, adding
+or removing private methods, as well as modifying the implementation of existing methods (regardless of their visibility),
+does not change the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_binary_interface">ABI</a> of a Java file.
+When Buck builds a {call buck.java_library /} rule, it also computes its ABI<sup><a href="#footnote-abi">1</a></sup>.
+Normally, modifying a private method
+in a {call buck.java_library /} would cause it and all rules that depend on it to be rebuilt because the change in
+cache keys would propagate up the DAG. However, Buck has special logic for a {call buck.java_library /} where,
+if the <code>.java</code> input files have not changed since the previous build, and the ABI for each of its Java
+dependencies has not changed since the previous build, then the {call buck.java_library /} will not be recompiled.
+This is valid because we know that neither the input <code>.java</code> files nor the ABI against which they
+would be compiled has changed, so the result would be the same if the rule were rebuilt. This localizes how much
+Java code needs to be recompiled in response to a change, again reducing build times.
+<sup id="footnote-abi">1</sup>The ABI computed by Buck is stricter
+than <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-13.html">what the Java Language Specification (JLS)
+uses to define binary compatibility</a>.
+In Buck, the ABI defines an equivalence relationship, whereas in the JLS, it does not. This is primarily done
+because the ABI is represented as a SHA-1 hash, which is cheap to compare. However, this does mean that adding a
+new method to a class results in a new ABI for a {call buck.java_library /} in Buck, which triggers a rebuild in dependent rules.
+By comparison, the JLS would consider the old and new versions of the library binary compatible, thereby determining
+recompilation of dependent rules unnecessary. 
+    {/param}
+  {/call}
diff --git a/docs/index.soy b/docs/index.soy
index 8ca9f34..6bf997e 100644
--- a/docs/index.soy
+++ b/docs/index.soy
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
 {template .soyweb}
   {call buck.page}
-    {param title: 'An Android build tool' /}
+    {param title: 'An Android (and Java!) build tool' /}
     {param content}
 Buck is a build system for Android that encourages the creation of
-small, reusable modules consisting of code and resources.
+small, reusable modules consisting of code and resources. Because Android
+applications are predominantly written in Java, Buck also functions as a
+Java build system. <a href="{ROOT}concept/what_makes_buck_so_fast.html">Learn more</a> about
+the strategies Buck uses to build Java code so quickly.
@@ -15,8 +18,8 @@
   <li>Speed up your Android builds. Buck builds independent artifacts in
       parallel to take advantage of multiple cores. Further, it reduces incremental
-      build times by keeping track of unchanged resources so that the minimal set
-      of resources is rebuilt.
+      build times by keeping track of unchanged modules so that the minimal set
+      of modules is rebuilt.
   <li>Introduce ad-hoc build steps for building artifacts that are not
       supported out-of-the-box using the standard Ant build scripts for Android.
   <li>Keep the logic for generating build rules in the build system instead of
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@
 If you build multiple applications, or if even if you ship one application but
 use several sample applications for development, then Buck is definitely for you.
-Give the <a href="{ROOT}setup/quickstart.html">Quick Start</a> a try and see how
+Give the <a href="{ROOT}setup/quick_start.html">Quick Start</a> a try and see how
 Buck can help you organize your Android project and build it faster than ever before.
diff --git a/docs/rule/android_binary.soy b/docs/rule/android_binary.soy
index fc7605f..be378ea 100644
--- a/docs/rule/android_binary.soy
+++ b/docs/rule/android_binary.soy
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   A build target that identifies a {call buck.keystore /} to use to
   sign the APK.
-  See <a href="{ROOT}setup/quickstart.html">Quick Start</a> for more
+  See <a href="{ROOT}setup/quick_start.html">Quick Start</a> for more
diff --git a/docs/setup/quickstart.soy b/docs/setup/manual_quick_start.soy
similarity index 98%
rename from docs/setup/quickstart.soy
rename to docs/setup/manual_quick_start.soy
index 92d07ba..94d06a6 100644
--- a/docs/setup/quickstart.soy
+++ b/docs/setup/manual_quick_start.soy
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-{namespace buck.quickstart}
+{namespace buck.manual_quick_start}
 {template .soyweb}
 {call buck.header}
-  {param title: 'Quick Start' /}
+  {param title: 'Manual Quick Start' /}
 <div class="{css overview}">
diff --git a/docs/setup/quick_start.soy b/docs/setup/quick_start.soy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c67bffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/setup/quick_start.soy
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+{namespace buck.quick_start}
+{template .soyweb}
+{call buck.header}
+  {param title: 'Quick Start' /}
+<div class="{css overview}">
+{call buck.platformWarning /}
+This is a quick start guide for getting up and running with Buck.
+To make it easy to get started, Buck provides a command, {call buck.cmd_quickstart /},
+which creates a simple Android project that is configured to be built with Buck
+out of the box.
