Add presentation about gerrit change workflows
Change-Id: I9b749cb48bb901ac15fb94b87dd37d700026f026
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/gerrit-change-workflows.txt b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/gerrit-change-workflows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee998b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/gerrit-change-workflows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+= Gerrit Change Workflows, David Ostrovsky
+:backend: slidy
+:max-width: 70em
+== Gerrit Change Workflows
+=== David Ostrovsky
+==== Gerrit User Conference
+===== Palo Alto, 2018
+== Outline
+* Standard change workflow
+* Custom change workflow
+* Draft change workflow
+* Work In Progress (WIP) workflow proposed by OpenStack project (2012)
+* Allow to disable Draft change workflow in Gerrit core
+* WIP plugin (2013) and its limitation
+* Alternative implementations of WIP workflow in Gerrit core
+* Gerrit adoption by Chromium project in mid 2017
+* WIP workflow details
+* Replace Draft change workflow with WIP and Private Change workflows
+* Migration from earlier Gerrit versions
+== Standard Gerrit change workflow / 1
+=== Pre-Submit code review workflow
+ $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
+== Standard Gerrit change workflow / 2
+=== Post-Submit code review workflow (supported since 2.14)
+ $ git push origin sha1:refs/for/master%merged
+== Custom change workflow / 1
+* Gerrit doesn't provide (yet) workflow engine, now what?
+== Custom change workflow / 2
+* There is no supported way to do that directly with change states
+** We don't consider forking Gerrit as a viable option ;-)
+* Use issue tracker system, that supports custom workflows
+** Link Gerrit change to the corresponding issue
+== Custom change workflow / 3
+* Write a plugin to track the custom workflow
+* e.g.: verify-status plugin uses database to store verification details
+== Draft change workflow / 1
+- Not yet ready changes
+- Only visible for reviewers
+ $ git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master
+== Draft change workflow / 2
+- Can draft change be abandoned and restored?
+- Yes, it could, but the DRAFT state would be lost:
+== Draft change workflow / 3
+- Add new change state ABANDONED_DRAFT to rectify:
+== Draft patch set workflow
+ $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
+ <amend the commit>
+ $ git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master
+== Disadvantages of draft change workflow
+* Visibility constraint is orthogonal to Work In Progress attribute
+* Once published, there is no way to flip DRAFT status again
+** this is needed when reviewers identifed issues, that need to be addressed
+* User often consfused with draft change workflow:
+** draft change and draft patch set
+** deletion of draft changes vs. draft patch sets
+== Work In Progress (WIP) workflow from OpenStack project
+- WIP state suggested in 2012 by David Shrewsbury from Open Stack project
+- link:[Add Work In Progress state to Gerrit]
+== Combined WIP workflow with DRAFT workflow
+- WIP and Draft change workflow are overlapping workflows:
+== Allow to disable draft workflow in Gerrit core
+* Add `change.allowDrafts` option to disable draft workflow
+** No upload of drafts per push to `refs/drafts/master`
+** No publish and deletion actions for a change
+* As the consequence of this setting DRAFT change state is unused
+== WIP plugin: abuse DRAFT change state
+* WIP plugin is created in 2013, that implements WIP workflow
+* Only usable when `change.allowDrafts` is set to `true` on gerrit site
+== WIP Plugin: Show regular change
+* Reviewers can see change on their dashboard:
+== WIP Plugin: Flip WIP bit on a change
+* Set `DRAFT = true` from wip-plugin's UI action:
+== WIP Plugin: WIP changes are filtered out on reviewer's dashboards
+* WIP change are hidden on reviewer's dashboards:
+== WIP Plugin: Flip ready bit on a change
+* Set `DRAFT = false` from wip-plugin's UI action:
+== Disadvantages of WIP plugin
+* Draft change workflow must be disabled
+* Cannot upload a change as WIP
+* Notifications for WIP changes: Firehose is not turned off
+* Stream events are not implemented
+== Alternative considered to WIP workflow (in core or as a plugin)
+* Dedicated label can be used, with vote permission granted to change owner only
+** combined with customized dashboard to filter out negative votes on this label
+* Abuse existing label
+** CRVW and interpret the blocking-Vote of change owner as virtual WIP state.
