What's new in Gerrit Multi-Site

Gerrit Multi-Site plugin is reaching its 4th anniversary, after its inception back in February 2019.

Over the years, it has gone through different maturity stages and has gone recently through major improvements, thanks also the advances in provided by the pull-replication plugin.

Luca gives an overview of the recent advances in the Gerrit multi-site architecutre, including:

  • Reduction of the replication lag latency with synchronous pull-replication
  • Simplification of the multi-site setup, based on pure Git/HTTPS connections
  • Managing sites downtimes and catch-up using an event message broker
  • Putting replicas in the Gerrit multi-site picture
  • Managing multi-site migrations

GerritHub.io has also gone through all the evolution of the Gerrit multi-site maturity stages and experienced unprecedented reliability, heading towards a 99.999% uptime.

Luca Milanesio, GerritForge