This set of templates provides all the components to deploy a Gerrit dual-primary in HA in ECS. The 2 primaries will share the Git repositories via NFS, using EFS.
The following templates are provided in this example:
: define the ECS cluster and the networking stackcf-service-primary
: define the service stack running the gerrit primarycf-dns-route
: define the DNS routing for the servicecf-service-replica
: define the service stack running the gerrit replicacf-service-lb
: define the LBs in front of gerrit primaries (this includes haproxy as well as NLB)cf-dashboard
: define the CloudWatch dashboard for the servicesWhen the recipe enables the replication_service (see docs) then these additional templates will be executed:
: Define a replication stack that will allow git replication over the EFS volume, which is mounted by the primary instances.NOTE: This stack uses EFS in provisioned mode, which is a better setting for large repos (> 1GB uncompressed) since it provides a lower latency compared to the burst mode. However, it has some costs associated. If you are dealing with small repos, you can switch to burst mode.
Gerrit stores information in two volumes: git data (and possibly websessions, when not using multi-site) are shared across Gerrit nodes and therefore persisted in the EFS volume, whilst cache, logs, plugins data and indexes are local to each specific Gerrit node and thus stored in the EBS volume.
In order to deploy a Gerrit instance that runs on pre-existing data, the EFS volume and an EBS snapshot need to be specified in the setup.env
file(see configuration for more information on how to do this).
Referring to persistent volumes allows to perform blue-green deployments.
When a dual-primary stack is created, unless otherwise specified, a new EFS is created and a two new empty EBSs are attached to primary1 and primary2, respectively.
In a blue/green deployment scenario, this initial stack is called the blue stack.
make AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_PREFIX=gerrit-blue create-all
Later on (days, weeks, months), the need of a change arises, for which a new version of the cluster needs to be deployed: this will be the green stack and it will need to be deployed as such:
Take primary1 EBS snapshot of volume attached to /dev/xvdg (note, this needs to be done in a read only window). Ideally this step is already performed regularly by a backup script.
Update the setup.env
to point to existing volumes, for example:
FILESYSTEM_ID=fs-c621b733 GERRIT_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ID=snap-0afa165bdf4881915
If the network stack was created as part of this deployment (i.e. a new VPC was created as part of this deployment), then you need to set network resources so that the green stack can be deployed in the same VPC, for example:
VPC_ID=vpc-08d2159c53f7a1ff5 INTERNET_GATEWAY_ID=igw-0c0577829910ce7f3 SUBNET_ID=subnet-05efd67802b1cbd5b
make AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_PREFIX=gerrit-green create-all
Once you are happy the green stack is aligned and healthy you can switch the Route53 DNS to the new green stack.
make AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_PREFIX=gerrit-blue delete-all
Note that, even if the EFS resources were created as part of the blue stack, they will be retained during the stack deletion, so that they can still be used by the green stack.
This includes EFS as well as VPC resources (if they were created as part of the blue stack).
Follow the steps described in the Prerequisites section
Please refer to the configuration docs to understand how to set up the configuration and what common configuration values are needed. On top of that, you might set the additional parameters, specific for this recipe.
Configuration values affecting deployment environment and cluster properties
: Optional. Name of the primary 1 service stack. gerrit-service-primary-1
by default.
: Optional. Name of the primary 2 service stack. gerrit-service-primary-2
by default.
: Optional. Name of the dashboard stack. gerrit-dashboard
by default.
: Optional. Name of the primary 1 sub domain. gerrit-primary-1-demo
by default.
: Optional. Name of the primary 2 sub domain. gerrit-primary-2-demo
by default.
: Optional. Gerrit Host HTTP port for primary1 (must be different from primary2). 9080
by default.
: Optional. Gerrit Host SSH port for primary1 (must be different from primary2). 29418
by default.
: Optional. Gerrit Host HTTP port for primary2 (must be different from primary1). 9080
by default.
: Optional. Gerrit Host SSH port for primary2 (must be different from primary1). 29418
by default.
: Mandatory. The subdomain of the Gerrit replica. For example: <AWS_PREFIX>-replica
: Mandatory. The subdomain of the Gerrit load balancer. For example: <AWS_PREFIX>-dual-primary
: Optional. The throughput mode for the file system to be created. default: bursting
. More info here
: Optional. Only used when FILESYSTEM_THROUGHPUT_MODE
is set to provisioned
. default: 256
: Optional. Identifier for the Gerrit replica instance. “gerrit-dual-primary-REPLICA” by default.
: Optional. Identifier for the Gerrit primary1 instance. “gerrit-dual-primary-PRIMARY1” by default.
: Optional. Identifier for the Gerrit primary2 instance. “gerrit-dual-primary-PRIMARY2” by default.
: Optional. Desired number of haproxy services. “2” by default. Minimum: “2”.
Note ha-proxies are running on ec2 instances with a ratio of 1 to 1: each ec2 node hosts one and only one ha-proxy. By increasing the number of desired ha-proxies then, the size of the autoscaling group hosting them also increases accordingly.
: Optional. Maximum number of EC2 instances in the haproxy autoscaling group. “2” by default. Minimum: “2”.
