Remove the botlike obsolete parameter from invocation

The configuration of what is bot and what isn't belongs to
the project configuration and cannot be passed anymore as parameter.

Remove the parameter from ETL and from the invocation of the
analytics plugin.

Change-Id: I13a2169b811292abd1f969a3110cad7667fefacd
diff --git a/ b/
index 0206de6..65a5f74 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
     --since 2000-06-01 \
     --aggregate email_hour \
     --url \
-    --botlike-filename-regexps='.+\.xml,.+\.bzl,BUILD,WORKSPACE,\.gitignore,plugins/,\.settings' \
     -e gerrit \
     --username gerrit-api-username \
     --password gerrit-api-password
@@ -64,8 +63,6 @@
     the system temporary directory
 - -a --email-aliases (*optional*) "emails to author alias" input data path.
 - -k --ignore-ssl-cert allows to proceed even for server connections otherwise considered insecure.
-- -n --botlike-filename-regexps comma separated list of regexps that identify a bot-like commit, commits that modify only files whose name is a match will be flagged as bot-like
   CSVs with 3 columns are expected in input.
diff --git a/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/job/Main.scala b/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/job/Main.scala
index 9b8ad85..6f51c0d 100644
--- a/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/job/Main.scala
+++ b/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/job/Main.scala
@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@
       opt[Boolean]('r', "extract-branches") optional () action { (input, c) =>
         c.copy(extractBranches = Some(input))
       } text "enables branches extraction for each commit"
-      opt[String]('n', "botlike-filename-regexps") optional () action { (input, c) =>
-        c.copy(botLikeRegexps = Some(input))
-      } text "comma separated list of regexps that identify a bot-like commit, commits that modify only files whose name is a match will be flagged as bot-like"
   cliOptionParser.parse(args, GerritEndpointConfig()) match {
diff --git a/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/model/GerritEndpointConfig.scala b/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/model/GerritEndpointConfig.scala
index fdee284..c853b2e 100644
--- a/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/model/GerritEndpointConfig.scala
+++ b/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/model/GerritEndpointConfig.scala
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
     username: Option[String] = None,
     password: Option[String] = None,
     ignoreSSLCert: Option[Boolean] = None,
-    extractBranches: Option[Boolean] = None,
-    botLikeRegexps: Option[String] = None) {
+    extractBranches: Option[Boolean] = None) {
   val gerritApiConnection: GerritConnectivity = new GerritConnectivity(username, password, ignoreSSLCert.getOrElse(false))
@@ -55,8 +54,7 @@
     "since"            ->,
     "until"            ->,
     "aggregate"        -> aggregate,
-    "extract-branches" ->,
-    "botlike-filename-regexps" ->, "UTF-8"))
+    "extract-branches" ->
   ).flatMap(queryOpt).mkString("?", "&", "")
   def contributorsUrl(projectName: String): Option[String] =
diff --git a/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/plugin/ProcessGitCommitsCommand.scala b/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/plugin/ProcessGitCommitsCommand.scala
index 4bb9a97..7fa8239 100644
--- a/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/plugin/ProcessGitCommitsCommand.scala
+++ b/gitcommits/src/main/scala/com/gerritforge/analytics/gitcommits/plugin/ProcessGitCommitsCommand.scala
@@ -57,13 +57,6 @@
              usage = "enables branches extraction for each commit")
   var extractBranches: Boolean = false
-  @ArgOption(name = "--botlike-filename-regexps",
-    aliases = Array("-n"),
-    usage = "comma separated list of regexps that identify a bot-like commit, commits that modify only files whose name is a match will be flagged as bot-like")
-  var botLikeRegexps: String = ""
   override def run() {
     implicit val config = GerritEndpointConfig(gerritConfig.getListenUrl(),
                                                prefix =
@@ -74,9 +67,7 @@
-                                               ignoreSSLCert=Some(ignoreSSLCert),
-                                               botLikeRegexps=botLikeRegexps
-    )
+                                               ignoreSSLCert=Some(ignoreSSLCert))
     implicit val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession