Provides a way to sync accounts from an external Gerrit system. This library overrides the Accounts cache implementation from core and loads accounts from an external Gerrit system using /accounts/ REST APIs. Upon fetching the account info from external Gerrit API, account is saved into NoteDb and re-indexed. If the external Gerrit API fails to return the account, the cache falls back to the accounts stored in NoteDb.

Clone this repo:


  1. c5ea4eb Use singleton scope for AccountCacheImpl class by Prakash Aswal · 6 weeks ago master
  2. feff8ba Add Intellij generated project files to git ignore list by Prakash Aswal · 5 months ago
  3. c0ffb0b Add support for gerrit v3.10.1-596-g83d0243eef or later by Prakash Aswal · 5 months ago
  4. c00261a Add AccountCacheImpl.AccountCacheBindingModule by Prakash Aswal · 10 months ago
  5. 436b6f4 Add Jenkinsfile for module verification by Prudhvi Akhil Alahari · 1 year, 5 months ago


The remote-gerrit-account-cache lib provides a way to sync accounts from a remote Gerrit system. This library overrides the Accounts cache implementation from core and loads accounts from a remote Gerrit system using /accounts/ REST APIs. Upon fetching the account info from the remote Gerrit REST API, the account is saved into NoteDb and re-indexed. If the remote Gerrit REST API fails to return the account, the cache falls back to the account stored in NoteDb.

The HTTP user needs to have ‘View All Accounts’, ‘Modify Account’ and ‘View Secondary Emails’ Capabilities in remote gerrit site inorder to fetch account details using /accounts/{account-id}/detail and /accounts/{account-id}/external.ids REST APIs.

The remote REST APIs fired from this lib module are rate limited to 8 per second. This can be changed with a config if needed.

Test scenarios:

Add new email

Add new email address for a user in the remote Gerrit site. The new email address must be visible on the internal site either after accounts cache expiry or flushing the accounts cache.

Update preferred email

Update preferred email for a user in the remote Gerrit site. The update must be visible on the internal site either after accounts cache expiry or flushing the accounts cache.

Delete an email

Delete an email for a user in the remote Gerrit site. The update must be visible on the internal site either after accounts cache expiry or flushing the accounts cache.

Add a new account

Add a new account in the remote Gerrit site. The new account must be visible on the internal site whenever the new account is queried for.

Delete an account

Delete an account in the remote Gerrit site. The internal Gerrit site continues to return the account as it falls-back to NoteDB when /accounts/ API fails to return an account.

Accounts cache timeout

The entries in the accounts cache must be evicted after maxAge duration reaches.

API throttling

The remote REST APIs must be throttled based on the requestsPerSecond gerrit setting.

How to build

This libModule is built like a Gerrit in-tree plugin, using Bazelisk.

Build in Gerrit tree Create a symbolic link of the repository source to the Gerrit source tree /plugins/remote-gerrit-account-cache directory.


git clone
git clone
cd gerrit/plugins
ln -s ../../remote-gerrit-account-cache .

From the Gerrit source tree issue the command bazelisk build plugins/remote-gerrit-account-cache


bazelisk build plugins/remote-gerrit-account-cache

The libModule jar file is created under bazel-bin/plugins/remote-gerrit-account-cache/remote-gerrit-account-cache.jar

To execute the tests run bazelisk test plugins/remote-gerrit-account-cache/... from the Gerrit source tree.


bazelisk test plugins/remote-gerrit-account-cache/...

How to import into Eclipse as a project

Add remote-gerrit-account-cache in the CUSTOM_PLUGINS section of the tools/bzl/plugins.bzl.



Run tools/eclipse/ for generating or updating the Eclipse project.

How to install

Copy the remote-gerrit-account-cache.jar into the ${GERRIT_SITE}/lib/ so that it is being loaded when the Gerrit instance is started. Note that the following configuration options need to be added.


Section gerrit


AccountCache module which will be overriding the core AccountCache implementation. By default, unset.


    installModule = com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.remotegerritaccountcache.AccountCacheImpl$AccountCacheModule

Section remote-gerrit-account-cache


The remote Gerrit site base URL. By default, unset.


    remoteGerritBaseUrl =


The remote Gerrit site HTTP username. By default, unset.


    httpUsername = example


The remote Gerrit site HTTP password. By default, unset.


    httpPassword = ***


The maximum rate at which the remote REST APIs are fired. By default, set to 8 per second.


    requestsPerSecond = 10

Section cache


Maximum age to keep an entry in the accounts cache. By default, the entries in accounts cache expire in a day.


[cache "accounts"]
    maxAge = 1d


Duration after which account cache entries are eligible for asynchronous refresh. By default, set to 23h.


[cache "accounts"]
    refreshAfterWrite = 23h