Gerrit User Summit USA 2019 - Schedule

Hackathon, 11-15th November (Mon-Fri)

8:30Registration Opens, Breakfast
9:30Presentation of the hackathon topics, introductions
12:15Lunch & Networking
17:00End of the day

The User Summit

Introduction, intermediate and advanced sessions on Gerrit Code Review.

Saturday 16th November

8:30Registration Opens, Breakfast, Networking
9:00Welcome to GerritForge Inc. - KeyNote introduction
9:30What's new in Gerrit v3.0
10:30Break & Networking
10:45First-class Gerrit CI integration with Checks
11:45Gerrit goes multi-site
12:45Lunch & Networking
14:00JGit (concrete topic to be decided)
15:00<< Gerrit case study - slot available >>
16:00Break & Networking
16:30Lightning talks
- Show me your dashboard - 10'
17:30End of Day 1
19:00Dinner - Celebrations for Gerrit v3.0

Sunday 17th November

9:00Breakfast, Networking
10:00Gerrit Review Analytics applied to the Android OpenSource Project
11:00Community Retrospective - Part 1
12:00Community Retrospective - Part 2
12:45Lunch & Networking
14:00Towards a lightning-fast Gerrit
15:00Gerrit load testing with Gatling
16:00Break & Networking
16:15Wrap-up and proposals for future Summits
17:00End of the Gerrit User Summit