Do not get HttpServletRequest in SSH and SendMail threads

When asking for the canonical web url in a SSH or SendMail
thread it isn't useful to request the HttpServletRequest and
cause Guice exceptions: it is way better to just give up and
accept the default behaviour in Gerrit.

Also, when the HttpServletRequest cannot be obtained
the Guice exception to manage is ProvisionException.

Change-Id: Ife5f71285a91c95b161aeb2ce4684ba2261d1aa6
1 file changed
tree: e63c5af05ec0cd309a790c8590410ed5748e5584
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. BUILD

Gerrit VirtualHost

Gerrit lib module to split the projects' space into virtual hosts similarly of what you would do with an HTTP Server and different domain names.

How to build

Build this module as it was a Gerrit plugin:

  • Clone Gerrit source tree
  • Clone the virtualhost source tree
  • Link the virtualhost directory to Gerrit /plugins/virtualhost
  • From Gerrit source tree run bazel build plugins/virtualhost
  • The virtualhost.jar module is generated under /bazel-genfiles/plugins/virtualhost/

How install

Copy virtualhost.jar library to Gerrit /lib and add the following two extra settings to gerrit.config:

  installModule = com.gerritforge.gerrit.modules.virtualhost.GuiceModule

  filterClass = com.gerritforge.gerrit.modules.virtualhost.VirtualHostFilter

Propagation of the X-Forwarded-Host Header:

When Gerrit is hidden behind multiple service layers (eg. reverse-proxy and load balancer), it is essential to ensure the propagation from the upstream proxy of the header X-Forwarded-Host from the upstream proxy.

How to define virtual hosts

/etc/virtualhost.config contains the definition of the virtual hosts and the set of projects included.

Each server section defines a virtual host and contains a set of projects included. Projects are defined using Gerrit ref-matching expressions and can be repeated multiple times to include multiple matchers.

Example to include all the projects starting with team1/ and the ones starting with the username:

[server ""]
  projects = team1/*
  projects = ${username}/*

Default host

For all the other server names that are not defined and for SSH access, there is a special default section that lists of visible projects.

Example to include all the projects by default:

  projects = ^.*