[Operator] Update README to mention enforced Gerrit configuration

Change-Id: I99103ac82578f131a3d2dce7c3669f6b108ffaad
diff --git a/operator/README.md b/operator/README.md
index aee956a..e84cc27 100644
--- a/operator/README.md
+++ b/operator/README.md
@@ -407,13 +407,10 @@
     gerrit.config: |-
-          basePath = git
           serverId = gerrit-1
-          canonicalWebUrl = http://example.com/
           disableReverseDnsLookup = true
           type = LUCENE
-          onlineUpgrade = false
@@ -431,9 +428,6 @@
           directory = cache
-          user = gerrit
-          javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk
-          javaOptions = -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/var/gerrit/etc/keystore
           javaOptions = -Xms200m
           javaOptions = -Xmx4g
@@ -443,6 +437,45 @@
   # - gerrit-secure-config
+#### Prohibited options in gerrit.config
+Some options in the gerrit.config are not allowed to be changed. Their values
+are preset by the containers/Kubernetes. The operator will configure those options
+automatically and won't allow different values, i.e. it will fail to reconcile
+if a value is set to an illegal value. These options are:
+- `container.javaHome`
+    This has to be set to `/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64`, since this is
+    the path of the Java installation in the container.
+- `container.javaOptions = -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore`
+    The keystore will be mounted to `/var/gerrit/etc/keystore`.
+- `container.replica`
+    This has to be set in the Gerrit-CustomResource under `spec.isReplica`.
+- `container.user`
+    The technical user in the Gerrit container is called `gerrit`.
+- `gerrit.basePath`
+    The git repositories are mounted to `/var/gerrit/git` in the container.
+- `gerrit.canonicalWebUrl`
+    The canonical web URL has to be set to the hostname used by the Ingress/Istio.
+- `index.onlineUpgrade`
+    Online reindexing is currently **NOT** supported. An offline reindexing will
+    be enforced upon Gerrit updates. Online reindexing might under some circum-
+    stances interfere with the Gerrit pod startup procedure and thus has to be
+    deactivated.
 ### GitGarbageCollection