+If you are uncomfortable using a command to generate a project for you,
+then you may want to go through the <a href="manual_quick_start.html">manual quick start guide</a>,
+which provides step-by-step instructions for creating your first project.
+The contents and purpose of each file needed to bootstrap the project are explained in the guide.
+<h2>Step 1: Install Buck</h2>
+As these are the "Quick Start" instructions, we assume that you already have tools
+such as Ant and the Android SDK installed on your machine. If you are not sure,
+then you may want to follow the more detailed instructions for installing Buck in{sp}
+<a href="install.html">Downloading and Installing Buck</a>.
+Run the following commands to checkout Buck from GitHub, build it, and add it to your <code>$PATH</code>:
+{call buck.installationInstructions}{param withAlias : true /}{/call}
+While there, you may also want to set up <a href="{ROOT}command/buckd.html"><code>buckd</code></a>:
+<pre>sudo ln -s ${lb}PWD{rb}/bin/buckd /usr/bin/buckd</pre>
+<em>Currently, there is no way to download a precompiled binary for Buck.</em>
+<h2>Step 2: Run "buck quickstart"</h2>
+Now that you have Buck installed on your machine,
+let's use it to build a sample Android application.
+We should start our project in an empty directory,
+so create a new directory, navigate to it, and run:
+buck quickstart
+You will get prompted for the directory where you would like to create the project,
+as well as the location of your Android SDK. Assuming you would like to create the
+project in the current directory and your Android SDK is installed
+at <code>~/android-sdk-macosx</code>, then you would respond to the prompts as follows:
+Enter the directory where you would like to create the project: .<br>
+Enter your Android SDK's location: ~/android-sdk-macosx
+Alternatively, you could specify these arguments via flags to avoid the prompts:
+buck quickstart --dest-dir . --android-sdk ~/android-sdk-macosx
+If the command succeeds, then you should see the following output:
+{literal}<pre style="font-size:80%">
+Thanks for installing Buck!
+In this quickstart project, the file apps/myapp/BUCK defines the build rules. 
+At this point, you should move into the project directory and try running:
+    buck build //apps/myapp:app
+    buck build app
+See .buckconfig for a full list of aliases.
+If you have an Android device connected to your computer, you can also try:
+    buck install app
+This information is located in the file README.md if you need to access it
+<h2>Step 3: Build and Install Your App</h2>
+As explained in the instructions that were printed to the console, you can
+run the following to build your application:
+<pre>buck build app</pre>
+Or if you have an Android emulator running or a device connected via a
+USB cable (you can verify this by running <code>adb devices</code>),
+then you can install and start up the app by running:
+<pre>buck install app</pre>
+The name <code>app</code> is an alias for the <a href="{ROOT}concept/build_target.html">build
+target</a> that identifies the <a href="{ROOT}concept/build_rule.html">build
+rule</a> that is responsible for building your app. You can change this mapping in the{sp}
+<a href="{ROOT}concept/buckconfig.html"><code>.buckconfig</code></a> file that was created in
+the root of your project directory.
+<h2>Step 4: Modifying the App</h2>
+Now that you know how to run Buck to build an APK, you are probably interested in modifying
+the boilerplate code to build the app of your dreams. Java code goes under the <code>java/</code> directory,
+and it is recommended that the directory structure match the package structure, as is the convention in Java.
+By comparision, Android resources should go under the <code>res/</code> directory. Just as you can have
+multiple Java packages in the <code>java/</code> directory, you are encouraged to declare
+multiple {call buck.android_resource /} rules under the <code>res/</code> directory. This makes it easier
+to create a mapping between directories of Android resources and the Java code that requires them.
+Now you should have everything that you need to get started! You will likely want to come back to
+start exploring more of Buck's documentation as your app becomes more complex and you want to leverage
+more of the sophisticated features of Buck.
+<em>Currently, the IntelliJ project generated by running {call buck.cmd_project /} does not import
+cleanly into IntelliJ. We are working to get <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19326675/how-do-i-fix-or-debug-error-android-packager-app-cannot-create-new-key-or-k">
+answers to our questions</a> to help debug this.
+</div> // close overview
+{call buck.footer /}
diff --git a/docs/setup/quickstart.html b/docs/setup/quickstart.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..229dd78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/setup/quickstart.html
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  <!-- Original file was renamed, so preserve the URL. -->
+  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=quick_start.html">
diff --git a/docs/soy2html.py b/docs/soy2html.py
index 079179a..6f7c854 100644
--- a/docs/soy2html.py
+++ b/docs/soy2html.py
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
         copy_to_output_dir(html_file, output_dir, html)
       elif (file_name.endswith('.css') or
             file_name.endswith('.js') or
-            file_name.endswith('.png')):
+            file_name.endswith('.png') or
+            file_name.endswith('.html')):
         #  Copy the static resource to output_dir.
         relative_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
         with open(relative_path) as resource_file: