blob: 38a7c47d01263b9323bac9bfe69b3760744beacf [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
The complete set of authors may be found at
The complete set of contributors may be found at
Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
* @fileoverview This file is a backwards-compatibility shim. Before Polymer
* converted to ES Modules, it wrote its API out onto the global Polymer
* object. The *_bridge.js files (like this one) maintain compatibility
* with that API.
* This file specifically is the root bridge file, as it ensures that
* calls to certain goog.* methods will work even if
* //javascript/closure:base is not loaded.
import '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/boot.js';
import './require_shim.js';
* @suppress {visibility} goog.isInEs6ModuleLoader_ This is for debug-mode code
* to work with HTML Imports + native ES module loading.
function polyfillDeclareNamespace() {
// For code that doesn't compile or use the goog debug loader, we need to stub
// out goog.declareModuleId
// We only use it for ordering and strict deps checking, and when loaded
// uncompiled with pure HTML Imports and ES modules, we don't need either of
// these.
// This is a wrapper around goog.declareModuleId that is a no-op if
// this code is loaded through native ES modules
// (almost certainly via HTML Imports) rather than the closure debug
// loader, but should behave exactly the same when compiled.
// Note that combining HTML Imports with the closure debug loader
// has never been supported, and would always result in duplicated code.
// This is introducing another way that this could happen, but hopefully
// this will not affect anyone who was already working.
let realDeclareModuleId = && || (() => {});
const lenientDeclareModuleId = function(id) {
if (!goog.isInEs6ModuleLoader_()) {
// The real declareNamespace would throw. Don't do that.
return realDeclareModuleId(id);
if ( {
// Closure base already loaded, this is the happy normal case. Just
// make declareModuleId more lenient.
goog.declareModuleId = lenientDeclareModuleId;
} else {
// Closure base is not loaded. We need to handle two cases here:
// - the case where closure base will be loaded later
// - the case where Polymer core's usage is the only usage of
// closure base in the whole program
// Bootstrap parts of goog that lenientDeclareModuleId needs. = () => {
return false;
// Ensure that declareModuleId is lenient even if goog is loaded
// later.
Object.defineProperty(, 'declareModuleId', {
get() {
return lenientDeclareModuleId;
set(newRealDeclareModuleId) {
realDeclareModuleId = newRealDeclareModuleId;
return lenientDeclareModuleId;
if (!COMPILED) {
const userPolymer = window.Polymer;
* @namespace Polymer
* @summary Polymer is a lightweight library built on top of the web
* standards-based Web Components API's, and makes it easy to build your
* own custom HTML elements.
* @param {!PolymerInit} info Prototype for the custom element. It must contain
* an `is` property to specify the element name. Other properties populate
* the element prototype. The `properties`, `observers`, `hostAttributes`,
* and `listeners` properties are processed to create element features.
* @return {function(new:HTMLElement)} Returns a custom element class for the
* given provided prototype `info` object. The name of the element is
* given by ``.
window.Polymer = function(info) {
return window.Polymer._polymerFn(info);
// support user settings on the Polymer object
if (userPolymer) {
Object.assign(Polymer, userPolymer);
// To be plugged by legacy implementation if loaded
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* @param {!PolymerInit} info Prototype for the custom element. It must contain
* an `is` property to specify the element name. Other properties populate
* the element prototype. The `properties`, `observers`, `hostAttributes`,
* and `listeners` properties are processed to create element features.
* @return {function(new:HTMLElement)} Returns a custom element class for the given provided
* prototype `info` object. The name of the element if given by ``.
Polymer._polymerFn = function(info) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
throw new Error('Load polymer.html to use the Polymer() function.');
/* eslint-enable */