Enable cache-chroniclemap to run on Java 21

With Chronicle 25, OpenHFT has introduced official support for Java 21,
which we’re adopting here to allow cache-chroniclemap to run an a Gerrit
3.11 on Java 21[1].

Since Chronicle 24, OpenHFT has limited Maven Central to early access
(ea) releases, with stable releases now exclusive to customers with a
support agreement [2]. As a result, 3.23.5 is the latest stable release
publicly available on Maven Central [3].

Per OpenHFT guidance [2]:

``` Many organizations use the ‘ea’ release in production, as this
contains the latest functionality and fixes.  ```

Following this recommendation, we’re updating to the latest ea release
in the Chronicle 25 series, which is the earliest version to introduce
Java 21 support.

[1] https://chronicle.software/chronicle-25-whats-new-and-improved/
[2] https://github.com/OpenHFT/OpenHFT/blob/aa79b18031dbecfd6722aa285a495e87e2d016d5/docs/Version-Support.adoc#ea-early-access
[3] https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.openhft/chronicle-map

Bug: Issue 377724725
Change-Id: I40bcf7994798297ef371a1562ea4cd4df055901d
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD
index 0bd94de..6ffa789 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD
@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@
+        "@chronicle-affinity//jar",
+        "@chronicle-compiler//jar",
+        "@chronicle-posix//jar",
diff --git a/external_plugin_deps.bzl b/external_plugin_deps.bzl
index 38814dc..b6ad32e 100644
--- a/external_plugin_deps.bzl
+++ b/external_plugin_deps.bzl
@@ -1,48 +1,66 @@
 load("//tools/bzl:maven_jar.bzl", "maven_jar")
 # Ensure artifacts compatibility by selecting them from the Bill Of Materials
-# https://search.maven.org/artifact/net.openhft/chronicle-bom/2.22.150/pom
+# https://github.com/OpenHFT/OpenHFT/blob/chronicle-bom-2.25ea62/chronicle-bom/pom.xml
 def external_plugin_deps():
         name = "chronicle-map",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-map:3.22.8",
-        sha1 = "8fcedc5fdefb925fb9f5d955bc0998d6adb973b2",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-map:3.25ea6",
+        sha1 = "b5201c6e8722d69d707a42a619531229d82a0f0a",
         name = "chronicle-core",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-core:2.22.34",
-        sha1 = "c8832c23dd3524838bce9b699fb5db396a5ea1b5",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-core:2.25ea15",
+        sha1 = "c3cc7ee02da28f9bc43cf300af197206e31acd11",
         name = "chronicle-wire",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-wire:2.22.21",
-        sha1 = "181187a617c8cee763a930e666b0406f0f48ddb9",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-wire:2.25ea16",
+        sha1 = "145729b974cbd0258a94479b083e8ad545274d1c",
         name = "chronicle-bytes",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-bytes:2.22.24",
-        sha1 = "0869cc065566e2072c07d6afeff0e9e04ebb8bb8",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-bytes:2.25ea11",
+        sha1 = "60d3ba07f5917ad80b69c63cd0f7f8cf7e0d6370",
         name = "chronicle-algo",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-algorithms:2.22.3",
-        sha1 = "046a64262fa2ded35160e4ae36a3b7cdb6bd2e04",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-algorithms:2.25ea0",
+        sha1 = "f500a074fbd1ebbbc1a7bdf55fe89363526de577",
         name = "chronicle-values",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-values:2.22.2",
-        sha1 = "cce7f3d9b7c7f5d87b4d1bfd9a4b8183b598637d",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-values:2.25ea4",
+        sha1 = "5566b027e255d68528106f9e8ccfbff00245858a",
         name = "chronicle-threads",
-        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-threads:2.22.15",
-        sha1 = "f475b5a414c8010d187e6f1e4570fa566dbc0067",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:chronicle-threads:2.25ea7",
+        sha1 = "483b68e6345a4d503812ba6ada1678cbf2ca4a33",
+    )
+    maven_jar(
+        name = "chronicle-compiler",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:compiler:2.25ea3",
+        sha1 = "1131e8938c24396f814302e50749f31d83149e53",
+    )
+    maven_jar(
+        name = "chronicle-affinity",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:affinity:3.23.3",
+        sha1 = "95700a7cc8ba3f47b9ab744f6f2862f6eb19995c",
+    )
+    maven_jar(
+        name = "chronicle-posix",
+        artifact = "net.openhft:posix:2.25ea0",
+        sha1 = "e28bc0ce9989513e53cc7514f5886ee002606f39",
@@ -53,13 +71,12 @@
         name = "jna-platform",
-        artifact = "net.java.dev.jna:jna-platform:5.12.1",
-        sha1 = "097406a297c852f4a41e688a176ec675f72e8329",
+        artifact = "net.java.dev.jna:jna-platform:5.5.0",
+        sha1 = "af38e7c4d0fc73c23ecd785443705bfdee5b90bf",
         name = "dev-jna",
-        artifact = "net.java.dev.jna:jna:5.12.1",
-        sha1 = "b1e93a735caea94f503e95e6fe79bf9cdc1e985d",
+        artifact = "net.java.dev.jna:jna:5.5.0",
+        sha1 = "0e0845217c4907822403912ad6828d8e0b256208",