tree: e7ff2d88ce38f021fc742cc5b27035dfc748f38e [path history] [tgz]
  1. haproxy/
  2. syslog-sidecar/
  3. cf-cluster.yml
  4. cf-dashboard.yml
  5. cf-dns-route.yml
  6. cf-service-lb.yml
  7. cf-service-master.yml
  8. cf-service-replication.yml
  9. cf-service-slave.yml
  10. Makefile
  12. setup.env.template

Gerrit dual-master in High-Availability

This set of templates provides all the components to deploy a Gerrit dual-master in HA in ECS. The 2 masters will share the Git repositories via NFS, using EFS.


The following templates are provided in this example:

  • cf-cluster: define the ECS cluster and the networking stack
  • cf-service-master: define the service stack running the gerrit master
  • cf-dns-route: define the DNS routing for the service
  • cf-service-slave: define the service stack running the gerrit replica
  • cf-service-lb: define the LBs in front of gerrit masters (this includes haproxy as well as NLB)
  • cf-dashboard: define the CloudWatch dashboard for the services

When the recipe enables the replication_service (see docs) then these additional templates will be executed:

  • cf-service-replication: Define a replication stack that will allow git replication over the EFS volume, which is mounted by the master instances.


  • Single VPC:
  • CIDR:
  • Single Availability Zone
  • 1 public Subnets:
  • CIDR:
  • 1 public NLB exposing:
  • Gerrit master 1 HTTP on port 8080
  • Gerrit master 1 SSH on port 29418
  • 1 public NLB exposing:
  • Gerrit master 2 HTTP on port 8081
  • Gerrit master 2 SSH on port 39418
  • 1 Internet Gateway
  • 2 type A alias DNS entry, for Gerrit master 1 and 2
  • A wildcard SSL certificate available in AWS Certificate Manager

Data persistency

  • EBS volumes for:
    • Indexes
    • Caches
    • Logs
  • EFS volume:
    • Share Git repositories between masters
    • Share Web sessions between masters

NOTE: This stack uses EFS in provisioned mode, which is a better setting for large repos (> 1GB uncompressed) since it provides a lower latency compared to the burst mode. However, it has some costs associated. If you are dealing with small repos, you can switch to burst mode.

Deployment type

  • Latest Gerrit version deployed using the official Docker image
  • Application deployed in ECS on a single EC2 instance


  • All the logs are forwarded to AWS CloudWatch in the LogGroup with the cluster stack name


  • Standard CloudWatch monitoring metrics for each component
  • Application level CloudWatch monitoring can be enabled as described here
  • Prometheus and Grafana stack is currently not available for dual-master, but a change is in progress to allow this (see Issue 12979)

How to run it

0 - Prerequisites

Follow the steps described in the Prerequisites section

1 - Configuration

Please refer to the configuration docs to understand how to set up the configuration and what common configuration values are needed. On top of that, you might set the additional parameters, specific for this recipe.


Configuration values affecting deployment environment and cluster properties

  • SERVICE_MASTER1_STACK_NAME: Optional. Name of the master 1 service stack. gerrit-service-master-1 by default.

  • SERVICE_MASTER2_STACK_NAME: Optional. Name of the master 2 service stack. gerrit-service-master-2 by default.

  • DASHBOARD_STACK_NAME : Optional. Name of the dashboard stack. gerrit-dashboard by default.

  • MASTER1_SUBDOMAIN: Optional. Name of the master 1 sub domain. gerrit-master-1-demo by default.

  • MASTER2_SUBDOMAIN: Optional. Name of the master 2 sub domain. gerrit-master-2-demo by default.

  • HTTP_HOST_PORT_MASTER1: Optional. Gerrit Host HTTP port for master1 (must be different from master2). 9080 by default.

  • SSH_HOST_PORT_MASTER1:: Optional. Gerrit Host SSH port for master1 (must be different from master2). 29418 by default.

  • HTTP_HOST_PORT_MASTER2: Optional. Gerrit Host HTTP port for master2 (must be different from master1). 9080 by default.

  • SSH_HOST_PORT_MASTER2:: Optional. Gerrit Host SSH port for master2 (must be different from master1). 29418 by default.

  • SLAVE_SUBDOMAIN: Mandatory. The subdomain of the Gerrit slave. For example: <AWS_PREFIX>-slave

  • LB_SUBDOMAIN: Mandatory. The subdomain of the Gerrit load balancer. For example: <AWS_PREFIX>-dual-master

  • FILESYSTEM_THROUGHPUT_MODE: Optional. The throughput mode for the file system to be created. default: bursting. More info here

  • FILESYSTEM_PROVISIONED_THROUGHPUT_IN_MIBPS: Optional. Only used when FILESYSTEM_THROUGHPUT_MODE is set to provisioned. default: 256.

  • GERRIT_SLAVE_INSTANCE_ID: Optional. Identifier for the Gerrit slave instance. “gerrit-dual-master-SLAVE” by default.

  • GERRIT_MASTER1_INSTANCE_ID: Optional. Identifier for the Gerrit master1 instance. “gerrit-dual-master-MASTER1” by default.

  • GERRIT_MASTER2_INSTANCE_ID: Optional. Identifier for the Gerrit master2 instance. “gerrit-dual-master-MASTER2” by default.

  • HA_PROXY_DESIRED_COUNT: Optional. Desired number of haproxy services. “2” by default. Minimum: “2”.