+* Assignee workflow: assign change directly to owner or reviewer
+* Change edits can be used to hide notifications, but there are disadvantages
+** Certain code review features aren't available on change edits:
+*** Change edits cannot be shared with other reviewers
+*** like review comments from CI or static analysis;
+*** Updating change edit would override the existing ref
+== Gerrit adoption by Chromium project in mid 2017
+* Poorer notification control compared to Rietveld:
+** link:[Issue 4489 Provide control over when a review starts and reviewers are notified]
+** link:[Issue 4390 Provide e-mail notification (notify section) for when review is requested]
+** link:[Issue 4673 Reduce too frequent email notifications to CC list and Reviewers]
+* Solution: WIP workflow to address these problems
+== Work In Progress workflow: Overview
+* link:[Proposal: Work In Progress workflow]
+* Software development is all about communication
+** Gerrit should streamline the communication process:
+*** make the next action to take obvious for all participants
+*** make it clear to a reviewer when their attention on a change is needed
+*** without requiring the reviewer to scan the content of a change in order to make a judgment call
+* Avoid spamming reviewers with not ready changes:
+** Notifications
+** Dashboards
+== WIP workflow: Implementation
+* Use change attribute: "WIP" instead of change state "WIP"
+== WIP workflow: Mark as work in progress - button
+== WIP workflow: Start Review - button
+== WIP workflow: Use "Save" button to publish comments without moving the change out of WIP
+** The workflow really could use a major UX refresh
+== WIP workflow: ACL to flip the WIP state to ready
+* Change owner
+* Gerrit Administrators
+* Project Owners
+== WIP workflow: Push options
+* Push Option:
+ $ git push -o wip origin HEAD:refs/for/master
+ $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master%wip
+== WIP workflow: Notification impact
+* Actions that create a new patch set in a WIP change default to notifying *OWNER*
+* Actions that add a reviewer or CC to a WIP change default to notifying *NONE*
+* Abandoning a WIP change defaults to notifying *OWNER_REVIEWERS*
+* Reviewing a WIP change defaults to notifying *OWNER*
+== WIP workflow: Dashboard
+* There is a new section for *Work in progress* changes
+** The underlying query is for WIP changes owned by the user.
+* The query driving the existing *Incoming reviews* section
+** substracts WIP changes from the results
+== WIP workflow: Search
+* WIP Change subtruction from `reviewer:self` predicate:
+ if ("reviewer".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
+ return Predicate.and(
+ Predicate.not(new BooleanPredicate(ChangeField.WIP)),
+ ReviewerPredicate.reviewer(args, self()));
+ }
+* Feature requests: link:[issue 9902]: allow search for WIP changes for specific reviewers
+* Consider to change the `reviewer:self` predicate definition:
+ reviewer:self -is:wip
+== WIP workflow: Always push as WIP per user setting
+* Add user option to upload changes as WIP per default:
+== WIP workflow: Always push as WIP per project setting
+* Add config option to upload changes for a project as WIP per default:
+ workInProgressByDefault = true
+* Controls whether all new changes in the project are set as WIP by default.
+* This setting can be overridden:
+** if the `workInProgress` field in ChangeInput entity is set to `false` explicitly when creating change per REST API
+** if the `ready` PushOption is used during the Git push.
+* Default is `INHERIT`, which means that this property is inherited from
+the parent project.
+== WIP workflow: Always mark as WIP for changes created in browser
+* Inline change implementation creates empty changes
+* Empty changes are WIP per definition
+== Releasing WIP workflow
+* In addition to Draft change workflow or instead of Draft change workflow?
+* Both workflows have similarities and differences
+* Concluson: Discontinue Draft change worklfow
+== Discontinue Draft change workflow
+* WIP workflow: not readiness of the changes is orthogonal to the visibility constraints of Draft change workflow
+* Draft change workflow cannot be replaced with WIP workflow
+* Now what?
+== Private change workflow
+* Implement Private change workflow for visibility constraint' part of Draft change workflow:
+== Migration strategy from earlier Gerrit versions to 2.15 (Schema_159)
+* Draft changes are migrated to WIP or Private changes
+* Draft patch sets migrated to regular changes or private changes
+* Default to WIP changes (this was flipped recently):
+ [...]
+Migrating data to schema 158 ...
+ > Done (0.000 s)
+Migrating data to schema 159 ...
+Migrate draft changes to private changes (default is work-in-progress) [y/N]?
+Replace draft changes with work_in_progress changes ...
+ > Done (7.917 s)
+ [...]
