Gerrit User Summit 2022 - Speakers

Luca Milanesio - GerritForge


Luca is co-founder of GerritForge and has over 30 years of software development and application lifecycle management experience. He has been Gerrit Contributor since 2012, Gerrit Release manager, member of the Gerrit Engineering Steering Committee and maintainer of, the Open Service for Gerrit Code Review on top of GitHub repositories.

James Blair - Acme Gating


James is the project lead for the Zuul project gating system, and a founding member of the OpenDev collaboratory team. As a sysadmin and hacker he gets to write elegant code and then try to make it work in the real world. He started Acme Gating to provide enterprise Zuul support and services.

Fabio Ponciroli - GerritForge


Fabio is a Senior Software Engineer at GerritForge, where he contributes to the OpenSource Gerrit Code Review project. He has been involved since the beginning in the design and development of Gerrit DevOps analytics tools, multi-site plugin and many other. He has also created the Gatling protocol manager for Git which has finally provided a real E2E test suite for the validation of the Gerrit Code Review releases. He has extensive experience in working on backend systems, on-premise and cloud-based, with different programming languages, such as Scala, Java, NodeJS and related ecosystems.

Thomas Draebing - SAP


Thomas is a Software Developer at SAP, where he is part of the team providing Gerrit for development teams within SAP. He is actively contributing to Gerrit since 2018 and has started the k8s-gerrit project.

Alexander Ost - Freelance Consultant


Alexander has been working as a CI/SCM/DevOps consultant since 2004. He has been working with Gerrit for various companies, and he has obtained experience in using, customizing and troubleshooting Gerrit from several large-scale projects.

Frank Borden - Google


Frank is a software engineer working on Gerrit's web application. He joined Gerrit in 2020.

Ben Rohlfs - Google


Ben is a software engineer working on Gerrit's web application. He joined Gerrit in 2019, and has been working on the Attention Set and the Check UI.