Merge changes I40e7f7c1,I6542c6eb
* changes:
Return to jtry1..jtry10 to save space
Statically import fail/0 instead of defining new fields
diff --git a/examples/plcafe/Makefile b/examples/plcafe/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd0348..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Prolog Cafe
-PLJAVAC = pljavac
-PLJAR = pljar
-.SUFFIXES: .jar .pl $(SUFFIXES)
-jar_objects := $(patsubst,%.jar,$(wildcard *.pl))
- $(PLJAR) $(PLJAROPTS) $@ $<
- -rm -f -r $*
-all: $(jar_objects)
- $(PLJAVAC) $(PLJAVACOPTS) -cp queens.jar
- -rm -f core *~
-realclean: clean
- -rm -f *.jar *.class
diff --git a/examples/plcafe/ b/examples/plcafe/
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index 42ff7e2..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/
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-import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.*;
- * A sample program for multi-thread execution.<br>
- * Usage: <br>
- * <pre>
- * % plcafe -cp queens.jar T
- * </pre>
- *
- * @author Naoyuki Tamura (
- * @author Mutsunori Banbara (
- */
-public class T {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
- boolean r1 = true;
- boolean r2 = true;
- Term a1[] = {new IntegerTerm(10), new VariableTerm()};
- Term a2[] = {new IntegerTerm(8), new VariableTerm()};
- PrologControl e1 = new PrologControl();
- PrologControl e2 = new PrologControl();
- Term v1 = new VariableTerm();
- Term v2 = new VariableTerm();
- e1.setPredicate(new PRED_queens_2(), a1);
- e2.setPredicate(new PRED_queens_2(), a2);
- System.out.println("Start");
- e1.start();
- e2.start();
- while (r1 || r2) {
- try {
- Thread.sleep(10);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
- if (r1 && e1.ready()) {
- r1 =;
- if (r1) {
- System.out.println("Success1 = " + a1[1]);
- e1.cont();
- } else {
- System.out.println("Fail1");
- }
- } else if (r2 && e2.ready()) {
- r2 =;
- if (r2) {
- System.out.println("Success2 = " + a2[1]);
- e2.cont();
- } else {
- System.out.println("Fail2");
- }
- } else {
- System.out.println("Waiting");
- try {
- Thread.sleep(100);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
- }
- }
- System.out.println("End");
- long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
- long t2 = t1 - t;
- System.out.println("time = " + t2 + "msec.");
- }
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index 80a7dc1..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-% File :
-% Authors: Mutsunori Banbara (
-% Updated: 15 May 2008
-% Purpose: java.awt.BorderLayout
-% Usage :
-% % plcafe -cp border_layout.jar
-% ?- main.
-main :-
- java_constructor('java.awt.Frame', X),
- java_get_field('java.awt.Color', blue, Blue),
- java_get_field('java.awt.Color', white, White),
- java_method(X, setSize(300,200), _),
- java_method(X, setBackground(Blue), _),
- java_method(X, setForeground(White), _),
- java_method(X, setTitle('Prolog Cafe'), _),
- java_constructor('java.awt.BorderLayout', Border),
- java_method(X, setLayout(Border), _),
- java_get_field('java.awt.Font', 'BOLD', Bold),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Font'('Helvetica', Bold, 12), F1),
- java_method(X, setFont(F1), _),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Button'('A Prolog to Java Translator'), B1),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Button'('Prolog Cafe'), B2),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Button'('Prolog'), B3),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Button'('Java'), B4),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Button'('produced by M.Banbara and N.Tamura'), B5),
- java_method(X, add('North', B1),_),
- java_method(X, add('Center', B2),_),
- java_method(X, add('West', B3),_),
- java_method(X, add('East', B4),_),
- java_method(X, add('South', B5),_),
- java_get_field('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', True),
- java_method(X, setVisible(True), _).
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deleted file mode 100644
index a77e87a..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-% File :
-% Authors: Mutsunori Banbara (
-% Updated: 14 February 2008
-% Purpose: java.awt.Frame
-% Usage :
-% % plcafe -cp frame.jar
-% ?- main.
-main :-
- java_constructor('java.awt.Frame', X),
- java_method(X, setSize(200,200), _),
- java_get_field('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', True),
- java_method(X, setVisible(True), _).
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deleted file mode 100644
index a5e88ec..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-% File :
-% Authors: Mutsunori Banbara (
-% Updated: 15 May 2008
-% Purpose: Graphics
-% Usage :
-% % plcafe -cp paint.jar
-% ?- main.
-% or
-% % plcafe -cp paint.jar -t main
-% Main
-main :-
- start,
- repeat,
- write('Simple Graphical Examples (bye. to quit)'), nl,
- tab(4), write('Example: ex1.'), nl,
- tab(4), write('Example: ex2.'), nl,
- tab(4), write('Example: ex3.'), nl, nl,
- write('|: '), flush_output,
- read(Cmd),
- do(Cmd),
- !.
-do(X) :- var(X), !, fail.
-do(bye) :- !, stop.
-do(quit) :- !, stop.
-do(end_of_file) :- !, stop.
-do(Cmd) :-
- statistics(runtime, _),
- call(Cmd),
- statistics(runtime, [_,T]),
- tab(3), write('Time = '), write(T), write(' msec'), nl, nl,
- fail.
-%%% Example 1
-ex1 :- init, ex1(30).
-ex1(N) :-
- integer(N),
- R is random*255,
- G is random*255,
- B is random*255,
- setColor(rgb(R,G,B)),
- getCenter(Cx, Cy),
- for(I, -N, N),
- X1 is Cx+I*5,
- Y1 is Cy+N*5,
- X2 is Cx+N*5,
- Y2 is Cy-I*5,
- drawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2),
- A1 is Cx-I*5,
- B1 is Cy-N*5,
- A2 is Cx-N*5,
- B2 is Cy+I*5,
- drawLine(A1, B1, A2, B2),
- fail.
-%%% Example 2
-ex2 :- init, ex2(6).
-ex2(N) :-
- integer(N),
- for(I, 1, N),
- M is I*5,
- ex1(M),
- fail.
-%%% Example 3
-ex3 :- init, ex3(100).
-ex3(N) :-
- integer(N),
- getCenter(Cx, Cy),
- R is random*255,
- G is random*255,
- B is random*255,
- setColor(rgb(R,G,B)),
- for(I, 1, N),
- X is round(Cx-I*3/2),
- Y is round(Cy-I*3/2),
- W is I*3,
- H is I*3,
- drawOval(X, Y, W, H),
- fail.
-%%% Utilities
-for(I, I, N) :- I =< N.
-for(I, J, N) :- J < N, J1 is J+1, for(I, J1, N).
-% Start, Init, and Stop
-:- dynamic current_image/1, current_canvas/1, current_frame/1.
-:- dynamic current_color/2, current_font/3.
-start :- start(350, 350), init.
-start(Width, Height) :-
- integer(Width),
- integer(Height),
- retractall(current_frame(_)),
- retractall(current_canvas(_)),
- retractall(current_image(_)),
- retractall(current_color(_,_)),
- retractall(current_font(_,_,_)),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Frame', Frame),
- java_constructor('java.awt.BorderLayout', Border),
- java_method(Frame, setLayout(Border), _),
- java_method(Frame, setSize(Width,Height), _),
- java_method(Frame, setTitle('Simple Graphical Examples'), _),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Canvas', Canvas),
- java_method(Frame, add('Center', Canvas), _),
- java_get_field('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', True),
- java_method(Frame, setVisible(True), _),
- java_method(Canvas, getWidth, CW),
- java_method(Canvas, getHeight, CH),
- java_method(Canvas, createImage(CW,CH), Image),
- assertz(current_frame(Frame)),
- assertz(current_canvas(Canvas)),
- assertz(current_image(Image)).
-init :-
- setColor(black),
- setBackground(white),
- setFont(dialog, italic, 12),
- getSize(W, H),
- clearRect(0, 0, W, H).
-stop :-
- current_frame(Frame),
- java_get_field('java.lang.Boolean', 'FALSE', F),
- java_method(Frame, setVisible(F), _).
-% Size
-getHeight(X) :-
- current_canvas(C),
- java_method(C, getHeight, X).
-getWidth(X) :-
- current_canvas(C),
- java_method(C, getWidth, X).
-getCenter(X, Y) :-
- getWidth(W),
- getHeight(H),
- X is (W+1)//2,
- Y is (H+1)//2.
-getSize(X, Y) :-
- getWidth(X),
- getHeight(Y).
-% Graphics
-get_graphics(Gra, Canvas) :-
- current_canvas(Canvas),
- java_method(Canvas, getGraphics, Gra).
-get_image_graphics(ImgGra, Image) :-
- current_image(Image),
- java_method(Image, getGraphics, ImgGra).
-paint(Function) :-
- get_graphics(Gra, Canvas),
- get_image_graphics(ImgGra, Image),
- java_method(Gra, Function, _),
- java_method(ImgGra, Function, _),
- java_method(Gra, drawImage(Image,0,0,Canvas), _).
-repaint :-
- get_graphics(Gra, Canvas),
- get_image_graphics(_, Image),
- java_method(Gra, drawImage(Image,0,0,Canvas), _).
-% Drawing Functions
-clearRect(X, Y, Width, Height) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- paint(clearRect(X,Y,Width,Height)).
-drawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) :-
- integer(X1), integer(Y1), integer(X2), integer(Y2),
- paint(drawLine(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)).
-drawString(Str, X, Y) :-
- atom(Str), integer(X), integer(Y),
- paint(drawString(Str,X,Y)).
-drawOval(X, Y, Width, Height) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- paint(drawOval(X,Y,Width,Height)).
-fill3DRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Raise) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- boolean_map(Raise, Bool),
- paint(fill3DRect(X,Y,Width,Height,Bool)).
-drawRect(X, Y, Width, Height) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- paint(drawRect(X,Y,Width,Height)).
-fillRect(X, Y, Width, Height) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- paint(fillRect(X,Y,Width,Height)).
-draw3DRect(X, Y, Width, Height, Raise) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- boolean_map(Raise, Bool),
- paint(draw3DRect(X,Y,Width,Height,Bool)).
-fillOval(X, Y, Width, Height) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- paint(fillOval(X,Y,Width,Height)).
-drawArc(X, Y, Width, Height, StartAngle, ArcAngle) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- integer(StartAngle), integer(ArcAngle),
- paint(drawArc(X,Y,Width,Height,StartAngle,ArcAngle)).
-fillArc(X, Y, Width, Height, StartAngle, ArcAngle) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- integer(StartAngle), integer(ArcAngle),
- paint(fillArc(X,Y,Width,Height,StartAngle,ArcAngle)).
-drawRoundRect(X, Y, Width, Height, ArcWidth, ArcHeight) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- integer(ArcWidth), integer(ArcHeight),
- paint(drawRoundRect(X,Y,Width,Height,ArcWidth,ArcHeight)).
-fillRoundRect(X, Y, Width, Height, ArcWidth, ArcHeight) :-
- integer(X), integer(Y), integer(Width), integer(Height),
- integer(ArcWidth), integer(ArcHeight),
- paint(fillRoundRect(X,Y,Width,Height,ArcWidth,ArcHeight)).
-% Color
-setColor(Co) :- color_map(Co, Obj), !,
- current_canvas(Canvas),
- java_method(Canvas, setForeground(Obj), _),
- retractall(current_color(_,_)),
- assertz(current_color(Co, Obj)).
-setColor(Co) :-
- findall(Co, color(Co), Domain),
- throw(domain_error(setColor(Co),1,['rgb(R,G,B)'|Domain],Co)).
-setBackground(Co) :- color_map(Co, Obj), !,
- current_canvas(Canvas),
- java_method(Canvas, setBackground(Obj), _).
-setBackground(Co) :-
- findall(Co, color(Co), Domain),
- throw(domain_error(setBackground(Co),1,['rgb(R,G,B)'|Domain],Co)).
-color_map(Co, Obj) :- color(Co), !,
- java_get_field('java.awt.Color', Co, Obj).
-color_map(Co, Obj) :-
- Co = rgb(X,Y,Z),
- R is round(X), 0 =< R, R =< 255,
- G is round(Y), 0 =< G, G =< 255,
- B is round(Z), 0 =< B, B =< 255,
- !,
- java_constructor('java.awt.Color'(R,G,B), Obj).
-% Font
-setFont(Font, Style, Size) :- font_map(Font, Style, Size, Obj), !,
- current_canvas(Canvas),
- java_method(Canvas, setFont(Obj), _),
- retractall(current_font(_,_,_)),
- assertz(current_font(Font,Style,Size)).
-setFont(Font, Style, Size) :-
- findall(F, font(F), Domain),
- throw(domain_error(setFont(Font, Style, Size),1,Domain,Font)).
-font_map(Font, Style, Size, Obj) :-
- integer(Size),
- font(Font, F),
- font_style(Style, St),
- java_constructor('java.awt.Font'(F, St, Size), Obj).
-font(helvetica, 'Helvetica').
-font(times_roman, 'TimesRoman').
-font(courier, 'Courier').
-font(dialog, 'Dialog').
-font(dialog_input, 'DialogInput').
-font_style(plain, 0).
-font_style(bold, 1).
-font_style(italic, 2).
-% Boolean
-boolean_map(Bool, Obj) :-
- boolean(Bool, B),
- java_get_field('java.lang.Boolean', B, Obj).
-boolean(true, 'TRUE').
-boolean(false, 'FALSE').
-%%% END
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index 8b21eb1..0000000
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-% File :
-% Updated: 14 February 2008
-% Purpose: N-Queen Puzzle (posed by Franz Nauch, 1850)
-queens(N,Qs) :-
- range(1,N,Ns),
- queens(Ns,[],Qs).
-queens(UnplacedQs,SafeQs,Qs) :-
- select(UnplacedQs,UnplacedQs1,Q),
- not_attack(SafeQs,Q),
- queens(UnplacedQs1,[Q|SafeQs],Qs).
