Allow to specify number of entries in auto-adjust-caches

When running the auto-adjust-caches command, either via SSH or via HTTP,
it is not possible to specify the maximum number of entries for the
resulting cache.

This means, that the maximum number of entries allowed in the cache
cannot be accommodated to make room for caches that are increasing in

Introduce the `max-entries` parameter to tell the auto-adjust-caches
the maximum number of entries desired in the resulting auto-tuned cache.

When the parameter is not specified, auto-adjust-caches takes care of
increasing the number of `maxEntries`, in case the current utilization
goes over 50% threshold.

Bug: Issue 15412
Change-Id: I0ff43060a8fd2e22c3a60d11dcec1f875ba45e6e
6 files changed
tree: 81f1871df960ddefe73a3f45d2bd54c2b0ef0664
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. BUILD
  4. external_plugin_deps.bzl
  5. Jenkinsfile

Persistent cache for Gerrit, based on ChronicleMap

Non-blocking and super-fast on-disk cache libModule for Gerrit Code Review based on ChronicleMap on-disk implementation.

How to build

This libModule is built like a Gerrit in-tree plugin, using Bazelisk. See the build instructions for more details.


  • Install cache-chronicalmap module

Install the chronicle-map module into the $GERRIT_SITE/lib directory.

Add the cache-chroniclemap module to $GERRIT_SITE/etc/gerrit.config as follows:

  installModule = com.googlesource.gerrit.modules.cache.chroniclemap.ChronicleMapCacheModule

For further information and supported options, refer to config documentation.

Migration from H2 caches

You can check how to migrate from H2 to chronicle-map here.