Gerrit User Summit 2017 - Schedule

The Hackathon - September 30th (Sat) to October 1st (Sun)

Two days of hacking on Gerrit Code Review and for building new plugins by contributors and people passionate about understanding and extending Gerrit.

By invitation only

The number of places available is deliberately very limited. The primary purpose of the hackathon is to speed up the communication between Gerrit contributors with white-boarding face-to-face sessions and pair programming in a quiet and co-located roundtable.

The User Summit, October 2nd (Mon) to 3rd (Tue)

Introduction, intermediate and advanced sessions on Gerrit Code Review. The Call For Papers is officially open, submit your talk proposal directly through Gerrit Code Review

The voting and final selection of the agenda is totally driven by Community, the review score defines the chart of best rated talks.

Follow the instructions described in the sessions proposal section and be active part of the Summit by sharing your experience and provide your feedback on how to improve Gerrit Code Review.

Open to everyone

There are over 150 seats available on a first-come-first-served basis, open to anyone who is using Gerrit Code Review or interested in adopting it in their daily software development workflow.

Register Now to the Gerrit User Summit 2017


8:00Registration Opens, Breakfast, Expo & Networking
9:00Welcome introduction
9:15What's new in Gerrit 2.14.x
10:00Gerrit at Google: Multi-master, multi-tenant
10:45Break, Expo & Networking
11:30PolyGerrit UX: Findings from research/experience on the new GUI
12:15Lunch, Expo & Networking
14:00Gerrit CI: keep logs forever
14:45Beyond Gerrit
15:30Break, Expo & Networking
16:00What's new in Gerrit 2.15
16:45Q&A with the Gerrit Maintainers
17:30Drinks, Expo & Networking
17:30PolyGerrit UX Testing/Research Sessions


8:00Registration Opens, Breakfast, Expo & Networking
8:00PolyGerrit UX Testing/Research Sessions
9:00Extend Gerrit with Scripting
9:15A brand-new Gerrit integration for Jenkins
10:00Diffy with enterprise grade
10:45Break, Expo & Networking
11:30Multi-master outside Google: rollout experience at Qualcomm
12:15Lunch, Expo & Networking
14:00Mining Gerrit Data on OpenStack
14:45Export Review, Projects and Metrics to powerful dashboards
15:30Break, Expo & Networking
16:00Conference wrap-up and Closing Keynote