: Optional. Maximum number of EC2 instances in the primary autoscaling group. “2” by default. Minimum: “2”.
: Optional. Id of the EBS volume snapshot used to create new EBS volume for Gerrit data. A new volume will be created for each primary, based on this snapshot.
Note that, differently from other recipes, dual-primary does not support the GERRIT_VOLUME_ID
parameter, since it wouldn't be possible to mount the same EBS on multiple EC2 instances.
: Optional. The size of the Gerrit data volume, in GiBs. 10
by default.
: Optional. An existing EFS filesystem id.
If empty, a new EFS will be created to store git data. Setting this value is required when deploying a dual-primary cluster using existing data as well as performing blue/green deployments. The nested stack will be retained when the cluster is deleted, so that existing data can be used to perform blue/green deployments.
. Optional. Interval between reindexing of all changes, accounts and groups. Default: 10m
high-availability docs here
: Optional. Whether to expose a replication endpoint. “false” by default.SERVICE_REPLICATION_STACK_NAME
: Optional. The name of the replication service stack. “git-replication-service” by default.SERVICE_REPLICATION_DESIRED_COUNT
: Optional. Number of wanted replication tasks. “1” by default.GIT_REPLICATION_SUBDOMAIN
: Optional. The subdomain to use for the replication endpoint. “git-replication” by default.It is also posssible to replicate to an extra target by providing a FQDN. The target is expected to expose port 9148 and port 1022 for git and git admin operations respectively.
: Optional. The fully qualified domain name of a remote replication target. Empty by default.The replication service and the remote replication target represent the reading and writing sides of Git replication: by enabling both of them, it is possible to establish replication to a remote Git site.
This recipe supports multi-site. Multi-site is a specific configuration of Gerrit that allows it to be part of distributed multi-primary of multiple Gerrit clusters. No storage is shared among the Gerrit sites: syncing happens thanks to two channels:
plugin allow alignment of git data (see replication service) for how to enable this.multi-site
group of plugins and resources allow the coordination and the exchange of gerrit specific events that are produced and consumed by the members of the multi-site deployment. (See the multi-site design for more information on this.These are the parameters that can be specified to enable/disable multi-site:
: Optional. Whether this Gerrit is part of a multi-site cluster deployment. “false” by default.MULTISITE_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING
: Required when “MULTISITE_ENABLED=true”. Connection string to Zookeeper.MULTISITE_KAFKA_BROKERS
: Required when “MULTISITE_ENABLED=true”. Comma separated list of Kafka broker hosts (host:port) to use for publishing events to the message broker.MULTISITE_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_NODE
Optional. Root node to use in Zookeeper to store/retrieve information. Constraint: a slash-separated (‘/’) string not starting with a slash (‘/’) “gerrit/multi-site” by default.MULTISITE_GLOBAL_PROJECTS
: Optional. Comma separated list of patterns (see projects.pattern) to specify which projects are available across all sites. This parametes applies to both multi-site and replication service remote destinations. Empty by default which means that all projects are available across all sites.make [AWS_REGION=a-valid-aws-region] [AWS_PREFIX=some-cluster-prefix] create-all
The optional AWS_REGION
allow you to define where it will be deployed and what it will be named.
It might take several minutes to build the stack. You can monitor the creations of the stacks in CloudFormation
file on the current directory. To use when ssh-ing into your instances as follow: ssh -i cluster-keys.pem ec2-user@<ec2_instance_ip>
Optionally this recipe can be deployed so that replication onto the share EFS volume is available.
By setting the environment variable REPLICATION_SERVICE_ENABLED=true
, this recipe will set up and configure additional resources that will allow other other sites to replicate to a specific endpoint, exposed as:
The service will persist git data on the same EFS volume mounted by the gerrit primary1 and gerrit primary2.
Note that the replication endpoint is not internet-facing, thus replication requests must be coming from a peered VPC.
make [AWS_REGION=a-valid-aws-region] [AWS_PREFIX=some-cluster-prefix] delete-all
The optional AWS_REGION
allow you to specify exactly which stack you target for deletion.
Note that this will not delete:
Note that you can completely delete the stack, including explicitly retained resources such as the EFS Git filesystem, VPC and subnets, by issuing the more aggressive command:
make [AWS_REGION=a-valid-aws-region] [AWS_PREFIX=some-cluster-prefix] delete-all-including-retained-stack
Note that this will execute a prompt to confirm your choice:
* * * * WARNING * * * * this is going to completely destroy the stack, including git data. Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]
If you want to automate this programmatically you can just pipe the yes
command to the make:
yes | make [AWS_REGION=a-valid-aws-region] [AWS_PREFIX=some-cluster-prefix] delete-all-including-retained-stack
Get the URL of your Gerrit primary instances this way:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name <SERVICE_PRIMARY1_STACK_NAME> \ | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \ | grep OutputValue \ | cut -d'"' -f 4 aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name <SERVICE_PRIMARY2_STACK_NAME> \ | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \ | grep OutputValue \ | cut -d'"' -f 4
Gerrit primary instance ports:
If you need to setup some external services (maybe for testing purposes, such as SMTP or LDAP), you can follow the instructions here
Refer to the Docker section for information on how to setup docker or how to publish images