Note ha-proxies are running on ec2 instances with a ratio of 1 to 1: each ec2 node hosts one and only one ha-proxy. By increasing the number of desired ha-proxies then, the size of the autoscaling group hosting them also increases accordingly.

  • HA_PROXY_MAX_COUNT: Optional. Maximum number of EC2 instances in the haproxy autoscaling group. “2” by default. Minimum: “2”.

  • MASTER_MAX_COUNT: Optional. Maximum number of EC2 instances in the master autoscaling group. “2” by default. Minimum: “2”.


  • REPLICATION_SERVICE_ENABLED: Optional. Whether to expose a replication endpoint. “false” by default.
  • SERVICE_REPLICATION_STACK_NAME: Optional. The name of the replication service stack. “git-replication-service” by default.
  • SERVICE_REPLICATION_DESIRED_COUNT: Optional. Number of wanted replication tasks. “1” by default.
  • GIT_REPLICATION_SUBDOMAIN: Optional. The subdomain to use for the replication endpoint. “git-replication” by default.

It is also posssible to replicate to an extra target by providing a FQDN. The target is expected to expose port 9148 and port 1022 for git and git admin operations respectively.

  • REMOTE_REPLICATION_TARGET_HOST: Optional. The fully qualified domain name of a remote replication target. Empty by default.

The replication service and the remote replication target represent the reading and writing sides of Git replication: by enabling both of them, it is possible to establish replication to a remote Git site.


This recipe supports multi-site. Multi-site is a specific configuration of Gerrit that allows it to be part of distributed multi-master of multiple Gerrit clusters. No storage is shared among the Gerrit sites: syncing happens thanks to two channels:

  • The replication plugin allow alignment of git data (see replication service) for how to enable this.
  • The multi-site group of plugins and resources allow the coordination and the exchange of gerrit specific events that are produced and consumed by the members of the multi-site deployment. (See the multi-site design for more information on this.
  • Kafka brokers and Zookeeper are required by this recipe and are expected to exist and accessible with server-side TLS security enabled by the master instances resulting from the deployment of this recipe.
  • Replication service must be enabled to allow syncing of Git data.

These are the parameters that can be specified to enable/disable multi-site:

  • MULTISITE_ENABLED: Optional. Whether this Gerrit is part of a multi-site cluster deployment. “false” by default.
  • MULTISITE_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING: Required when “MULTISITE_ENABLED=true”. Connection string to Zookeeper.
  • MULTISITE_KAFKA_BROKERS: Required when “MULTISITE_ENABLED=true”. Comma separated list of Kafka broker hosts (host:port) to use for publishing events to the message broker.
  • MULTISITE_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_NODE Optional. Root node to use in Zookeeper to store/retrieve information. Constraint: a slash-separated (‘/’) string not starting with a slash (‘/’) “gerrit/multi-site” by default.
  • MULTISITE_GLOBAL_PROJECTS: Optional. Comma separated list of patterns (see projects.pattern) to specify which projects are available across all sites. This parametes applies to both multi-site and replication service remote destinations. Empty by default which means that all projects are available across all sites.

2 - Deploy

  • Create the cluster, services and DNS routing stacks:
make [AWS_REGION=a-valid-aws-region] [AWS_PREFIX=some-cluster-prefix] create-all

The optional AWS_REGION and AWS_REFIX allow you to define where it will be deployed and what it will be named.

It might take several minutes to build the stack. You can monitor the creations of the stacks in CloudFormation

  • NOTE: the creation of the cluster needs an EC2 key pair are useful when you need to connect to the EC2 instances for troubleshooting purposes. The key pair is automatically generated and stored in a pem file on the current directory. To use when ssh-ing into your instances as follow: ssh -i cluster-keys.pem ec2-user@<ec2_instance_ip>


Optionally this recipe can be deployed so that replication onto the share EFS volume is available.

By setting the environment variable REPLICATION_SERVICE_ENABLED=true, this recipe will set up and configure additional resources that will allow other other sites to replicate to a specific endpoint, exposed as:


  • For Git Admin replication $(GIT_REPLICATION_SUBDOMAIN).$(HOSTED_ZONE_NAME):1022

The service will persist git data on the same EFS volume mounted by the gerrit master1 and gerrit master2.

Note that the replication endpoint is not internet-facing, thus replication requests must be coming from a peered VPC.

Cleaning up

make [AWS_REGION=a-valid-aws-region] [AWS_PREFIX=some-cluster-prefix] delete-all

The optional AWS_REGION and AWS_REFIX allow you to specify exactly which stack you target for deletion.

Note that this will not delete:

  • Secrets stored in Secret Manager
  • SSL certificates
  • ECR repositories

Access your Gerrit instances

Get the URL of your Gerrit master instances this way:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name <SERVICE_MASTER1_STACK_NAME> \
  | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \
  | grep OutputValue \
  | cut -d'"' -f 4

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name <SERVICE_MASTER2_STACK_NAME> \
  | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \
  | grep OutputValue \
  | cut -d'"' -f 4

Gerrit master instance ports:

  • HTTP 8080
  • SSH 29418

External Services

If you need to setup some external services (maybe for testing purposes, such as SMTP or LDAP), you can follow the instructions here


Refer to the Docker section for information on how to setup docker or how to publish images