| package com.gerritforge.analytics |
| |
| import java.io.{File, FileWriter} |
| |
| import com.gerritforge.analytics.model.{GerritEndpointConfig, ProjectContribution, ProjectContributionSource} |
| import org.json4s.JsonDSL._ |
| import org.json4s._ |
| import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ |
| import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Inside, Matchers} |
| |
| class GerritAnalyticsTransformationsSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with SparkTestSupport with Inside { |
| |
| import com.gerritforge.analytics.engine.GerritAnalyticsTrasformations._ |
| |
| "A project" should "be enriched with its contributors URL endpoint" in { |
| withSparkContext { sc => |
| val projectRdd = sc.parallelize(Seq("project")) |
| val config = GerritEndpointConfig("http://somewhere.com") |
| |
| val projectWithSource = projectRdd.enrichWithSource(config).collect |
| |
| projectWithSource should have size 1 |
| |
| inside(projectWithSource.head) { |
| case ProjectContributionSource(project, url) => { |
| project should be("project") |
| url should startWith("http://somewhere.com") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| it should "return one line enriched with its contributor" in { |
| val contributorsJson: JObject = ("foo" -> "bar") |
| val projectSource = ProjectContributionSource("project", newSource(contributorsJson)) |
| |
| withSparkContext { sc => |
| val projectContributions = sc.parallelize(Seq(projectSource)) |
| .fetchContributors |
| .collect() |
| |
| projectContributions should contain( |
| ProjectContribution("project", contributorsJson) |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| it should "return two lines enriched with its two contributors" in { |
| val contributor1: JObject = ("foo" -> "bar") |
| val contributor2: JObject = ("first" -> "John") |
| val projectSource = ProjectContributionSource("project", newSource(contributor1, contributor2)) |
| |
| withSparkContext { sc => |
| val projectContributions = sc.parallelize(Seq(projectSource)) |
| .fetchContributors |
| .collect() |
| |
| projectContributions should contain allOf( |
| ProjectContribution("project", contributor1), |
| ProjectContribution("project", contributor2) |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| "A ProjectContribution RDD" should "serialize to Json" in { |
| val pc1 = ProjectContribution("project", ("foo" -> "bar")) |
| val pc2 = ProjectContribution("project", ("foo2" -> "bar2")) |
| withSparkContext { sc => |
| sc.parallelize(Seq(pc1,pc2)).toJson.collect should contain allOf( |
| """{"project":"project","foo":"bar"}""", |
| """{"project":"project","foo2":"bar2"}""") |
| } |
| } |
| "getFileContentAsProjectContributions" should "collect contributors and handle utf-8" in { |
| val contributor1: JObject = ("foo" -> "bar") |
| val contributor2: JObject = ("first" -> "A with macron in unicode is: \u0100") |
| val url = newSource(contributor1, contributor2) |
| val projectContributions = getFileContentAsProjectContributions(url,"project").toArray |
| |
| projectContributions should contain allOf( |
| ProjectContribution("project", contributor1), |
| ProjectContribution("project", contributor2) |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| private def newSource(contributorsJson: JObject*): String = { |
| val tmpFile = File.createTempFile(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), |
| s"${getClass.getName}-${System.nanoTime()}") |
| |
| val out = new FileWriter(tmpFile) |
| contributorsJson.foreach(json => out.write(compact(render(json)) + '\n')) |
| out.close |
| tmpFile.toURI.toString |
| } |
| } |