-not_attack(Xs,X) :-
- not_attack(Xs,X,1).
-not_attack([],_,_) :- !.
-not_attack([Y|Ys],X,N) :-
- X =\= Y+N, X =\= Y-N,
- N1 is N+1,
- not_attack(Ys,X,N1).
-select([Y|Ys],[Y|Zs],X) :- select(Ys,Zs,X).
-range(N,N,[N]) :- !.
-range(M,N,[M|Ns]) :-
- M < N,
- M1 is M+1,
- range(M1,N,Ns).
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index 0c15dd1..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-% File :
-% Authors: Naoyuki Tamura (
-% Mutsunori Banbara (
-% Updated: 26 May 2008
-% Purpose: Multi-thread execution
-% Usage :
-% % plcafe -cp queens.jar
-% ?- [thread].
-% ?- main.
-% or
-% % plcafe -cp thread.jar:queens.jar
-% ?- main.
-main :-
- statistics(runtime, _),
- start,
- statistics(runtime, [_,T]),
- write('Time = '), write(T),
- write(' msec.'), nl.
-start :-
- G1 = (queens(10, X), write(X), nl),
- msg(start1 = G1),
- start(G1, E1),
- G2 = (queens(8, Y), write(Y), nl),
- msg(start2 = G2),
- start(G2, E2),
- loop(G1, E1, G2, E2),
- stop(E1),
- stop(E2),
- msg(end).
-loop(G1, E1, G2, E2) :-
- in_failure(E1),
- in_failure(E2),
- !.
-loop(G1, E1, G2, E2) :-
- in_success(E1),
- !,
- cont(E1),
- loop(G1, E1, G2, E2).
-loop(G1, E1, G2, E2) :-
- in_success(E2),
- !,
- cont(E2),
- loop(G1, E1, G2, E2).
-loop(G1, E1, G2, E2) :-
- msg(waiting),
- sleep(5),
- loop(G1, E1, G2, E2).
-msg(Msg) :-
- write(Msg), nl, flush_output.
-%% Utilities
-start(G, Engine) :-
- java_constructor0('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.PrologControl', Engine),
- java_method0(Engine, setPredicate(G), _),
- java_method0(Engine, start, _).
-in_success(Engine) :-
- java_get_field0('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', T),
- java_method(Engine, in_success, T).
-in_failure(Engine) :-
- java_get_field0('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', T),
- java_method(Engine, in_failure, T).
-ready(Engine) :-
- java_get_field0('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', T),
- java_method(Engine, ready, T).
-cont(Engine) :- java_method0(Engine, cont, _).
-join(Engine) :- java_method0(Engine, join, _).
-stop(Engine) :- java_method0(Engine, stop, _).
-sleep(N) :- java_method('java.lang.Thread', sleep(N), _).
-%result(Engine, Result) :- java_method0(Engine, next, Result).
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deleted file mode 100644
index 01280f4..0000000
--- a/examples/plcafe/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-% File :
-% Authors: Mutsunori Banbara (
-% Naoyuki Tamura (
-% Updated: 26 May 2008
-% Purpose: Multi-thread execution
-% Usage :
-% % plcafe -cp queens.jar
-% ?- [thread2].
-% ?- main.
-% or
-% % plcafe -cp thread2.jar:queens.jar
-% ?- main.
-main :-
- statistics(runtime, _),
- start,
- statistics(runtime, [_,T]),
- write('Time = '), write(T),
- write(' msec.'), nl.
-start :-
- G1 = (queens(10, X), write(X), nl, fail),
- msg(start1 = G1),
- start(G1, E1),
- G2 = (queens(8, Y), write(Y), nl, fail),
- msg(start2 = G2),
- start(G2, E2),
- join(E1),
- join(E2),
- stop(E1),
- stop(E2),
- msg(end).
-msg(Msg) :-
- write(Msg), nl, flush_output.
-%% Utilities
-start(G, Engine) :-
- java_constructor0('com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.PrologControl', Engine),
- java_method0(Engine, setPredicate(G), _),
- java_method0(Engine, start, _).
-in_success(Engine) :-
- java_get_field0('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', T),
- java_method(Engine, in_success, T).
-in_failure(Engine) :-
- java_get_field0('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', T),
- java_method(Engine, in_failure, T).
-ready(Engine) :-
- java_get_field0('java.lang.Boolean', 'TRUE', T),
- java_method(Engine, ready, T).
-cont(Engine) :- java_method0(Engine, cont, _).
-join(Engine) :- java_method0(Engine, join, _).
-stop(Engine) :- java_method0(Engine, stop, _).
-sleep(N) :- java_method('java.lang.Thread', sleep(N), _).
-%result(Engine, Result) :- java_method0(Engine, next, Result).