blob: 123eea99edf0c6637569cc8e1570d061d05142b3 [file] [log] [blame]
A ReviewDB has been deployed.
A {{ if .Values.mysql.enabled -}} MySQL {{- end }} database has been deployed and
initialized to serve a ReviewDB-database.
{{ if .Values.isSlave -}}
The components to initialize database replication have been deployed. To start
initialization the Job needs a database dump containing the master's data. Use
the following command to make the database dump available to the job:
JOB_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=mysql-replication-init -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl cp <PATH_TO_DUMP> ${JOB_POD}:{{ .Values.mysql.replication.dbDumpAcceptPath }}
Depending on the size of the database the initialization will take a while. When
finished the job will shut down.
{{- end }}