+== Caution with Draft changes migration to Private changes strategy
+* Changes with Draft patch sets are migrated to private changes
+** Risk to mark substantial amount of merged and abandoned changes as
+*`private` and thus make them non visible
+* Workaround is to search for changes that were inadvertently marked as `private` and unmark them:
+ owner:self is:private
+== Left over from removal of Draft change workflow
+* Because of dependency of some external tools `refs/drafts/master` is preserved
+** with the follow semantic:
+ git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master # 1
+ <amend 1>
+ git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master # 2
+ <amend 2>
+ git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master # 3
+* 1. Creates private change
+* 2. Creates change edit
+* 3. Overwrites change edit
+== Thank you
+*David Ostrovsky*
+Mainatainer, Gerrit Code Review
+<style type="text/css">
+#title-page {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 30%;
+ font-size: 60px;
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ded00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+digraph change_workflow_custom {
+start -> NEW [ label="push" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> INTEGRATION [ label="deploy INT" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+INTEGRATION -> ACCEPTANCE [ label="deploy ACCEPT" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ACCEPTANCE -> PRE_PROD [ label="deploy PRE_PROD" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+PRE_PROD -> PROD [ label="deploy PROD" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+PROD -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+INTEGRATION [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ACCEPTANCE [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+PRE_PROD [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+PROD [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e5cec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+digraph change_workflow_post_submit {
+start -> MERGED [ label="push" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d512aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+digraph change_workflow_pre_submit {
+start -> NEW [ label="push" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65586c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+digraph draft_and_work_in_progress_workflow {
+start -> DRAFT [ label="push as draft" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> NEW [ label="publish" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start -> WORK_IN_PROGRESS [ label="push as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+WORK_IN_PROGRESS -> NEW [ label="ready" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> WORK_IN_PROGRESS [ label="wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start -> NEW [ label="push" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+DRAFT [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+WORK_IN_PROGRESS [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eb52f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+digraph draft_change_abandoned_workflow {
+start -> DRAFT [ label="push as draft / create change in browser" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> NEW [ label="publish" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+DRAFT [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd79948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+digraph draft_change_workflow {
+start -> DRAFT [ label="push as draft / create change in browser" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> NEW [ label="publish" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+DRAFT [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d000ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+digraph draft_change_abandoned_workflow {
+start -> DRAFT [ label="push as draft / create change in browser" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> NEW [ label="publish" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> ABANDONED_DRAFT [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+ABANDONED_DRAFT -> DRAFT [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+DRAFT [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED_DRAFT [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a225198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+digraph draft_patch_set_workflow {
+start -> NEW [ label="push as regular change" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> DRAFT_PATCH_SET [ label="push as draft" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+DRAFT_PATCH_SET -> NEW [ label="publish" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style="dotted", arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+DRAFT_PATCH_SET [label="Patch set attribute: DRAFT" fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=ellipse, style=filled, color="turquoise"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6449926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+digraph draft_change_workflow {
+start -> WORK_IN_PROGRESS [ label="push as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+WORK_IN_PROGRESS -> NEW [ label="ready" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> WORK_IN_PROGRESS [ label="wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start -> NEW [ label="push" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+WORK_IN_PROGRESS [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d025e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+digraph draft_patch_set_workflow {
+start -> NEW [ label="push/push as wip/push as private" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start -> WIP [ label="mark as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+NEW -> WIP [ label="mark as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+start -> PRIVATE [ label="mark as private" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+NEW -> PRIVATE [ label="mark as private" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+PRIVATE -> NEW [ label="unmark as private" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style="dotted", arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+WIP -> NEW [ label="mark as ready" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style="dotted", arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+WIP [label="Change attribute: WIP" fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=ellipse, style=filled, color="turquoise"]
+PRIVATE [label="Change attribute: Private" fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=ellipse, style=filled, color="turquoise"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c73a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+digraph draft_change_workflow {
+start -> NEW [ label="push" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+DRAFT -> NEW [ label="ready" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> DRAFT [ label="wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+DRAFT [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f606c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/imgs/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+digraph draft_patch_set_workflow {
+start -> NEW [ label="push/push as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start -> WIP [ label="mark as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+NEW -> WIP [ label="mark as wip" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=dotted, arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+WIP -> NEW [ label="mark as ready" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style="dotted", arrowhead="dot" color="turquoise"];
+NEW -> MERGED [ label="submit" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW -> ABANDONED [ label="abandon" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+ABANDONED -> NEW [ label="restore" fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+MERGED -> end [ fontname=Verdana fontsize=12, style=filled, color="#31CEF0" ]
+start [shape=Mdiamond fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+end [shape=Msquare fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"];
+NEW [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+WIP [label="Change attribute: WIP" fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=ellipse, style=filled, color="turquoise"]
+MERGED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
+ABANDONED [fontname=Verdana, fontsize=10, height=0.02, width=0.02, shape=Mrecord, style=filled, color="#31CEF0"]
diff --git a/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/makeslides b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/makeslides
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d260d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/presentations/gerrit-change-workflow/makeslides
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+asciidoc -a icons -a iconsdir=/opt/local/etc/asciidoc/images/icons gerrit-change-workflows.txt